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0-6岁*故事 | 了不起的妈妈们 AMAZING MOMMIES


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“马利亚,因为你对主忠心,祂已经看顾你,使你怀上祂的独生子。” 天使回答道。



*** 英文版 ********


Mother’s Day is a great time to remind the children how mothers are special. This story is about some mothers found in the Bible, who we honor and remember for whom they really are: amazing mommies.


Family, Mother's Day


Approximately 10 minutesA long time ago, when God first created the world, it was just the land and sea and the animals that lived there. Then God decided to create the first man, who he named Adam. Adam became the companion and friend of many animals.

One day, God decided that Adam needed a different kind of companion. So He put Adam to sleep and pulled a rib from his body to help form a woman. God created the woman especially for Adam, and she was perfect. Adam loved her and named her Eve. She became the first mother and named her first two sons Cain and Abel. Later, she had another son and named him Seth. This first woman and wife of Adam was very special because she was created out of the first man on earth.

Many hundreds of years later, after Eve, another special woman came along. We know her as Sarai, the wife of Abraham. Sarai was a faithful wife and she loved the Lord very much. According to the Bible though, Sarai was very old, as old as or even older than any grandmother we know, and she didn’t have any children. But one day God told Abraham that he will be the father of all nations through his wife Sarai who was going to give birth to a son shortly.

God promised Abraham that his sons will be as many as the stars in the sky and the sand on the sea. Sarai was concerned because she knew that she was too old to bear a child, let alone be the mother of countless children. She looked at herself and counted the folds in her old skin.

“It’s impossible, I am just too old,” Sarai laughed at the thought.

But God, who created all things out of nothing said to Abraham, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time, and Sarai will have a son.”

After many weeks and months, God fulfilled his promise by letting Sarai bear her first child, who they named Isaac. After Isaac was born, Sarai praised and loved the Lord more because of the blessing of a son. Sarai will always remind us of God’s promise, that we can be one of the many children that God calls his sons and daughters.

Many years passed after Sarai gave birth to Isaac. One year, two years, three years, and hundreds of years afterwards, an angel of the Lord came to visit another amazing woman. Her name was Mary. She was destined to become the wife of a young man named Joseph. But before she could marry him, Gabriel the angel told Mary that God will bless her by having a really, really, special son.

“How can this be?” she asked the angel.

“Mary, since you are faithful to the Lord, He has favored you to bear His one and only Son,” the angel replied.

And so Mary, because she was special, became the amazing mother of the one we call the King of all Kings, Lord of all Lords, and most of all, Savior of mankind. When Mary gave birth to Him, she put Him in a manger, yet all the angels in Heaven rejoiced with praises and singing. Magis came and gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Mary felt so blessed and special because of her child. Can you guess Mary’s son’s name?

God blessed us all through these amazing mommies. First God gave us Eve, then He created many special mommies finally ending with Mary, the mother of Jesus. And there are many more amazing mommies in the Bible. Because God blessed many women, we can be thankful that he also blessed us to have mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters who love us and care for us in so many ways.



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