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*** 英文版 *******
Showing God's Love
A young girl shows how much she loves God by putting Jesus first in her life.
TOPICS:Caring, Following Jesus, Godliness, Love, Pleasing God DURATION:Approximately 8 minutesMargaret was waiting anxiously for her best friend to come over to play. All she could do was limp back and forth from her bedroom to peek out the window next to the front door. |
Her mother was so happy. Finally, someone was coming over to play with her daughter. It had been weeks since anyone had come for a visit. Three weeks earlier Margaret had foot surgery. She was born with her feet turned around, and it had become painful for her to walk. At her young age of 6, all she really wanted to do was run and play, like the other kids, without pain in her feet and legs. A visit from a friend would certainly cheer her up.
There were people from church who showed kindness to Margaret and her family after the surgery. Some brought yummy food for her family to share. Other young friends and their families brought balloons and cards or special treats to her, but it didn't seem to be enough to fill her loneliness.
Poor little Margaret was especially sad because her best friend from kindergarten had moved away one week before her surgery. She hadn’t seen Sarah since, and she was the only true friend Margaret had. Sarah was such a sweet little girl who in spite of Margaret’s handicap would always hold her hand as they walked back and forth to school. They would read together under a nice shady tree and have endless picnics during the summer time. Margaret missed her very much.
Sarah knew what it meant to love and help others, and to show that she cared. On one of those summer days when it was too hot to be outside, Sarah came over to Margaret’s house. They talked a long time. Margaret’s mother overheard the whole conversation and was surprised that such a young girl would know so much about God. Sarah told Margaret about how she learned in Bible School that she was supposed to put Jesus first in her life, with her words, her thoughts, and with her actions. She went on to say that when she puts Jesus first in those ways, she is showing other people how much she loves God.
It was something so real and amazing for Margaret’s mother to hear. Little Sarah had been such a great friend to her daughter. Although Margaret wasn’t able to run around and play like the other kids, she could tell Sarah really did love her, because she had a heart that loved God.
Once again, Margaret limped out from her bedroom and anxiously glanced out the window. There was Sarah, running up the driveway to see her. She had a big smile on her face.
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