这是一套在美国很受欢迎的教材,按年龄共分三部分:0-6岁学龄前儿童教程,6-12岁学龄儿童教程,和12岁以上青少年教程。我们将陆续翻译成中文,分享给大家。 这套教材里的每一篇,无论是教程还是各种活动,都独立成篇,没有先后顺序,大家可以按需要和负担选择使用。 *更多内容:thedoorofsheep.com/信仰课程
一个小女孩学会了在说话时要小心,以免她的朋友因她的话语而受伤。 如果需要图画书版本,请点击这里

*** 英文版 *******
Oh, Be Careful Little Tongue
A young girl learns to be careful with what she says, so her friends won't be hurt by her words. For storybook version Click here
TOPICS:Caring, Friendship, Kindness, Pleasing God DURATION:Approximately 15 minutesSusan wanted to go outside to play, but it was a very cold day. Her mommy said no for the third time. What was Susan supposed to do? She was so bored and really wanted to have fun! Maybe she could invite her friend Tracy to come over and play. Tracy’s mommy always stayed at home just like her mommy, so she thought this would be a great idea, especially since she couldn’t go outside. |
Susan’s mommy talked to Tracy’s mommy, who said they would be coming over as soon as they finished cleaning Tracy’s room. Susan thought about how exciting it would be to have Tracy come over and play dress up, make things with playdough, and have a tea party. They would have so much fun together.
Finally, it was time for Tracy to arrive. Susan opened the door to let her friend in the house and they ran off to her bedroom, leaving the mommies by themselves. The two little girls had so much fun picking out costumes and pretending they were in a fashion show. They dressed up with beautiful gowns, sparkly shoes, and tiaras fit for princesses. Then they paraded down the hall to show their mommies.
When they were going back to choose another outfit, Tracy noticed that Susan’s hair got really messy when she took off her tiara. Tracy said, “Susan, I think your hair looks very ugly! You should brush it or something.”
Susan didn’t know why Tracy was telling her such a mean thing, because her mommy had just brushed her hair that morning. She simply said, “I think my hair looks fine, let’s play something else now.”
Tracy wasn’t ready to stop talking about Susan’s hair. Instead, she continued to say mean things to her. Susan was very sad that her friend would be talking like that so she ran to her mommy and started crying on her shoulder.
“What is wrong dear? Why are you crying?” asked Susan’s mommy.
“Tracy says my hair is ugly, and that it looks like I never brush it. She said that she thinks my hair is stinky,” sobbed Susan.
Tracy’s mommy looked right at Tracy and asked her if it was true that she said such mean things to her friend. Tracy said she did, but that it was all true.
You see, Tracy was using her words in a bad way. She was not saying nice things to her friend and she ended up hurting Susan’s feelings. Susan’s hair was a bit messy because it got messed up when she took off the tiara, but her hair was not ugly or stinky. It was just a little messy. Tracy needed to learn that in order to keep friends, she must use her words in a nice way. She must learn that we have to be careful how we say things so we don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.
Tracy had a talk with her mommy. After a short time, she came back to Susan and said she was sorry for saying such mean things. She decided to say something nice instead, and they were able to continue playing. Tracy learned a valuable lesson that day. She learned to be careful what she says to her friends, so she will not hurt them with her words.
This story goes well with Putting Jesus First With Our Words (Lesson) Click here
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