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*** 英文版 *******
A Very Rich Young Man
A retelling of the story about a rich young man who wanted to follow Jesus. (Matthew 19: 13-22)
TOPICS:Following Jesus, Giving, Heaven, Pleasing God, Sharing DURATION:Approximately 10 minutesThe young man was so excited. He had heard that Jesus was going to be in town and he thought it would be great to meet Him. He had heard so many good things about Jesus and wanted to follow Him on His journeys. The young man wanted to listen to Jesus as He spoke about life, God, and so many wonderful things! |
As the young man walked closer to the crowd, he searched and searched and searched for Jesus. Finally his eyes found Him. He was standing between a whole bunch of people and talking about little children. Jesus wanted the little children to come to Him. The young man watched in wonder as Jesus walked through the crowd saying, “Let the little children come to me, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to them.” Then all the children ran up to Jesus and He placed His hands on each one of them.
Jesus was not worried about what the older people thought. Instead, He stopped what He was doing simply to let the children come close, so He could speak softly to them. The young man thought this was amazing. Now he wanted to follow Jesus more than ever.
He walked nearer to Jesus, a bit nervous, but he had to ask an important question. This may be his only chance to speak up. “Teacher,” he said. “What good thing must I do to get eternal life?” He thought this was a very good question.
Jesus said, “Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments.” His tone was much different now than it was with the children. But then this young man was much older.
He thought about Jesus’ answer for a moment and then asked, “which commandments, exactly?”
Jesus responded, “Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor you father and mother, and love your neighbor as yourself.”
The young man thought again about this and believed he was doing pretty well since he had followed all of those commandments since he was a little boy, kind of like the little children he had seen with Jesus earlier. But he thought there must be more. “I have kept all of these, what else do I need to do?” he asked.
Well, he was not ready for what Jesus said next. You see, this man was not only young, he was also very rich. He had a lot of things, a lot of money and he was not the kind of person who was willing to give them up.
Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give it to the poor and you will have treasure in Heaven. Then you can come and follow me.”
Yikes, this was a hard one! Not only did the young man feel like a bad guy because he had so much money, now even worse, he knew he would never be able to get into Heaven.
This was a very sad thing for this young man. He really wanted to follow Jesus and make sure he had a place in Heaven, but he wasn’t willing to give up the very thing that Jesus asked him to give up. The young man was thinking selfishly; he was not putting God first. He only wanted to know how he could get into Heaven on his own. The rich young man walked away that day with a frown on his face. He tried to think of other ways he could have eternal life, but he knew very well what he needed to do. He needed to give all of his material possessions away. The young man refused to do this though. Money and possessions were too important to him, so he did not make it to Heaven. He did not do what Jesus asked of him.
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