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0-6岁*游戏 | 三个智慧的建造者 THREE WISE BUILDERS


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愚拙, 寓言, 智慧



"三个智慧的建造者 "纸牌




上课前,打印出 "三个智慧的建造者"纸牌并剪下来。根据班上学生的数量,相应调整纸牌的数量。





- 如果孩子收到的纸牌上有棍子,他/她的房子就是用棍子做的。当大风暴来临时,他/她要狠狠地倒在地上。

- 如果孩子收到的纸牌上有沙子,他/她的房子就是用沙子做的。当大风暴来临时,他/她要慢慢萎缩在地上。

- 如果孩子收到的纸牌上有石头,他/她的房子就是用岩石做的。当大风暴来临时,他/她要坚强地站在那里不动。




我们要站成一个圈。我将选择一个孩子扮演大灰狼,但我们将称他/她为大风暴。当大家围成一个圈时,我会给你们每人一张牌。(向学生展示三种不同类型的纸牌,并演示如何表演出各种类型的纸牌)。你要看一下你的牌,然后把它朝下放在你的脚边,这样就不会有人看到你的房子是由什么做成的。(示范如何看一下纸牌并把它放在你的脚边。)不要给任何人看你的纸牌。如果你的纸牌上有一块石头,那么你就是三个智慧的建造者之一。Shhh! 不要告诉任何人。









*** 英文版 ********


Children will play a game to remind them to be wise builders and build their lives around Jesus. by Kristy Thornton

TOPICS: Foolishness, Parable, Wisdom

MATERIALS: Card stock, Scissors "Three Wise Builders" playing cards [PDF] Click here DURATION: Approximately 15 minutes

PREPARATION: Before class, print the "Three Wise Builders" playing cards and cut them out. Depending on the number of students in class, adjust the number of playing cards accordingly. WHAT YOU WILL DO: Have the children stand forming a circle. At the beginning of each game, shuffle all the cards and hand one playing card to each child. Inform the children not to show anyone their card. Select one student to be the Big Bad Storm. Demonstrate how to act out each card before the game begins. • If a child receives a card with sticks, his or her house is made out of sticks. He or she will fall crazily to the ground when the Big Bad Storm blows. • If a child receives a card with sand, his or her house is made out of sand. He or she will slowly shrivel to the ground when the Big Bad Storm blows. • If a child receives a card with rocks, his or her house is made out of rocks. He or she will stand strong and not move when the Big Bad Storm blows.

WHAT YOU WILL SAY: Jesus has told us exactly what to do to prepare us for when life gets hard. When the wind blows, rain falls, tornadoes come, and earthquakes shake. Would you be scared? (Let students answer.) Instead of being scared of the storm or even a mean friend or bully at school, we know that we can put our faith and trust in Jesus. By building our faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible, we will not be as scared when bad things come our way whether it is a true storm or a bad day with friends.

Raise your hand if you have heard the story about the Three Little Pigs. Out of the three pigs, only one of them was wise. The wise pig made sure his house was strong and wouldn’t move or shake. We are going to play a game based on the story of the Three Little Pigs, but instead of being pigs, we will be builders.

We are going to stand forming a circle. I will choose one child to start by playing the big bad wolf, but we will call him or her the Big Bad Storm. When everyone is in a circle, I will hand you a playing card. (Show students the three different types of cards and demonstrate how to act out each card type.) You will look at your card and then place it facing down at your feet so no one sees what your house is made of. (Demonstrate how to look at the card and put it at your feet.) Do not show anyone your card. If you have a rock on your card, then you are one of the three wise builders. Shhh! Don’t tell anyone.

The object of the game to is to see how many houses the Big Bad Storm can blow down before running into a house built on a rock, which will not move.

The Big Bad Storm will choose anyone standing in the circle, to walk up to, and pretend to knock on his or her door. We will use our hand as a door for the Storm to knock on.

The Big Bad Storm will say, “Knock, knock.” You will say, “Who is there?” The Big Bad Storm will say, “I am the Big Bad Storm. I am here to blow you down.” You will say, “You can’t blow me down.” The Big Bad Storm will say, “I will show you. I will huff and puff and blow your house down.”

Then, the Big Bad Storm will pretend to blow down your house. If you have a stick card, you will fall crazily to the ground. If you have a sand card, you will slowly shrivel to the ground. After your house gets blown down, you must remain seated on the ground until the game is over. However, if you have a rock card, you do not move and stand strong. Then, you will trade places and become the Big Bad Storm. The game starts over each time a house made of rocks is chosen. ——————

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