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耶稣的诞生, 礼物
- 宝盒/木箱/大型珠宝盒
- 几件假的金首饰或假金币
- 一瓶香水或古龙水
- 一支大的香味蜡烛(像肉桂或香草的独特气味--没有花香)。
- 包装纸和丝带/蝴蝶结
- 用毯子包裹的玩具娃娃或婴孩耶稣的照片
- 用来隐藏礼物的大盒子或袋子,以免被孩子们看到。
花时间收集所需材料,并尝试 "打扮 "它们,使其看起来像礼物。包装不一定要华丽精致,但可以让孩子们兴奋起来。然后,用一个大盒子或袋子把礼物放在看不见的地方,直到孩子们准备好开始活动。摆出马槽里的婴孩耶稣的图片,或者用毯子把玩具娃娃包成耶稣的样子,放在教室里显眼的位置。
说:"当耶稣出生时,智者们跟随一颗星星寻找了很长时间,找到了耶稣。当他们到达时,他们给耶稣送了特别的礼物--适合王的礼物!" 今天,我想给你们看一些特别的礼物,这些礼物与很久以前送给耶稣的礼物和宝物相似。首先,他们送给耶稣乳香。"[把包好的蜡烛从袋子里拿出来。]
把装满 "黄金"的宝盒拿出来。让孩子们摇晃盒子,猜测里面的礼物是什么。然后,让他们围着盒子转一圈,每个人撕下一小块包装纸。当盒子被揭开时,打开它并说:"智者们也送了黄金作礼物。国王和王后通常有很多黄金。因此,智者们想给耶稣送一份非常昂贵的黄金礼物。但他们并没有到此为止--他们带来了第三份令人惊奇的昂贵礼物来敬拜耶稣。"

*** 英文版 ********
In this activity, children will use their senses to explore similar gifts to those that the wise men gave Jesus, and they will learn how valuable these gifts were. by Lauren Shelnutt TOPICS: Birth of Jesus, Giving MATERIALS: • Treasure box/wooden box/large jewelry box • Several pieces of costume jewelry that look like gold or fake gold coins • A bottle of perfume or cologne • A large scented candle (a distinct smell like cinnamon or vanilla—nothing floral) • Wrapping paper and ribbon/bows • Baby doll wrapped in a blanket or picture of Baby Jesus • Large box or bag to hide the gifts from children’s sight DURATION: Approximately 15 minutes
Spend time gathering the materials needed and try to “dress up” objects to make them look like gifts. The wrapping doesn’t have to be ornate or elaborate but it builds excitement for the children. Then, use a large box or bag to keep the gifts out of sight until the children are ready to begin the activity. Set out a picture of Jesus in the manger, or wrap a baby doll in a blanket to look like Jesus and place in a prominent place in the classroom.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: Instruct the class to sit in a circle on the classroom floor with the bag of gifts at your side. Say, "When Jesus was born the wise men searched for Jesus for a very long time by following a star. When they arrived, they gave special gifts to Jesus—gifts fit for a king! Today, I want to show you some special gifts that are similar to the gifts and treasures that were given to Jesus so long ago. First, they gave Jesus frankincense." [Pull the wrapped candle out of the bag]. Pass the wrapped candle around and ask the children to hold it and touch it; making guesses about what the gift could be. Then, pass the gift around to the children and allow them to each rip a small piece of wrapping paper off the gift until they fully reveal the candle. Then, pass the candle around allowing the kids to smell it. Say, "This isn’t exactly frankincense like in the Bible, but frankincense was an exceptional and very costly gift. When you light frankincense it gives off a wonderful smell that fills the whole house—just like a candle! Doesn’t it smell good?" Pull the box filled with “gold’ out. Allow the children to shake the box and try to figure out what the gift is by guessing. Then, allow them to pass it around the circle pulling pieces of wrapping paper off. When the box is unveiled, open it and say, "The wise men also gave the gift of gold. Kings and queens usually had lots of gold. So, the wise men wanted to give a very costly gift of gold to King Jesus. But they didn’t stop there—they brought a third amazing and expensive gift to honor Jesus." Finally, pull out the perfume. Allow the kids to inspect it and guess its contents by touching, shaking, and even smelling the wrapped perfume bottle. Say, "The final gift the wise men brought is called Myrrh. Myrrh was a very expensive, special perfume used only on very extraordinary occasions because it cost so much money. The wise men gave gifts to Jesus that cost them dearly. We need to learn from the wise men and take our treasures, talents, and gifts and be willing to give them up for Jesus. Christmas is Jesus’ birthday and we need to remember that Christmas is all about praising Him!" Instruct children to carefully take the three gifts and put them by the Baby Jesus and tell Him, “Happy Birthday.”
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中文 © 2019-2022 羊之门 All rights reserved.