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0-6岁教程 (耶稣的比喻*第7课) | 不怜悯人的仆人 (附中文反馈单)


Updated: Nov 8, 2022





宽恕, 怜悯




你们的罪因着祂的名得了赦免。 约翰一书2:12b






读 马太福音18:21-35(宽恕别人,即使是在对方不该得宽恕的时候。)


1. 我们应该赦免别人多少次?(耶稣说 "七十七次",意思是我们应该永远不停止赦免别人。)

2. 奴仆欠君王什么? (一万他连得银子)

3. 这个奴仆受到什么惩罚?(他的所有的家人和所有的财产都将被卖掉。)

4. 奴仆求的是什么?(怜悯,宽恕他所欠的钱。)

5. 君王做了什么?(免了他的债,怜悯这个奴仆。)

6. 然后这个奴仆做了什么?(他把另一个欠钱较少的人下在监里。)

7. 君王对此有何感受?(他很不高兴,因为这个仆人即使自己被宽恕了也不怜悯他人。)

8. 那么他的惩罚是什么?(被交给掌刑的,直到他还清一切所欠的债。)

9. 那么我们为什么要赦免别人?(因为神先赦免了我们!)。





带领孩子们做祷告,然后分发水果点心,如苹果片或草莓片。在吃的时候,将甜美的水果与宽恕的 "甜味 "进行比较。可以与孩子们分享你被宽恕的时刻,以及你的感受。也让孩子们分享他们接受或给予宽恕的时刻。然后讨论一下如果水果腐烂了会是什么味道:恶心、粘稠,而且很难吃。将腐烂的水果比作不宽容的心,鼓励孩子们请求神帮助他们拥有 "甜美 "的宽容之心。


读一本关于宽恕的儿童读物(建议包括Jan和Mike Berenstain的 "宽恕的树 "和Mercer Mayer的 "我们都需要宽恕")。强调我们宽恕别人是因为神总是宽恕我们。





*** 英文版 ******


This lesson will help the children understand that we should forgive others because God forgives us. by Leah Pittsinger TOPICS Forgiveness, Mercy

AS KIDS ARRIVE (10 minutes) Forgive from the Heart (Activity) Click here

WORSHIP TIME (5 minutes) Further info? Click here

BIBLE VERSE (7 minutes) "Your sins have been forgiven [because] of His name." 1 John 2:12b NIV Teach the verse by singing to the tune of “London Bridge:” Your sins have been for-gi--ven For-gi--ven For-gi--ven Your sins have been for-gi--ven [Because] of His name

BIBLE STORY (15 minutes) Ask the children to sit on the floor in front of you while you tell the bible story. If necessary, use a children’s bible and supplement the story with pictures so it will be easier for the children to understand. Introduction: Today we will learn what Jesus told His friend, Peter, about forgiveness (choosing to be kind to someone even when they have wronged you). There were people in Jesus’ day who had the wrong idea about forgiveness, so He told a made-up story, or parable, to teach His friends and followers about true forgiveness. Read Matthew 18:21-35 (Forgiving others even when it’s undeserved.) Discussion Questions: 1. How many times should we forgive others? (Jesus said “seventy-seven,” meaning we should never stop forgiving others.) 2. What does the servant owe the king? (10,000 bags of gold.) 3. What is the servant’s punishment? (His entire family and all his possessions will be sold.) 4. What does the servant beg for? (Mercy, or forgiveness for the money he owes.) 5. What does the king do? (Cancels the debt and has pity on the servant.) 6. But then what does the servant do? (He throws another man in prison for owing a lesser amount of money.) 7. How does the king feel about this? (He is upset because the servant doesn't show mercy even though he was forgiven.) 8. Then what is the punishment? (The servant is tortured until he pays back the money.) 9. So why do we forgive others? (Because God forgives us!) Conclusion: The people learned from this parable that it wasn’t right to be mean to someone who had hurt them. Instead, because God continually forgave them, they should also continually forgive others. And the same is true for us! Choosing to be kind and showing mercy to someone who has hurt us shows others that we believe in Jesus and love God. Forgiving others can be hard, but God helps us do the right thing when we truly want to follow Him.

FUN TIME (15 minutes) Hugging Hearts Collage (Activity) Click here

ALTERNATE FUN TIME (10 minutes) I Forgive You (Puppet Skit) Click here

PRAYER/SNACK (10 minutes) Further info? Click here Lead the children in prayer and then pass out a fruit snack, such as sliced apples or strawberries. While eating, compare the sweet fruit to the “sweetness” of forgiveness. Consider sharing with the children about a time when you were forgiven and how it made you feel. Also allow the children to share about a time they either received or gave forgiveness. Then discuss how the fruit would taste if it was rotten: nasty, mushy, and gross! Compare rotten fruit to an unforgiving heart, and encourage the children to instead ask God to help them have “sweet,” forgiving hearts.

CLOSING ACTIVITY (5-10 minutes) Read a children’s book about forgiveness (suggestions include “The Forgiving Tree” by Jan and Mike Berenstain and “We All Need Forgiveness” by Mercer Mayer). Emphasize that we forgive others because God always forgives us.

NEXT WEEK Come back next week for another exciting Kids Sunday School Place lesson!

TAKE HOME PAGE Give one copy to each child at the end of the class to take home [PDF]. Click here


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