第二组:马太福音8:1-17, 23-34, 9:1-8, 18-34(耶稣的事工与神迹)
第三组:马太福音21:1-32, 26:1-28:10(耶稣的加冕、被拒与得胜)
读 马太福音9:4-8
读 马太福音13:57-58
**** 英文版 *******
Gospel of Matthew
Lesson 2: Jesus as King
1. To educate students on the purpose of Matthew’s gospel
2. To reveal that Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords
3. To inspire students to make Jesus the king of their lives
Evangelism, Knowing Jesus, Leadership
Scripture Memorization
Matthew 4:17
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
Play a game of human checkers. Set up a simple grid on the floor and assign students to a team (sitters & standers, boys & girls, etc.) and to a square. Basic rules of checkers apply. Have something on hand to “crown” those who make it to the “king me” square of the other team. This could be a paper crown, a hat, a sticker for their forehead, etc.
Checker grids are 8 x 8, but you can set up one to fit your group size and play by the same rules.
General Discussion:
• If you were the king or queen, where would you want to rule?
• What would be the first law you would create for your subjects?
• Do you think a king should primarily serve their own interests or those of the people?
• When you think of a monarch, what are some words that come to mind? (harsh, benevolent, dictator, unfair, tyrant, etc.)
As we continue our study of the gospel according to Matthew, we will discuss how Matthew portrays Jesus as a king. This is a big deal for his readers.
DIGGING IN (30 minutes)
Matthew wrote his gospel at a time when godless men ruled Rome. Kingship (in their case, leaders were called Caesar) was a big deal to the recipients of the letter. In fact, readers of Matthew’s gospel would’ve been very familiar with the persecution suffered at the hands of Caesar and his governors throughout the empire.
Throughout his letter, Matthew reminds believers that Jesus is the One True King. Matthew's structure and language point to this encouraging reminder.
(Split your group up into three smaller groups or partnerships. Give each group a passage to study, then ask the questions that follow.)
Group 1: Matthew 1:1-24 - Jesus’ Genealogy & Birth
Group 2: Matthew 8:1-17, 23-34, 9:1-8, 18-34 - Jesus’ Ministry & Miracles
Group 3: Matthew 21:1-32, 26:1-28:10 - Jesus’ Coronation, Rejection & Triumph
(Give students a full 5-10 minutes to read and reflect upon their passages. Then, take time to ask each group the following set of questions regarding the passages they’ve studied.)
Discussion Questions:
1. Summarize your passage for us. (Birth of Jesus, miracles, crucifixion, etc.)
2. How does content like this support Matthew’s cause of portraying Jesus as a king? (It verifies His genealogy, shows how He taught ethics and values, proves His authority through miracles, demonstrates that Jesus is a different kind of king, etc.)
3. What do you know about the Roman Caesars? (They were the ultimate authority, considered to be gods, ruled cruelly in many cases, persecuted Christians, etc.)
4. How is Matthew’s description of Jesus as king similar to the descriptions of Caesar in those days? (Ultimate authority, considered a God, etc.)
5. How is Matthew’s description of Jesus as king different to the descriptions of Caeser in those days? (He was a servant, not a tyrant; died for His people, not a killer of people; etc.)
6. Have you ever really considered Jesus to be a king? Why do you think this is a title we don’t often emphasize? (We think of Him as aservant, our Savior, etc.)
7. Which part of Jesus’ life and ministry seems the most king-like? What about the least king-like? (Dying for His people, rising from death, etc.)
8. If you were in Matthew’s intended first audience, do you think you would’ve bought into his argument that Jesus is the One True King? Why or why not? (Allow students in each group to share.)
MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)
Jesus being the king is important to understand. But Jesus being your King is essential for you to embrace.
We just talked about how Matthew set forth the fact that Jesus is the King of His people. We covered His authority, work, and triumph over evil. We want to go back through those sections again, this time asking a really important question: Is Jesus active in your life in those ways?
This is a really essential question if Jesus is going to rule as a king over your life: Who’s in charge?
General Discussion:
• Do you like being told what to do? (Most people do not.)
• What do you think it is that makes most people want to do their own thing and not be told what to do? (We are individualistic, selfish, prideful, think we know best, etc.)
• Who do you allow to have authority in your life? (Parents, teachers, coaches, etc.)
• Why do you give them that position? (Some we don’t have a choice, some we trust, some we know that they know what they are talking about, have our best interest at heart, etc.)
• Do you think Jesus demonstrates understanding, empathy, compassion, and kindness in such a way that He deserves to be trusted with authority in your life? (Yes!)
• What do you think it means to truly give the control to Jesus and let Him rule and reign in your heart and in your life? (Allow students to share.)
Read Matthew 9:4-8
Jesus has the authority to forgive our sins and heal our bodies. It is up to us to trust Him.
When we entrust Him with authority in our lives, Jesus does incredible work in us and through us.
General Discussion:
1. What are some ways you’ve seen Jesus work in your life in the past? (Allow students to share, you may want to prepare an example to get the conversation started.)
2. Why do you think Jesus sees fit to work in our lives? (His love for us, mercy, and faithfulness, but also because He has work for us to do and He is preparing us for that work.)
3. Who are some people whose lives Jesus obviously worked in and through? (His disciples, Mary Magdalene, etc.)
4. What kind of work does Jesus do in people? (Heals, challenges, teaches, corrects, confronts, forgives, etc.)
5. Why do you think Jesus sometimes doesn’t work in people’s lives? (Allow students to share.)
Read Matthew 13:57-58
The bottom line is we have to let Jesus work in us. We have to yield and surrender to Him. He will not force it on us. He’s not that kind of king.
When we consider the kingship of Jesus, the end of the story is victory. In fact, He is the King of Kings (1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 7:14, Revelation 19:16, etc.). He wins.
The title “King of kings” also appears in the Old Testament (see Ezra 7:12, Ezekiel 26:7, Daniel 2:37). Remember, Matthew is writing to a group of people who knew the Old Testament well. When Matthew portrays Jesus as a king, it not only challenges the rule and reign of Caesar, but also it puts Him in His rightful place as a victorious king over all.
All kings conquer, but Jesus did not use a sword or an army. He triumphed with a cross and an empty grave.
Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-17
This passage is a triumphal procession when a Caesar would return victorious from battle. But Jesus’ procession is different — and it includes us.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why is there a triumphal procession according to that passage? (Because of Christ.)
2. What is the result of this procession? (We are led in victory as well.)
3. In our victory, how are we commissioned? (To spread the message of Jesus everywhere—not as a conquering army that kills the living, but as a conquering people who cause the dead to come to life.)
4. How has Jesus triumphed in your life? Where have you celebrated a victory recently? (Stretch students to think beyond the basic “He forgave me of my sins.”)
As we can see, Jesus is the King. He is, in Matthew and other places in scripture, the King of kings. But is He the King of your life? That’s a question only you can answer, but I want to pray it’s true in your life today.
CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)
Pray for students to put Jesus on the throne of their life where He belongs.
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