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青少年教程 (马太福音*第1课) | 耶稣是新摩西










马太福音 27:52-53






  • 你喜欢读旧约吗?为什么?

  • 你认为旧约对今天的我们有什么价值?

  • 想到旧约时,你会联想到哪些人物?

  • 今天我们要讨论摩西。你对摩西了解多少?他做过什么?(尽量详细思考,因为我们会在深入学习环节中做很多连接。)




  • 他是希伯来父母的孩子,却在埃及人中长大。

  • 他是牧羊人。

  • 他是神选来拯救以色列人脱离埃及奴役的人。

  • 他是神选定带领人们进入应许之地的人。





  1. 出埃及记 1:22-2:10 与 马太福音 2:13-18

    • 共同点:法老杀害希伯来婴儿,但摩西幸存;希律王杀害伯利恒的婴孩,但耶稣幸存(逃往埃及)。

  2. 出埃及记 24:8

    • 共同点:摩西用立约之血洁净百姓的罪;耶稣用自己的血洁净我们的罪。摩西和耶稣都是人与神之间的中保。

  3. 出埃及记 34:28 与 马太福音 4:2

    • 共同点:摩西在山上记载神的律法时禁食四十昼夜;耶稣在旷野禁食四十昼夜以面对撒但的试探。

  4. 出埃及记 19:1-3, 20:1-17 与 马太福音 5:1-11

    • 共同点:摩西登山与神沟通并传达律法;耶稣登山传授神给跟随者的新生活方式。两者的教导都包括十条总结性语句,并在出埃及记和马太福音中展开。


  • 摩西设立逾越节;耶稣设立主的晚餐。

  • 摩西给出关于逾越节羔羊的说明;耶稣是我们的逾越节羔羊。

  • 摩西家族是祭司家族;耶稣是大祭司。

  • 摩西出生在埃及,逃离后再回去救人;耶稣出生在伯利恒,逃往埃及后回到犹太地区拯救人类。



读 希伯来书 3:1-6


  1. 根据第 3 节,摩西和耶稣如何被比较?(他们都对神忠信)

  2. 根据此段经文,耶稣更值得什么?(更多荣耀)

  3. 为什么耶稣比摩西更有荣耀?(耶稣是忠信的儿子,而摩西仅是忠信的仆人。)


  • 神通过摩西的忠信,拯救以色列人脱离埃及。祂的信实如何延续?(通过耶稣拯救我们脱离罪的捆绑。)

  • 反思神通过摩西和耶稣的信实,这让你如何看待今天神的信实?(祂总是信实的,并会救助我们。)

  • 神的信实如何改变你对祂的看法和信靠?(这令人敬畏,并增加对祂的信心。)




**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of Matthew

Lesson 1: Jesus as the New Moses


1. To educate students on the purpose of Matthew’s Gospel

2. To reveal that Jesus is the New Moses

3. To reveal to students that God has been faithful to humans from the Old Testament through to today


Jesus, Knowing Jesus, Moses, Prophecy, Trust

Scripture Memorization

Matthew 27:52-53

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Split your group into two smaller teams if possible. The leader will say a word from the list and students will say the first word or phrase that comes to mind. The student only has five seconds to say something, or they don’t get a point. Whichever group has the most points at the end wins. If your group is small, split into pairs and have one student compete against another student.

Words: Moses, Pharaoh, Jesus, Paul, Cain, Noah, Animal, Sacrifice, David, Joseph, Mary, Angels, Solomon, Samson, Saul, Jonah, desert, Adam, Judas, Pilate, Daniel, Shadrach, Simon, Peter, Lazarus, Matthew, disciple, water, bread, baptize, John, The Great Commission, death


General Discussion:

• Do you like reading the Old Testament? Why or why not?

• What value do you think it holds for us today?

• Name a few people who come to mind when you think of the Old Testament?

• Today, we are discussing Moses. What do you know about him? What did he do? (Think through as much detail as possible here, because we’ll make lots of connections in the Digging Deep section)

We are going to use all the things we know about Moses to make some interesting connections between him and Jesus.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

As we’ve already discussed, Moses played a very important role in the Old Testament.

• He was born to Hebrew parents but lived among the Egyptians.

• He was a shepherd.

• He is the one God chose to save people from slavery in Egypt.

• He is the one God chose to lead people to the Promised Land.

Today, we’re going to begin a series in Matthew. Matthew links to a lot of the Old Testament’s content. One of the things Matthew makes stunningly clear is that Moses is a lot like Jesus. Some theologians even call Jesus the “New Moses.”

By comparing some scripture in Matthew and Exodus, we’ll discover that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

(Ask one student to open up to the Book of Exodus and another to open to Matthew. Have them take turns reading the passages aloud to the class and discover the similarities between Moses and Jesus. What the passages share in common are listed below in case they need help.)

(Have someone read Exodus 1:22-2:10 and someone else read Matthew 2:13-18)

• What does this passage in Exodus have in common with Matthew’s account of Jesus?

Common Trait: Pharaoh (the King of Egypt) kills all of the Hebrew baby boys but Moses survived. Herod kills all of the baby boys in Bethlehem but Jesus survives (by escaping to Egypt).

(Have someone read Exodus 24:8)

• What does this passage in Exodus have in common with Matthew’s account of Jesus? (Even though there’s no direct passage from Matthew to compare to, this one is fairly obvious.)

Common Trait: Moses uses the blood of the covenant to cleanse the people of their sins; the blood of Jesus cleanses us of our sins. Moses and Jesus were both mediators between the people and God.

(Have someone read Exodus 34:28 and someone else read Matthew 4:2)

• What does this passage in Exodus have in common with Matthew’s account of Jesus?

Common Trait: Just as Moses does not eat or drink for forty days and forty nights while on the mountain recording God’s law, so also Jesus fasts for forty days and forty nights in the desert being tempted by Satan.

(Have someone read Exodus 19:1-3, 20:1-17 and someone else read Matthew 5:1-11)

• What does this passage in Exodus have in common with Matthew’s account of Jesus?

Common Trait: Moses ascends a mountain to communicate with God and facilitate His laws; Jesus ascends a mountain to facilitate God’s new way of life for His followers. But that’s not all—both teachings include ten summary statements that expand into subsequent chapters of Exodus and Matthew, respectively.

There is much more that we could dig into:

• Moses institutes the Passover Feast; Jesus initiatives the Lord’s Supper

• Moses gives instructions on the Passover lamb; Jesus is the sacrificial lamb

• During the confrontation of Moses, the ten plagues are miraculous works; during the ministry of Jesus, Jesus performs miraculous works.

• Moses’ family is the priestly tribe; Jesus is the Great High Priest

• Moses is born in Egypt, flees, then goes back to save the people; Jesus, on the other hand, is born in Bethlehem, flees to Egypt, then returns to Judea to minister to and ultimately save the people

That’s not to say that Moses and Jesus are equal, however. The Bible is clear that Jesus is superior, but the similarities between Jesus and Moses are undeniable. Jesus represents the new Moses just as Moses foreshadows the coming of Jesus.

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

Let’s turn to another New Testament book to begin to make some application to our own lives.

Read Hebrews 3:1-6

Discussion Questions:

1. How are Moses and Jesus compared in verse 3? (They are both faithful.)

2. According to this passage, what is Jesus more worthy to receive? (More glory.)

3. Why does Jesus get more honor and glory according to verses 5-6? (He is faithful as a son, not merely a servant.)

The faithfulness of both Moses and Jesus is noteworthy, but we  want to end today by talking about God’s faithfulness through it all.

General Discussion:

• God used Moses’ faithfulness to rescue his people from Egypt. How does God’s faithfulness in rescuing His people continue? (Through Jesus, He rescues us from bondage to sin.)

• When you reflect on God’s faithfulness through Moses and Jesus, how does it make you think of God’s faithfulness now? (He is always faithful. He will always come to our aid.)

• How does God’s faithfulness change the way you look at Him, trust Him, etc.? (It is pretty incredible to think about the way He used Moses and Jesus and how He never gives up on us. It leads to greater trust.)

Matthew clearly indicates the foreshadowing of Jesus even in ancient books like Exodus. The Old Testament continually points to Jesus, and you can see that clearly when considering that Jesus is the new Moses.

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray for your students, thank God for His faithfulness, and ask God to help your students trust in Him.


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