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青少年教程 (马可福音*第3课) | 被能力感动




















• 当有许多其他声音或干扰时,为什么很难清晰地听到指示?

• 当你被不同的方向拉扯时,为什么做正确的事更难?

• 我们听到哪个声音最清楚?(离我们最近的那个声音)






• 你认识的三个最不可能成为基督徒的人是谁?

• 是什么让你很难想象这些人会成为基督徒?


读 马可福音5:1-5







读 马可福音5:6-8






读 马可福音5:9-20










• 这些人看起来比今天课程中的被鬼附身者更有害或更远离神吗?

• 为什么我们相信马可福音5章中的这个故事,但不认为在我们的生活中会发生如此强大的事情?


• 你见过的有人在行为上最显著的变化是什么?

• 你能想到任何远离神但后来跟随祂的圣经人物吗?(保罗,约拿,甚至一些门徒)

• 你能想到任何著名的人远离神,但后来跟随祂吗?你有没有亲戚或认识的人也经历了这样的改变?





**** 英文版 *******

The Ministry of Jesus According to Mark

Lesson 3: Moved by the Power



1. To educate students about the life of Jesus according to Mark 2. To inspire students with Jesus' power 3. To challenge students to reach out to the most lost people they know


Caring, Compassion, Demons, Evangelism, Following Jesus, Healing, Serving

Scripture Memorization

Mark 5:15

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Ask for a volunteer. Tell the volunteer that he or she will be asked to leave the room for just a minute. Upon his or her return, he or she will stand just inside the doorway and will have several minutes to try to select one voice to follow.

With the volunteer out of the room, instruct the other students to move to end of the room furthest away from the door. Tell those in the room that when the volunteer re-enters the classroom they are to begin shouting different instructions at the volunteer. Instruct two people to do the following things upon your signal.

1. Have one person in the group instruct the person who continually says, “Shake the teacher's hand" while everyone else loudly shouts other instructions. There are so many voices in the room that the volunteer will not be able to discern any clear instructions.

2. On your signal, your two assistants will be able to move within ten feet of the volunteer, but no closer. One person will continually say, “Shake the teacher's hand” while the other person continually says something to lead the volunteer away from the teacher. The others in the room will continue to stand at a distance and shout misleading instructions. 3. On your signal, the person that is continually saying, “Shake the teacher's hand” will be allowed to move next to the volunteer. The others in the room will continue to stand at a distance and shout instructions. The volunteer will likely hear and obey the voice closest to him or her, which in this case will be the person saying “Shake the teacher's hand."

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

General Discussion: • Why is it difficult to hear the instructions clearly when there are so many other voices or distractions? • Why is it harder to do the right thing when you're being pulled in different directions? • Which voice do we hear the clearest? (The one that is the closest to us.) There are a lot of voices in our lives. There are also a lot of voices in the lives of people who don't know Jesus yet. Today, we're going to talk about dramatic change—about the least likely people coming to salvation. Let's get going!

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Workbook Activity

Least Likely Three • Who are the three LEAST likely people to become Christians that you know? • What is it that makes it difficult to imagine these people becoming Christians?

Read Mark 5:1-5

Discussion Questions: 1. What is the setting of this story? (Gerasenes, which was part of the Decapolis, a ten-city area that was east of the Sea of Galillee) 2. What type of behavior do you suppose this demon-possessed man displays? (Anti-social, unlovable, hopelessly out of control, and quite scary.) 3. Where was this man living? (In the tombs, among the dead.) 4. How do you think the disciples feel at this moment both emotionally and physically?

In this story, we have a “good vs. evil” situation. So far, we have seen the “evil” side. Notice the demon’s main purpose is destruction. If Satan cannot deceive your mind, then he will attempt to destroy your body (See Matthew 17:14-18). Read Mark 5:6-8

Discussion Questions: 1. What does Jesus command the spirit to do? (Leave the man.) 2. What does the demon call Jesus? (“Son of the Most High God”) 3. Could Jesus have done this if He were just a man? Why/why not? (No. Humans have no authority over demons.) 4. What does this miracle teach us about the Lord? (That Jesus is powerful and that He uses His power to help and heal, not to destroy or torment.) Read Mark 5:9-20

Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think the demons wanted to go into the pigs? (The demons wanted to remain in the area.) 2. What happened when the demons entered the pigs? (The pigs ran off a cliff.) 3. What does this say about the power of demons? (They are real; they are bent on destroying, not healing.) 4. What was the people's reaction in verse 15-17? (They are scared.) 5. Why do you think the people were scared by Jesus' power? (Displays of this type of supernatural power were uncommon and people tend to fear that which they do not understand.)

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

Earlier, you made a list of three individuals that you think are far from God—maybe so far gone they can't be reached.

General Discussion: • Do these people seem more harmful or distant from God than the demoniac in today's lesson? • Why is it that we believe this story in Mark 5, but don't think something that powerful could happen in our lives?

God's power is so great that it can pierce any wall that we think keeps Him out. Sometimes, people seem like they are a hopeless case and God cannot reach them. In those times, we underestimate the power of God.

• What is the most dramatic change you have ever seen in someone's behavior? • Can you think of any Biblical people who were far from God but then followed Him? (Paul, Jonah, even some of the disciples) • Can you think of any famous people who were far from God but then followed Him? What about relatives or people you know who have been changed?

I want you to split into groups and spend time praying for the three people that you wrote down earlier. If we believe Jesus can heal a demoniac, then we certainly believe He can change the hearts of people in our lives. Pray that God will help you see ways you can introduce these people to Jesus.

(Give your groups 5-10 minutes just to pray.)

CLOSING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

Pray for your students to be bold for Jesus in the coming days and weeks so that others may be moved by the power of Christ and have their lives transformed.


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