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青少年教程 (路得记*第4课) | 神对祂子民的忠诚




  • 让学生对旧约中的路得记有一个总体的理解

  • 帮助学生理解神对祂子民的忠诚

  • 揭示神使用各种人来完成祂的旨意




路得记 4:11






  • 如果一个朋友告诉你一个秘密,你不应该告诉任何人,你会为了100美元透露这个秘密吗?那1000美元呢?如果你被提供10,000美元来透露这个秘密,你会怎么做?

  • 有人雇佣你并签订了两年合同。一年后,有人提供双倍工资。你会履行合同还是接受更好的?

  • 有人邀请你参加一个聚会。他们不想一个人去。你同意去了。然后另一个朋友邀请你去看你非常想看的电影,比去聚会还要想去。你会选择哪个?

  • 有人给你100,000美元让你一辈子都不再见你的家人。你会接受吗?如果提供100万美元呢?1000万美元呢?



上周的课程有一个戏剧性的结局。路得在夜间大胆接近波阿斯,并请求他照顾她。他同意了,但首先承认,根据他们的法律,另一个人 - 她已故丈夫的财产的第一继承人 - 拥有优先权。第三章以路得回到拿俄米的地方结束,拿俄米向路得保证,波阿斯不会休息,直到事情得到解决。当天,路得得到了关于她的未来的答案。让我们看看结果如何。


读 路得记4:1-8









读 路得记4:9-12






读 路得记4:13-22






读 马太福音1:2-6







故事开始时,路得是一个摩押女子,一名以色列男子爱上并娶了她。故事结束时,她是大卫王的曾祖母,被列在基督的家谱中。这是一个相当大的转变!我们已经看到忠诚贯穿始终 - 路得对拿俄米的忠诚,波阿斯对传统的忠诚,波阿斯对路得的忠诚。然而,在路得记的结尾,我们发现了最伟大的忠诚 - 神对祂子民的忠诚。


















无论我们如何看待自己,神都看到了我们每个人的潜力。我们只需要允许祂在祂的计划中使用我们,并明白我们可能不会看到结果。路得记中有许多教训,但没有比这更重要的 - 神对祂的子民是忠诚的。



**** 英文版 *******


Lesson 4: God’s Loyalty to His People



1. To give students an overview understanding of the Old Testament book of Ruth

2. To help students understand that God is loyal to His people

3. To reveal that God uses all sorts of people to accomplish His mission


Body of Christ, Character of God, Dependability, Knowing God, Provision

Scripture Memorization

Ruth 4:11

OPENING PRAYER (3 to 5 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)

Throughout the book of Ruth, we have talked about loyalty. You may be a loyal person. However, our loyalties can be tested.(Ask your students these questions to see how loyally they would behave in certain situations.)

General Discussion:

• If a friend tells you a secret that you are not supposed to tell anyone, would you reveal the secret for $100? What about $1,000? What would you do if you were offered $10,000 to reveal the secret?

• Someone hires you and you sign a two-year contract. A year later, someone offers you twice the salary. Would you fulfill your contract or take the better offer?

• Someone invites you to a party. They do not want to go alone. You agree to go. Then another friend invites you to a movie you really want to see, even more than you want to go to the party. Which one do you choose?

• You are offered $100,000 never to see your family again for the rest of your life. Would you do it? What if you were offered $1 million? $10 million?

Loyalty is a big deal. Our loyalty can be tested by money, preferences, convenience, etc. Today as we finish the book of Ruth, we are going to see that God’s loyalty stands true. His work is always completed, even if it means using imperfect, unusual people.


Last week’s lesson had a dramatic ending. Ruth boldly approached Boaz at night and asked him to take care of her. He agreed but  first acknowledged that another man—according to their law—rightfully had first claim to the property of her deceased husband, i.e. Ruth. Chapter 3 ended with Ruth returning to Naomi where she assured Ruth that Boaz would not rest until the matter was settled. That very day, Ruth receives the answer about her future. Let’s see how it turns out.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read Ruth 4:1-8

Discussion Questions:

1. With whom does Boaz meet? Where does this meeting take place? (He meets the guardian redeemer and ten town elders by the gate of the city.)

2. What does he inform the guardian redeemer of first? (That the land needs to be redeemed.)

3. Does the next-of-kin agree to redeem the property? (Yes.)

4. What does Boaz tell him in verse 5? (That Ruth comes with the land.)

5. Is the man willing to take Ruth as well? Why or why not? (No, he is not. The answer he gives is because “he might endanger his own estate.”)

The prospect of having more land is desirable. However, taking Ruth as his wife (and potentially having more children) would hurt the inheritance of his future generations.

When the guardian redeemer refuses, Boaz jumps at the chance to marry Ruth. The two seal the deal in the next few verses.

Read Ruth 4:9-12

Discussion Questions:

1. How do the men agree to terms? (They remove their sandals and the witnesses testify to having seen it take place.)

2. How do the elders of the town speak of what they have seen? (They pray a blessing over the deal.)

3. What specifically do they pray happens in verses 11-12? (They pray that Ruth will give Boaz many sons and like Leah and Rachel “built up the family of Israel.”)

With Boaz legally joined with Ruth at last, the book of Ruth comes to a close, but not before a surprising twist.

Read Ruth 4:13-22

Discussion Questions:

1. Boaz and Ruth have a son. What is his name? (Obed.)

2. Obed later has a son. What is his name? (Jesse.)

3. Jesse also has a son, who becomes quite famous in Israel. What is his name? (David.)

Ruth’s surprising conclusion is that she is King David’s ggreat-grandmother. This is likely the reason that her story appears in the Old Testament. It preserves the ancestry of David. However, there is more to Ruth’s legacy than being King David’s great-grandmother. God uses Ruth in an even more impactful way centuries after she dies.

Read Matthew 1:2-6

Discussion Questions:

1. What is the same between this passage and the end of Ruth 4? (It is basically the same genealogy, plus a little more.)

2. What is added here? (It goes all the way back to Abraham.)

3. Whose genealogy is this? (It is the genealogy of Jesus.)

As we see, Ruth is used in a big way. It is remarkable when you think about it. It also shows that God is a loyal provider; nothing stops Him from taking care of His people.


MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)

When the story begins, Ruth is a Moabite woman with whom an Israelite man falls in love and marries. By the end of the story, she is the great-grandmother of King David and in the ancestral line of Christ. That is quite a turnaround! We have seen how loyalty played a part all the way through—Ruth’s to Naomi, Boaz’s to his people’s traditions, and Boaz’s to Ruth. However, it is at the end of the book of Ruth that we discover the greatest loyalty of all—that of God’s to His people.

General Discussion:

• Is it surprising to you that Ruth is in the genealogy of Christ? Why or why not? (It is strange. She is not even a Jew, but a Moabite from the family line of the disobedient Lot.)

• What other women are in Christ’s genealogy? What do you know about them? (Tamar tricked Judah into sleeping with her; Rahab was a prostitute who ended up hiding spies for Israel and then marrying an Israelite; Boaz is Rahab’s son.)

• Why do you think Matthew includes Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth in Christ’s genealogy? (In part, at least, to show that Christ is for all people.)

• Do you think Ruth had any clue how her life was being used by God? (Doubtful.)

It is very difficult to imagine that Ruth had any clue how God would use her life. However, God used her in a big way even if Ruth was unaware of it at the time.

General Discussion:

• What are some things that likely distracted Ruth from thinking about how God might use her? (She was from Moab and did not even worship God at first. She was widowed and grieving. She lived during a famine where she worried about how to get food, etc.)

In the book of Ruth, Ruth’s actions can be interpreted as acts of great faith, but they are also acts of desperation and survival. While it is true that Ruth demonstrated great loyalty towards Naomi, it is also true that she was a grieving widow picking up leftovers in a field to ensure that Naomi and she would survive. It is unlikely that she was thinking, “I just have to keep picking up barley and someday I’ll be in the genealogy of the Messiah.”

General Discussion:

• What are some things that distract YOU from realizing that God is using your life? (Trials, hardship, disappointment, busyness, etc.)

• Do you even view your own life as one that points to Jesus? Why or why not? (Allow students to share.)

• Do you ever feel like a stranger in a foreign land just trying to survive? When have you felt like that? (This is a sensitive question, but do not rush past it. Many kids feel rejected, neglected, and lonely. It could prove to be powerful conversation.)

• How does our view of ourselves sometimes limit our contribution to the Kingdom? (Our fears or insecurities can hinder us from a life of faith.)

• Which matters more in terms of our contribution to the Kingdom of God—how we see ourselves or how God sees us? (How God sees us.)

I am sure many people in Bethlehem saw a Moabite when they saw Ruth. God saw the great-grandma of King David. I am sure some saw a poor widow. God saw one of only four women mentioned in the genealogy of His only Son, Jesus Christ.

In a way, the book of Ruth is representative of all our lives. None of us belongs to God at first. The Scriptures tell us that we are enemies of God because of our sin and selfishness. Because of the grace of God and His loyalty to His people, we are no longer enemies of God. Instead, we have been adopted into His family. His plans intersect with our lives.

Regardless of how we view ourselves, God sees the potential in each of us. We just have to allow Him to employ us in His vision and understand that we may not see the result. There are many lessons in Ruth, but none more important than this—God is loyal to His people.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Pray for your students to take to heart the lessons of Ruth and to live their lives in the knowledge they have gained from the book of Ruth. Pray that they trust God to put their potential to work within His plans.


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