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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第7课) | 耶稣能让你看见吗?


















不要告诉他们卡片上的内容,而是告诉他们,他们的目标是做卡片上所列的事情。很快,他们就会意识到自己根本没有可能做到。重新收集回卡片 (我们稍后会再讲),结束游戏,然后提问题讨论。












•在看不见的情况下玩游戏有多困难? (困难,不可能,令人沮丧等)


•现在可以再次看见,感觉如何? (很放松,自由等)







读 约翰福音9:35-39




3.这个人的回应 (敬拜) 促使耶稣重申祂来到这世界的目的。根据第39节,这目的是什么?(叫看不见的可以看见,看得见的反瞎了眼)



读 约翰福音10:1-21


1.为什么耶稣直接医治了这个人的瞎眼,却用一个比喻来解决法利赛人属灵上的瞎眼?( 有问题的是他们的心,祂不会强迫他们的心去相信。)

2.尽你所能的来总结这个故事。( 耶稣是好牧人。人是祂的羊。法利赛人是“雇工”,不是真正的带领者,他们没有正确的动机。他们并不真正爱人。耶稣是唯一对的带领人。)

3.耶稣的故事与法利赛人的属灵瞎眼有什么关系?( 如果他们不愿意接受耶稣,就不能成为羊群的一部分。见第1节。)






•你认识哪个属于后一类的人吗?( 允许学生自由分享。)





•耶稣对法利赛人是什么看法?( 祂希望他们也能看见,但他们拒绝了。)



















**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 7: Can Jesus Make You See?



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students to a blind man who gained sight and seeing men who were blind

3. To inspire students to take up the same cause as Jesus


Believing, Foolishness, Guidance, Miracles, Patience

Scripture Memorization

John 9:39

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Blindfold every member of your group. They will attempt to play the group building game without their ability to see. Ensure their safety, but allow them to feel the discomfort that comes with “blindness.” Keep them blindfolded until you get into the “Digging Deep” section.

Once everyone is blindfolded, hand them a card. On the card should be some simple instructions:

1. Reach up to your blindfold

2. Take your blindfold off

3. Stand up and say, “Praise the Lord!”

Do not tell them what is on the card, but tell them that their objective is to do whatever is on the card. Pretty soon, they’ll realize they have no hope. Re-collect them (we’ll come back to this later) and end the game, then ask the questions.


General Discussion:

• How much easier would it have been to do what was on the card if you could see? (Much easier.)

• What would be worse than being blind? (Allow students to share their opinions.)

As we continue to study the Gospel of John, we’re going to discuss something worse than being blind.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

In this lesson, we’re going to meet a man who was blind and gained his sight as well as a group of men who could see but, turns out, were spiritually blind.

Read John 9:1-12 to your group, since you’re the only one who can see.

(If you did the group building activity at the beginning, instruct students to remove their blindfolds now and ask these questions. If not, skip the general discussion questions.)

General Discussions:

• What was it like being without your sight for that long? (Horrible, uncomfortable, etc.)

• How difficult was it to play the game without being able to see? (Hard, impossible, frustrating, etc.)

• Can you imagine how difficult it would be to live life without your sight? What would be the hardest thing for you? (Allow students to share.)

• Now that you can see again, how do you feel? (Relieved, free, etc.)

Discussion Questions:

1. According to Jesus, why was this man blind? (So that the works of God might be displayed in the blind man.)

2. What does Jesus say that He must do? (Jesus had to do the works of the one who sent Him.)

3. Jesus says He is the light of the world in verse 5. Why do you think that is significant? (He’s about to heal a man who has been living in darkness with no ability to see.)

4. What did the man do after he was healed? (He went home to celebrate and testify to what Jesus had done in his life.)

This is pretty straightforward. A blind beggar is healed of his blindness. In the verses that follow, his healing causes quite a commotion. Pharisees are upset because Jesus broke the Sabbath law not to work by making mud and healing the man. They ask the man (twice) and the man’s parents what had happened. They will confront Jesus directly soon, but before we read about that, let’s see what Jesus says to the man upon hearing that the Pharisees had kicked him out of the community.

Read John 9:35-39

Discussion Questions:

1. Why is the question Jesus asks so significant? (He’s asking if the man has spiritual sight in addition to his new-found physical sight.)

2. The man asks for Jesus to tell him who the Son of Man is. Why do you think Jesus’ answer is so significant? (Jesus says the man has now seen Him. In fact, He is the one speaking to you. Obviously, this is a moving truth for the man who was blind his entire life.)

3. The man’s response (worship) prompts Jesus to re-state His purpose on earth. What is it, according to verse 39? (So that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.)

Obviously, Jesus’ point is not that all who can physically see would become unable to do so. Rather, the story John recalls to us turns from a physical healing of blindness to the sad reality of a spiritual blindness that persists in the religious leaders of Jesus’ day.

It was upon hearing this that the Pharisees have heard enough. They decide to confront Jesus directly. We’ve met the blind guy who gained sight — now let’s meet the men who thought they could see, but who were actually quite blind.

Read John 10:1-21

Discussion Questions:

1. Why do you think Jesus directly heals the man with blindness but uses a parable to address the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees? (Their hearts were the issue and He would not force their hearts to believe.)

2. Summarize the story as best as you’re able. (Jesus is the Good Shepherd. People are His sheep. The Pharisees are “hired” help, not the true leaders, and don’t have right motives. They don’t really love people. Jesus is the only one to lead rightly.)

3. What do you think Jesus’ story has to do with the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees? (If they aren’t willing to accept Jesus, they cannot be in the flock. See verse 1.)

4. What is the Pharisees’ reaction to this parable? (Some believe in Jesus, but “many” conclude that He is demon-possessed and raving mad.)

5. Why do you think the Pharisees could not be made to see that Jesus was who He said He was? (Their hearts were hard, they were arrogant, Jesus was a threat, etc.)

MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)

There are two kinds of people in the world — the blind that Jesus makes see and those who think they can see but are really spiritually blind.

General Discussion:

• Do you know anyone who falls into the latter category? (Allow students to share.)

• How did the Pharisees illustrate that they were spiritually blind? (They were more worried about Jesus breaking Sabbath rules than they were interested in celebrating that a blind guy is healed.)

• How do people who think they are spiritually seeing often demonstrate their spiritual blindness? (They are arrogant, they refuse to listen, they like to argue about God but don’t want to talk about who Jesus really is, etc.)

• How do you find yourself reacting to people like that? (It’s hard to like them, it’s hard to be patient with them, etc.)

• How do you think Jesus felt about the blind man? (He felt compassion for him, etc.)

• How do you think Jesus felt about the Pharisees? (He wanted them to see, too, but they refused.)

Sometimes people who are spiritually blind don’t want to see. They like things the way they are. They don’t want to see their position or comfort interrupted. It can be very difficult to have empathy for people who don’t want to be see things differently. Much more difficult than feeling for those who desire to be healed. But before we leave this lesson, we have to be reminded of a truth you may have missed the first time through.

Re-read John 9:1-5

Discussion Questions:

1. What do the disciples ask upon seeing the blind man? (Who sinned that caused him to be blind.)

2. What is Jesus’ immediate concern? (What are we going to do about it.)

3. Verse four says that who must do the Father’s work? (We.)

4. Who, in these verses, is “we”? (Jesus and His disciples.)

5. If Jesus heals the blind man, why do you think He says “we”? (Allow students to speculate.)

6. Why does Jesus inform His disciples that He will be going away, about it being day, about how He won’t be around forever, and how a time will come when “no one can work”? (He is expressing urgency about the mission and also including the disciples in the mission.)

In verse 4 the word “we” is of tremendous significance. Jesus’ work must become our work. We must be about the same things He is about.

General Discussion:

• What is Jesus’ work in what we read today? (To help blind people see, both physically and spiritually.)

• Was He 100% successful? (No, some refused to see.)

• How can you help blind people see if you can’t heal them physically and can’t convince the spiritual blind to accept Jesus as Lord? (We have to do whatever we can to bring them to Jesus, but not everyone will accept the Gospel.)

• Remember how you felt when you took the blindfold off earlier? What do you think it would be like to watch someone experience sight for the first time? (Incredible, moving, fulfilling, etc.)

• How might the fact that you can see be helpful to the people who cannot? (You can tell them how to get to Jesus and be healed.)

(Play the game you played at the beginning of the lesson, but this time with partners. One is blindfolded, the other is not. Redistribute the cards, and tell the partners to do whatever the card says. This time, working together, the seeing person will help the blind person see. Students will get the point, at which point you can conclude the lesson.)

We need to be about what Jesus was about — helping the blind see. We may not be able to heal, but we know the one who can. Because He healed us.

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray for your students to help their friends and family gain their spiritual sight by pointing them toward Jesus.


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