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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第2课) | 耶稣和施洗约翰



















阅读 约翰福音1:6-36







阅读 以赛亚书 40:3-5






阅读 约翰福音 3:22-36












1. 愿意站出来


阅读 马太福音3:1-6














重读 约翰福音3:27-30









**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 2: Jesus and John the Baptist



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students to John the Baptist

3. To inspire students to pave the way for Christ in the lives of others


Behavior, Boldness, Caring, Courage, Fruitfulness, Humility, Serving

Scripture Memorization

John 1:23

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Pass out paper to each student and have them write a celebrity’s name on it. Then have them fold it up and collect their papers in a hat, bowl, or bag.

Pass the clues around, and have each person grab one out of the hat.

Take turns attempting to act out the celebrity. They can use charade-style motions, give clues, etc. They have 30 seconds for the group to guess which celebrity they have.

After you’re done, move on to the questions to get started.


Last week we talked about how John makes a very clear claim that Jesus is God. Today, we’re going to meet a man known as John the Baptist. Sent to pave the way for Jesus, John shows us more about Jesus and our role in making Him known to others.

Read John 1:6-36

Before we dig into this passage, we need to understand that John the Baptist is not who wrote this Gospel. John was and is a popular name. John the Apostle wrote the Gospel. John the Baptist is a person that John the Apostle tells us about.

Discussion Questions:

1. According to verse 6, where did John come from? (He was sent from God.)

2. What was John’s purpose? (To witness to the light and testify so that others would believe in Jesus.)

3. What testimony does John offer in verse 19 and following? (He insisted he was not the Messiah, that he was a voice in the wilderness making a straight way for the Lord.)

That is actually a phrase John plucks out of the Old Testament. Let’s read it in context.

Read Isaiah 40:3-5

It seems like John was making a very clear statement here — his job was to point to the glory of the Lord as it would be revealed in someone else, not himself. In the text that we read earlier, we see how that unfolds when John and Jesus are in the same place.

Discussion Questions (continued):

4. What claim does John make about Jesus in verse 29? (That Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.)

5. What evidence of this claim does he offer in verse 32? (He saw the Spirit come down from Heaven and remain on Jesus.)

John repeats this claim a second time (verse 36) the next day. He is clear that this is God’s chosen One (verse 34). But this isn’t the end of John’s ministry in pointing people toward Jesus.

Read John 3:22-36

Discussion Questions:

1. John’s disciples pointed out to him that Jesus was also baptizing people and that He was developing a following. What do you think was their motivation? (Concern, maybe jealousy, etc.)

2. What is John’s response? (That he was doing what he was called to do, that Jesus must become greater, and that John must become less.)

At a point when it would have been understandable to feel a little overlooked, John seems to thrive. We can learn a lot from his attitude and ministry.

MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)

General Discussion:

• Do you think it was hard being John the Baptist? What would’ve been difficult about it? (Not getting any credit, not being in the spotlight, etc.)

• What kind of character do you think John the Baptist had to possess to constantly point toward Jesus and take eyes off himself? (Humility, servant-heartedness, etc.)

John the Baptist paved the ways for other people to meet Jesus. The question we want to land on today is this:

Are you doing the same?

By looking at John’s life, we can learn how to pave the way for Jesus in our own life.

1. Be Willing to Stick Out

John stuck out. John’s Gospel does not record it, but we know it from other Gospel authors.

Read Matthew 3:1-6

Discussion Questions:

1. What about John’s appearance strikes you as odd? (He wore clothes made from camel hair.)

2. What about John’s behavior seems strange? (He ate wild honey and locusts.)

3. What about John’s message was intense? (He preached repentance.)

While prophets in those days were set apart and John’s appearance and behavior were not all that uncommon for a man in his position, to our modern eye and ear, this all strikes us as a little unusual. His message of repentance was noticeably bold. He gets even more intense in Matthew 3:7 and following. It begs a question…what are you willing and unwilling to do to point the way to Jesus?

General Discussion:

• When you think of weird Christians, what are some things that come to mind? (Unusual dress, street-corner preachers, etc.)

• Why do you think that sort of believer is sometimes ineffective in pointing people toward Jesus? (Their attitude is wrong, they aren’t loving, they don’t relate to normal people, etc.)

• What about their behavior do you find admirable? (They do not fear man, but God, and are willing to be spoken poorly of to spread the Gospel.)

• Why do you think we are hesitant to stick out, look odd, and speak up for Jesus? (We care what people think, are afraid to push people away, are insecure, etc.)

• Do you think you stick out enough to where people would notice a difference and wonder why you are the way you are, or do you think you are just like everyone else and not really willing to stick out for Jesus? (This is a tough question, so allow students time to wrestle with it)

2. Be Humble

John didn’t care who got the credit, and we shouldn’t either.

Re-read John 3:27-30

General Discussion:

• We’ve talked about John’s role in the Kingdom, but what role do you think you’ve been “given from Heaven?” (To sing, serve, write, preach, be a good friend, etc.)

• How do you think our society views skills and gifts in terms of who they should benefit? (We often think our gifts should benefit us.)

• How is John’s attitude different from many of ours? (We want to be noticed, get credit, and become famous.)

John has “heard the bridegroom’s voice” and his joy is complete. Does Jesus getting the glory really bring you joy, or do you get jealous that He gets more attention than you do? The answer to that question says a lot about the condition of your heart.

(Take some time here to pray with your students, encouraging them to start by praying silently. This simple prayer is what should be on their minds: “Jesus, become greater and give me the humility to become less.”)

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

After a few moments of silent prayer, pray that same prayer on behalf of your whole group: “Jesus, become greater. Give us the humility to become less.”



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