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青少年教程 (约翰福音*第12课) | 一个无可争议的证据





















阅读 约翰福音19:16-42




2.“他们钉祂十字架”是一个简短的词语,但你知道它的重要意义吗?(这个词不是给胆怯和容易感到不适的人的。关于钉十字架的准确描述,可以在此链接找到 :


4.在第30节中,耶稣说:“成了。” 成了什么?(不仅是指祂的生命结束了,而且还指祂为我们的罪而牺牲的计划完成了。)








阅读 约翰福音20:1-10























**** 英文版 *******

Gospel of John

Lesson 12: Indisputable Proof



1. To provide students with an overview understanding of the Gospel of John

2. To introduce students to indisputable proof that Jesus is who He says He Is

3. To inspire students to follow the risen Christ


Believing, Following Jesus, Truth

Scripture Memorization

John 20:29

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Have a volunteer leave the room or be blindfolded. It’s important that the volunteer stay in earshot of the group. Once the volunteer is removed from the group, have the group take turns saying phrases. The volunteer will attempt to guess who is speaking. If the volunteer guesses correctly, he or she goes back to the group and whoever spoke takes the place of the volunteer. Continue play in this manner for 5-10 minutes.


General Discussion:

• How do you know if something is true or not? (You’ve seen it, it can be proven, etc.)

• How do you know if something is untrue? (There’s no proof, lots of holes in an argument.)

• What have we talked about being John’s purpose for writing his Gospel? (He wanted to prove that Jesus was God and inspire people to believe in Him.)

• Do you think John has been successful so far? (Allow students to share.)

John ends his Gospel with one more piece of evidence. He tells us that Jesus rose from the dead.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read John 19:16-42

It’s likely you’ve read or heard about the crucifixion of Jesus before. But what we just read is not something that should be taken for granted. Let’s unpack all this again. This time, let's try and think about it in a new way.

Discussion Questions:

1. Do you know why the place Jesus was crucified is called “The Skull?” (Historians believe it was because the cliff of sorts on which the hill sat had the resemblance of a skull, with holes in the rock forming the eyes, nose, and mouth.)

2. The phrase “they crucified Him” is a short phrase, but do you understand its significance? (This is not for the faint of heart or easily queasy, but an accurate description of crucifixion can be found here:

3. In verse 23, after dividing up His clothes, the guards also removed Jesus’ tunic. What is a tunic? (It was a long garment worn under the clothes, an undergarment. At this point, Jesus very well may have been hanging from the cross naked.)

4. In verse 30, Jesus says, “It is finished.” What is finished? (Not just His life, but the plan that He be sacrificed for our sin.)

5. Why did the Roman soldier pierce Jesus’ side? (To ensure that He was dead, instead of breaking His legs to hasten His death. The Jewish people were in a hurry because it was the Day of Preparation. Breaking an offender’s legs would cause him to die faster. Jesus did not require this, probably because He’d been flogged beforehand.)

6. Who testifies to the fact that all this happened? (John, who writes what he has witnessed, and he is named prior to this in this passage)

7. Why does John write this, per verse 35? (For the same reason he is composing his whole Gospel — so that we might believe.)

8. By the end of the day, where is Jesus? (Buried in grave clothes, laid in a tomb, dead.)

9. What about what we just read is new to you? What didn’t you realize before? What hit you in a new way? (Allow for discussion.)

John is building a case at the end of his Gospel that Jesus is who He said He was. This whole Gospel is to convince the reader that Jesus is God and to find life in Him. In the section we just read, the horrific picture of a bloody, fatigued man, who is hanging from a cross with blood and water spilling from His side. Then, He is wrapped in a burial cloth and laid in a tomb.

The scene shifts dramatically, from a blood-stained hill to a peaceful garden tomb, in the next verse.

Read John 20:1-10

Again, this is something you’ve likely read or heard about before. But let’s slow down and think it through like it’s the first time.

Discussion Questions:

1. Who visits the tomb first, and what does she see? (Mary Magdalene sees that the stone that seals the tomb was moved.)

2. What does she do? (She runs back to inform Peter and the rest of the disciples.)

3. Who goes to the tomb next? (Peter and “the other disciple” who we know to be John.)

4. What did John see in the tomb upon arrival? (He sees the linen burial clothes lying there.)

5. What does Peter see when he enters the tomb? (The cloths lying there and the face cloth folded up in a different place by itself.)

6. John says of himself, that upon seeing Jesus' empty tomb, he did what? (“believed”)

7. What do Peter and John do? (They return to their homes.)

After that, Mary stays behind and actually encounters Jesus. In John 20:19-22, Jesus appears to the disciples. In John 20:24-29, we read how He appeared to Thomas and the other disciples on a separate occasion. In John 21, He’ll appear again. But John inserts two more verses to conclude John 20.

Read John 20:30-31

Discussion Question:

1. Why are these signs referenced in John’s Gospel? (So that we may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing we may have life in His name.)

We must come face to face with the fact that John claims to have seen Jesus raised to life after seeing Him dead on a cross. If that’s true, it’s a big deal. This is indisputable proof.

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

General Discussion:

• Do you think the fact that Jesus rose from the dead proves He was God in the flesh? (Yes or no, allow students to share.)

• What about what we just read is the most convincing proof? (The eye-witnesses, the great risk John takes to share this truth, being persecuted for it, the amount of detail given, etc.)

• If the evidence is so convincing, why don’t you think everyone believes? (Some people don’t want to know the truth because of the implications, some people are hard-hearted, some people don’t believe the Bible, etc.)

• If Jesus really rose from the dead under His own power, what influence should He have on our lives? (It changes everything, it means that we can be raised from death as well, it means Jesus has authority over all, etc.)

CLOSING PRAYER (3 minutes)

Pray that your students will believe in Jesus with all their hearts.




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