约翰一书 5: 21
• 神引导众人渡过红海。没有一个以色列人丧命,而同时神摧毁了埃及的军队。
• 当摩西将一条树枝扔进水中时,神就将苦水变甜了。
• 神用玛哪和鹌鹑每天为以色列人提供食物。
• 摩西击打磐石,神就为百姓提供饮水。
• 神帮助以色列人打败了那片土地上的仇敌。当摩西举起手臂,约书亚带领军队作战时,亚玛力人就被打败了。
• 神亲自在两块石版上写下祂的诫命,将它们交给摩西。当摩西在真神面前时,他的脸发光。
• 神如此奇妙惊人,为以色列人做了这么多事,为什么他们几乎又立刻就转向了偶像?
• 这是今天也正在发生的事吗,还是只有以色列人在事奉神时才会遇到困难?
• 你曾经见过神做了伟大的事,然后发现自己正在转离或怀疑吗?
读 约翰一书5:20-21
约翰并没有用传统的告别方式结束他的书信,而是以严厉的警告结束:“孩子们,你们要保守自己,远避偶像。” 这个警告是基于约翰对读者的爱,并确认了他在整封信中一直在建立的一个非常重要的真理,那就是“拒绝虚假,拥抱真实”。
• 如今世上有哪些常见的偶像?(我们的世界充满了偶像。其中一些是社会接受的,而另一些则受到指责。性、权力、成功、教育、人际关系、形象、职业和舒适性都是偶像的例子。)
• 性、权力、成功、金钱、教育、人际关系、形象、职业或舒适性是怎么成为偶像的?
• 这些偶像中,哪些更常见?
• 你在寻找什么来帮助你度过这一天?
• 你珍视什么?你崇拜什么?
• 当一切顺利时,你会转向什么?一切不顺利时呢?
• 是什么让生活变得有价值?
• 在回答上述四个问题时,注意到有什么东西在你的生活中占据了神应有的地位?
读 启示录4:11和罗马书1:22-24
• 你的时间都花在哪里?你常去哪里?
• 你把精力花在做什么上?
• 你的每周日程是什么样的?
• 你是否与某些团队保持一致?(例如,是否与某些团体保持联系?)
• 这些问题有帮你注意到生活中可能存在的偶像崇拜吗?
读 箴言5:22-23和箴言15:21
• 如果整天都是自己的时间,你会做什么?
• 如果有100美元,你会怎么花?
• 有没有什么你不愿意为神而放弃的?
读 诗篇51:17,箴言15:8和罗马书12:1-2
**** 英文版 *******
1 John
Lesson 6: Idolatry
1. To help students recognize idols in their lives 2. To educate students on the dangers of allowing idols into their lives 3. To inspire students to rid their lives of idols to help them love and serve Jesus
Commitment, Discernment, Honor God, Idols, Sacrifice
Scripture Memorization
1 John 5:21
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
This is a game of word association. Simply say words and ask the students to say the first thoughts that come to their minds. Some examples of words to begin with are: duck, homework, sun, snakes, car, basketball players, Skittles, and Africa.
After you have finished the above list, do one last word, by saying, "What is the first thing that you think of when you hear the word 'idol?'"
Many times, we think of idols as primitive religious carved figurines. They may be made of gold, wood, or stone and can vary in size. We often think of idols as a physical tangible object of worship. Perhaps you may think of the popular reality show, "American Idol". Today, when we use this word, the definition we are going to use is, "Idolatry is the worship of anything or anyone other than the Creator God."
GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)
During this time, you will focus on retelling a story from the history of the Israelites. You will need to prepare by reading Exodus 11-32. You will lead the students by asking questions and filling in gaps, so that the story of God’s greatness can be told without directly reading from scripture.
How many of you know the story of the Israelites coming out of Egypt? Let’s retell this story this morning starting with the ten plagues. Does anyone know what the last plague was? (The plague of the firstborn.)
God displayed His majesty and greatness through the plagues and Pharaoh finally had enough. Pharaoh let the Israelite people go, freeing over 2.5 million slaves. As the Israelites traveled, God led them by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. As if that was not spectacular enough, God also performed amazing miracles for His people as they traveled through the desert. (Ask volunteers to name all of the miracles that took place during this time. Help them as needed.)
• God led all the people across the Red Sea. Not one Israelite perished, and God destroyed the Egyptian army. • God turned bitter desert water into sweet water as Moses threw a piece of wood into the water. • God provided food everyday for the Israelites in the form of manna and quail. • God provided water for His people when Moses struck a rock and water poured out of it. • God helped the Israelites defeat the enemies of the land. The Amelekites are defeated as Moses holds up his arms and Joshua leads the army into battle. • God literally writes His commands for His people on two stone tablets and gives them to Moses. As Moses is in the presence of the one true Holy God, his face starts glowing.
What does Moses see when he comes down the mountain? (Retell Exodus 32) General Discussion: • If God is so amazing and did so many things for the Israelite people, why would they almost immediately turn to idols? • Is this something that happens today or was it just the Israelites that struggled with undivided worship of God? • Have you ever seen God do something great and then found yourself turning away or doubting?
The truth is that we are a faithless and forgetful people. Throughout the entire Old Testament history, we see the pattern of faithfulness followed by forgetfulness. The same people, who once praised God, are later found worshipping idols.
DIGGING IN (20 minutes)
Read 1 John 5:20-21
Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think John ends the book the way he does? 2. Do you think it is appropriate for John to mention idols, when he hasn’t mentioned them at all during this book?
John does not end his epistle with a typical farewell but with a stern warning: “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.” This warning is motivated by John’s love for his readers. It may appear that John’s final address is somewhat anticlimactic, but in reality, it confirms a very important truth that he has been establishing throughout the letter, which is, "Reject the false and embrace the real."
What is the definition of idolatry? Idolatry is worshipping anything other than God. It is also worshipping God as less than what He has revealed Himself to be. The truth is that all of us are worshippers. We can choose to worship God or we can choose to worship idols.
General Discussion: • What are some common idols in our world today? (Our world is full of idols. Some of them are socially acceptable, while others are frowned upon. Sex, power, success, education, relationships, image, career, and comfort are all examples of idols.) • How can sex, power, success, money, education, relationships, image, career, or comfort be idols? • Which of these idols do you see more often?
When we place something before God, it is an idol. This means that if something other than God motivates us, that interest or activity can become an idol. A common scenario is the idol of money. If you are worshipping the god of money, you may find yourself pursuing good grades in high school, so that you can get into a good college, so that you get a good career, so that you can make a lot of money.
Another idol that is very prevalent in our culture is comfort. People will do almost anything to immerse themselves in comfort.
We know we have idols in our lives when we devote one of the following three things to that object, person, or situation.
Glory Idols are anything worshipped other than God. We can make gods out of our minds, philosophies, sciences, objects, religions, and even relationships. One question that you need to ask yourself regarding this aspect is: what is your foundation?
General Discussion: • What are you looking for to help you get through the day? • What do you treasure? Whom do you adore? • To what or whom do you turn when everything is going well? What about when everything is going wrong? • Who or what makes life worth living? • As you answered the previous four questions, did you notice anything taking God's rightful place in your life?
Remember, idolatry concerns the heart and your worship for anything that is not God.
Read Revelation 4:11 and Romans 1:22-24
Discussion Questions: 1. Why is God the only one worthy to receive glory? (God created all things, and by His Will they have their being.) 2. What happens to those who give the glory reserved for God to idols? (They become fools. God gives them over to their sinful desires.) Dedication An idol is anything that we pledge ourselves to that divides our attention from God. God desires a pure, undivided heart. When we chase after worldly things, it is idolatry. One question you need to ask yourself regarding this aspect is: what allegiances do you have?
General Discussion: • Where do you spend your time? Where do you hang out? • What do you spend your energy doing? • What does your weekly calendar look like? • Have you aligned yourself with any teams? (Example, do you associate with certain groups?) • Did any of these questions help you notice the idolatry that may be present in your life?
It is important to remember that God is a jealous God. He created us to have a close relationship with Him. If we dedicate 99% of our time and energy to other things, we are not truly following Him.
Read Proverbs 5:22-23 and Proverbs 15:21
Discussion Questions: 1. What happens to those who lack discipline? (Their foolishness leads them astray.) 2. What delights a man or woman who lacks judgment? (Foolish behavior.) 3. What will a man or woman of understanding do? (Keep a straight course.)
Sacrifice We can identify the idols in our lives by observing how much we sacrifice for them. Because of Jesus’ great sacrifice for us, we are compelled to sacrifice and lay our lives down for God. When we make sacrifices for other things or people, we may be practicing idolatry. Here are some questions that we can think through to help us see if we are sacrificing for something other than the one true God.
General Discussion: • If you had the whole day to yourself, what would you do? • If you were given 100 dollars, how would you spend it? • Is there anything that you are unwilling to give up for God?
Read Psalm 51:17, Proverbs 15:8, and Romans 12:1-2
Discussion Questions: 1. What type of sacrifice is pleasing to the Lord? (A heart that expresses sorrow or repentance in regard to sinful behavior.) 2. Does all sacrifice please the Lord? (No, the Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked.) 3. What does the Apostle Paul tell us to do in Romans 12:1-2? (We should offer our bodies to God as living sacrifices and no longer conform to the pattern of the world. We should lead transformed lives that are holy and pleasing to God.)
MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)
Have students pair up with one or two friends in class. Read the following questions, pausing to give students time to work through the answers with one another. Encourage confession, repentance, and prayer during this time. This exercise is also included in the student workbook.
1. Did the Holy Spirit convict you of idolatry or another sin today? Take a few minutes and discuss this conviction. 2. What type of action does this conviction require you to take? Explain. 3. Is there anything you are glorifying, dedicated to, or sacrificing for besides God? 4. Is there a specific idol that you need to remove from your life? How will you do this? 5. What prayers will you need this week to help you remove the idols you have placed before God?
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Have students pray for their partners.
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