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青少年教程 (约翰一书*第4课) | 有神就够




  1. 概述约翰一书

  2. 帮助学生明白爱是来自神的,因为神就是爱

  3. 鼓励学生过充满爱的生活




约翰一书 4:7






• 你们小组列举了哪些歌曲?

• 根据这些歌曲,“爱”的定义是什么?



• 为得到智慧祷告

• 为在真理中被扶持祷告

• 为我们的罪得赦免祷告







• 如果你是出于内疚而服事,那就不是爱。

• 如果你是因为希望有人注意你而自愿做义工,那就不是爱。

• 如果你只是想在他人眼中有个更好的形象,那就不是爱。






读 约翰一书4:7-12















读 罗马书5:6-8

这表明神的爱是我们不配得的。即使情绪很差,日子很糟糕,我们也可以记起耶稣为我们而死了。值得注意的是,这段经文中,说的是“神是爱”,而不是说:“如果你追求爱,那么你会找到神。” 相反的说法才是对的,因为神就是爱:“如果你追求神,你就会找到爱。” 神就是爱。






再读 罗马书5:6-8


读 约翰一书4:13-21






再读 约翰一书4:19





• 你为某个人做过最大的牺牲是什么?

• 为什么你会做出那种牺牲?

• 你称之为爱吗?那个人值得吗?



• 你生活中有哪些人不知道自己被爱着?

• 你可以用什么方式告诉他们?

• 你最难爱的是哪类人?

• 为了一个不爱你的人,你会怎样舍己?





**** 英文版 *******

1 John Lesson 4: All You Need is God LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals 1. To give students an overview of the New Testament book of 1 John 2. To help students know that love is from God because God is love 3. To encourage students to live a life of love

Topics Caring, Community, Compassion, Feelings, Fellowship, Friendship, Love, Relationships, Sacrifice

Scripture Memorization 1 John 4:7 OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes) It is not uncommon to hear the word "love." In fact, it may be the most overused word in our culture. However, the world’s definition is often different from God’s definition. Before we dive into the scripture today, we need to define the word "love."

(For this activity, split students into groups of 4-5. Each group will write down all the songs they know that have the word "love" in them. They will then write down what the world’s definition is according to these songs. You can encourage the use of cell phones or other mobile devices for this activity.)

General Discussion: • What songs did your group come up with? • What is the definition of love, according to these songs?

A popular theme throughout music is "All you need is love." It’s interesting to note that although many artists would resonate with this statement, very few actually know what "love" is. They will say that love is sex. They will say that love is a relationship with a boy or girl. They will say that love is a feeling, but we know that love is only found in God. 1 John tells us "God is love." Maybe a better way of approaching this musical theme would be to say, "All you need is God." GETTING STARTED (10 minutes) What is God’s definition of love? 1 Corinthians 13 gives a good framework for love. (Read this chapter aloud and let everyone call out words that define “love.”)

How is it different from the world’s definition? The world often views love in a self-serving and selfish way, but true love does not say, "What’s in it for me?"

Here are a few examples of what love IS NOT. • It’s not love if the only reason you’re serving is out of guilt. • It’s not love if you’re volunteering so someone else will notice you. • It’s not love if you’re trying to better yourself in someone else’s eyes by your actions.

(NOTE: Today we’re going to pray throughout the entire lesson and focus on a more spontaneous nature. As a leader, you will need to look for any and every opportunity to pray. This means that if someone has a need, and they mention it, then you will drop everything you are doing to lead the group in prayer by saying, "let’s pray." Please start by thanking God for His love.)

God has shown His love for us in many ways. Today we want to thank Him for everything He has done in our lives. Let’s spend the next few minutes thanking God for all the ways He has shown us love.

If it’s helpful, everyone can open their prayer with, "God, I am thankful for____________." (Encourage everyone say short, 1-2 sentence prayers for this exercise.) DIGGING IN (30 minutes) The overarching theme of 1 John 4 is Godly love. This passage contains a description of God’s nature and character, which set Him apart from all other religions and false gods. John declares on two separate occasions that God is love (verses 8 and 16). The one true God, as revealed in the scriptures, is not a deistic god who separates Himself from humanity and creation. He is not a cruel or capricious god. God is love. His love is displayed in abundant ways, but the most overwhelming display of His love can be seen in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Read 1 John 4:7-12 In this passage, the author connects God to love. John says, "Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

Discussion Questions: 1. What way has God personally shown you love? (Allow for discussion.) 2. In what ways has He shown love to the world around you? (Allow for discussion.) 3. What is the way that this passage says love has been shown to you? (verse 10)

Illustration of True Love: At St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, England, there is a life size statue of Christ. The marble statue displays Jesus on the cross writhing in pain. Below it, an inscription reads, “This is how God loved the world.” Think about this for just a minute. God loved the world so much that He would let His Son die.

Discussion Questions: 1. Do you think the world deserved this kind of love? (Allow for discussion.) 2. Do you think that people understand the magnitude of this love? (Allow for discussion.) 3. What are some of the reasons people might not understand that God is love? (Allow for discussion.)

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes) Read Romans 5:6-8 This shows us that God’s love is undeserved. Even when we are feeling our worst and having an awful day, we can remember that Jesus died for us. It is interesting to note that in this passage it says, "God is love," and not the other way around. It does not say, "If you chase after love then you’ll find God." However, we can conclude that the opposite is true because God is love: "If you chase after God, then you’ll find love." God is love.

Did you know that this is also what sets Christianity apart from other religions? Other religions may agree that God is all-powerful, all knowing, the Creator, and holy. But we have a faith that is unique because we know that God is also love. This sets us apart from everyone else. Nowhere else will you be able to have an intimate relationship with God. God sacrifices for us. Discussion Questions: 1. How often is someone willing to die for a righteous person? (Very rarely) 2. If it is rare for someone to willing die for a righteous person, how often do you think someone would be willing to die for an unrighteous person? (Allow for discussion.) 3. How does God demonstrate His love for us? (While we were still sinners, Christ Died for us.) Read Romans 5:6-8 (Again) (Spend some time reflecting on these scriptures. Then lead your students in prayer again. During this time, ask them to think of the time/season when they were the farthest away from God. Was there something they did? How did they feel? Was this a time they felt unlovable? Do your students realize that this is what Romans discusses when it states that we were powerless in our sin? Lead them in a prayer of thanksgiving. “Thank you Jesus for dying for me and showing me God’s love.”) Read 1 John 4:13-21 Discussion Questions: 1. What is required for God to live in us and for us to live in God? (We must acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God.) 2. Why are we able to love? (We love because God first loved us.) 3. What command does God give us regarding love in these passages? (If we love God, we must also love our brothers and sisters.) 4. Which is harder, to love God or to love those around you? Why do you say this? (Allow for discussion.) Read 1 John 4:19 (Again) This is the Gospel message in one sentence. God loves us first. This is the best news ever. God is the one who took the initiative to save humans. We did not make an effort out of our own initiative to ask God to save us. Two times in this passage (verses 10 and 19), we learn that the only reason we are able to love God is because He loved us first and He showed us that love by coming down and dying for us. Humanity, on our own, does not love God until we are shown love. This means that our love is simply a response to His. God’s love propels us to love Him as well as others.

Notice that the section doesn’t end just by responding to God’s love and by loving Him. We are called as followers to love others as well. John, the apostle, writes repeatedly that our love of God and our love for others are directly connected.

Our love for others will be shown in how we sacrifice. Here are some questions that help us think about that.

General Discussion: • What is the most that you have sacrificed for someone? • Why did you make that sacrifice? • Did you call it love? Did that person deserve it? God’s love for us is something that He initiated. Here are some questions that lead us into loving others.

General Discussion: • Which people in your life have no idea that they are loved? • What ways can you tell or show them? • What types of people are the hardest for you to love? • What would it look like for you to lay your life down for someone who is unloving? CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) It is easy for us to connect to God in a closet or a church building, but then ignore someone that we dread talking to. If this scripture is really shaping us, then we need to ask God for a heart to love others, especially for those that look or act differently from us. During this time, we'll spend just a few minutes asking God to change our hearts toward others.

Don’t just pray about it—do it. Whomever God is laying on your heart to reconcile with, go and reconcile with that person.


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