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青少年教程 (约翰一书*第2课) | 知道你知道


Updated: Aug 9, 2023



  1. 概述约翰一书

  2. 帮助学生看到,他们可以知道自己是否属于耶稣

  3. 激励学生过效法耶稣的生活

























读 约翰一书 2:3-14


所是 ========> 所做

认识神 3-4节 顺从神

住在耶稣里 6节 效法耶稣

在光中 9-10节 爱弟兄姊妹





A. 第3-4节告诉我们,如果我们遵守神的命令,就知道我们已经认识祂。

B. 第6节告诉我们,如果我们走在祂所走的路上,就知道我们在祂里面。

C. 第9-10节告诉我们,那些爱弟兄姊妹的人,就在光中。

A. 如果我们遵守神的命令,就知道我们已经认识祂(约翰一书2:3-4)





B. 当我们效法耶稣时,就知道我们在祂里面(约翰一书2:6)







C. 那些爱弟兄姊妹的人,就在光中。(约翰一书2:9-10)











例子:开车时,你的注意力会集中在路上。开车时,你可能不会对自己说:“不要弄糟;不要撞到任何人;不要开到沟里;遵守所有规则”,等等。更有可能的是,你会想:“小心看着路。” 在我们与神的关系中也是如此。当我们专注于祂的广大并回应祂惊人的信息时,我们就被重新塑造,我们的行动也会随之改变。遵守祂规则的结果是我们不会陷入困境。







**** 英文版 *******

1 John Lesson 2: Know That You Know LESSON OBJECTIVES Goals 1. To give students an overview of 1 John 2. To help students understand that they can know if they belong to Jesus 3. To inspire students to live a life that imitates Jesus’ life

Topics Born Again, Discernment, Doubt, Eternal Life, Following Jesus, Fruitfulness, Pleasing God, Spiritual Growth

Scripture Memorization 1 John 2:12 OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes) GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes) Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Does He have the face of a man? Is He represented by lightning and thunder? Does He have a body? For this assignment, take about 3 minutes and do your best to bring to life the attributes of God. Please use your paper and pen to draw a picture of God. (Pass out paper and pens and set the timer. This is an impossible task, so don’t be surprised if you hear a few groans.) GETTING STARTED (10 minutes) General Discussion: 1. What does God look like? (Go around the room and have students share their drawings. Most of the work will be rushed, so make sure to ask why they have drawn certain things.) 2. Besides the time limit, what was the hardest thing about trying to draw a picture of God? 3. How did you know what to draw? (God has revealed Himself to us through His Word, our experiences, and His community. It is possible to know Him. In our life, many will claim to know God and yet may have a skewed view of Him. This is the context of John’s letter.) God is massive and impossible for us to understand completely. He is the Creator of the world. Our brains cannot even imagine how large He is. God stands outside of time, so He will definitely stand outside of your paper. It's impossible to know everything about God, yet there are many things that we can understand about Him. Today, we want to talk about how you can know that you know God. DIGGING IN (30 minutes) (Break up into small groups of three or four to pray together. Circle the chairs in a small huddle leaving one chair empty. With this prayer exercise, you will encourage students to start talking to God about what is going on in their lives. There is no need to have requests beforehand, because the prayers will be the requests.) God is an amazing, transcendent, holy, and powerful God. He created the entire universe, yet He is near enough to hear you whisper a prayer. Today when we pray, we’re just going to talk as if He were in our presence. The truth is that He really is here. The empty chair that we have in our circles represents the presence of God. Let’s talk to Him about whatever is on our minds. General Discussion: 1. Have you ever wondered if everyone who claims to be a Christian really is? 2. There are over two billion people in the world who claim to follow Jesus. Do you think they all do? 3. Have you experienced “Fake Christians” in your life? 4. What are some characteristics of a fake Christian? 5. How do you know if you really are a Christian? This is the main question that John (the apostle) wants to help the young church understand. The purpose for this chapter is to show three characteristics that every Christian should have. Read 1 John 2:3-14 On a white board, write the word BEING on the left side and DOING on the right side. Then draw an arrow in the middle pointing to the right side. You will then proceed to fill in the board as you talk through the passage. The end result should look something like the following diagram. BEING ========> DOING

Know God Verses 3-4 Obey God

Live in Jesus Verse 6 Imitate Jesus

Be in the Light Verses 9-10 Love our Brothers and Sisters

IMPORTANT GOSPEL NOTE: We do not obey commands so that we can know God. We obey commands as a result of knowing Him. This is an important difference to point out because many students will try to earn their salvation by their obedience. However, our salvation cannot be earned. It is given. Therefore, we will now obey. The above chart demonstrates the gospel principles that John is trying to communicate. In this passage, John gives us three ways to know if we truly belong to God. What are they? As students begin to list the three ways write them on white board. A. Verses 3-4 tell us that we will know that we have come to know Him if we keep His commands. B. Verse 6 shows us that we can know we are in Him if we walk in the same way He walked. C. Verses 9-10 tell us that those who love their brother abide in the light. A. We will know that we know when we obey God. (1 John 2:3-4) Discussion Questions: 1. Which areas of your life is God calling you to bring under obedience to Him? 2. Are there things that you do now that you wouldn’t do if you were not following Christ? John wants us to examine our lives and see if we are being obedient. If we are striving to obey, we should know that this is a result of the Holy Spirit’s work in us. One of the ways that we can be assured of our salvation is for our words to match our actions. Our claims will match our conduct because our obedience is an outpouring of who we are. B. We will know that we know when we imitate Jesus. (1 John 2:6) Discussion Questions: 1. How did Jesus treat people? How did He handle temptation? How did He respond to those who hated Him? 2. What are some areas in your life where you feel that you are following Jesus’ example? 3. What is one area in your life where you are not following Jesus? Jesus is our example. He lived His entire life on earth to rescue and redeem us. He was also fully man and tempted in every way. We will know that we are Christians not just by obeying the commands of God, but also by imitating Jesus. This means that we will treat others with humility and service (John 13). We will return to the Word of God when we are tempted (Matt 4). Ultimately, we will lay our lives down, just as Jesus did. Matthew 16:24-26 tells us, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?” C. We will know that we know when we love our brothers and sisters. (1 John 2:9-10) Discussion Questions: 1. What types of people are the hardest for you to get along with in church, school, etc? 2. Why is it so hard to love some people? The third and final test for you to know if you are really in Christ is to examine how you love others. This practical piece is extremely difficult, because we are immediately called to examine our closest relationships with others. The standard for God’s love is not just getting along with someone; it is laying down your life for another. (1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4) MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes) We have just been given a formula for knowing if you are a Christian. The Bible spells it out quite simply for us, but it is not always easy living it out.

General Discussion: 1. Is it possible to be perfect in obeying God, imitating Jesus, and loving others? (No, in the first chapter we’ve already seen that no one is without sin.) 2. What do you do when you find that you are falling short? (In the first chapter, we’re also told that we need to confess our sins. In 1 John 2:1-2, we are told that if we sin, we have an advocate who speaks to the Father for us.) Your focus should not be on DOING all these things. Your focus should be on BEING God’s child. The result of BEING His child will end with DOING these things. Example: When you drive a car, your focus is on the road. As you are driving, you probably are not thinking to yourself, “Don’t mess up; don’t hit anyone; don’t run into the ditch; follow all the rules,” and so on. More likely you are thinking, “Keep your eyes on the road.” The same is true in our relationship with God. As we focus on His greatness and respond to His amazing message, our identity is shaped and our actions are changed. The result of following His rules is that we won’t run into the ditch. General Discussion: 1. How is your picture of God growing everyday? 2. Which is more difficult, standing up for God in word or in action? 3. What is one way that you know you’re going to be challenged in the next week? CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes) Close the group in prayer.


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