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青少年教程 (约翰一书*第1课) | 真与假




  1. 概述约翰一书

  2. 帮助学生理解行在光中与行在黑暗中的区别

  3. 鼓励学生诚实面对自己的罪而悔改














• 哪些词描述真正的基督徒?(真正的基督徒由耶稣引导,神改变他们的生活,有明显的迹象表明他们跟随基督。一些描述真正基督徒的词:跟随者、耶稣、仆人、爱心、真实、忠诚和团结。)

• 哪些词描述假基督徒?(假基督徒不是耶稣的追随者。他们可能说一些正确的话,但他们言行不一。一些描述假基督徒的词:虚伪、自私、贪婪、自我中心和法利赛人。)




读 约翰一书1:5-2:2(让某个人朗读整篇经文,或让几个人轮流朗读。)











读 约翰一书2:1-2

当我们犯罪时,耶稣为我们辩护。在神面前,祂站在我们之前,使我们与父和好。耶稣在我们最初接受祂的时候就在我们身边,祂现在也在我们身边。我们现在可以在光中行 ,因为祂在光中。





• 在黑暗中穿行有多难?

• 如果灯亮着会更容易吗?为什么?

• 这与在精神黑暗中行走有何类似之处?

• 当你绊倒时会发生什么?(简要解释,在精神黑暗中行走会给我们带来巨大的痛苦。一些例子:离婚、意外怀孕、药物成瘾。)




• 你生活中哪些方面是在黑暗中?

• 作为女生/男生,生活的哪些方面是最困难的?为什么?

• 你是否发现自己被绊倒了?约翰告诉我们,当我们承认自己的罪时,神会信实地赦免我们。通过承认我们的罪,撒旦不再对我们有任何权势。罪就像一种真菌;它生长在黑暗、潮湿的地方。当你把罪拖进光中时,它会枯萎死去。



**** 英文版 *******

1 John

Lesson 1: Real Verses Fake


1. To give students an overview of 1 John 2. To help students understand the difference between walking light and in the darkness 3. To encourage students to be honest about their sin, repent, and change


Behavior, Born again, Commitment, Discernment, Godliness, Integrity, Light, Obedience

Scripture Memorization

1 John 1:9

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)

Ask these “Would You Rather” questions to get students talking and set up today’s lesson.

1. Would you rather have a small diamond necklace or a huge cubic zirconium ring? Why? 2. Would you rather drink Coca-Cola or a generic store brand? Why? 3. Would you rather have name brand shoes or a knock-off version that is not the real thing? Why?

I think we’d all prefer the original product instead of a cheap generic knock-off. The same is true with our faith. We want a faith that is real and not just a cheap, fake, knock-off.

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

Draw a large circle on the whiteboard. In the middle of circle, write the word “Real.” Outside of the circle in the top left corner write the word “Fake.” Then, ask the two questions below. As the students provide answers, write the words that describe a “real Christian” within the circle, and the words that describe a “fake Christian” outside the circle.

• What are some words that would describe a real Christian? (Real Christians are lead by Jesus, God changes their lives, and there is visible evidence that they follow Christ. Some words that define a real Christian are follower, Jesus, servant, loving, truthful, faithful, and unity.)

• What are some words that would describe a fake Christian? (Fake Christians are not a followers of Jesus at all. They may say the right things, but their actions do not match their words. Some words that define a fake Christian are hypocritical, selfish, greedy, egocentric, and Pharisee.)

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

The apostle, John, writes this letter to a younger generation of Christians who have never actually seen Jesus. At the time of the letter, John is the only apostle who has not been martyred.

False teachers (Gnostics), who claim to be enlightened with a way that is not truly following Jesus, have infiltrated the church. Many of them said as long as you had knowledge, it didn’t matter how you lived your life. This left young Christians confused as to what a “real” Christian actually looked like. John’s purpose for writing the book was to affirm their belief and confirm that they were indeed true believers.

Read 1 John 1:5-2:2 (Have someone read the entire passage, or have a few people take turns reading.)

Discussion Questions 1. What is the first test that John gives us to show if we are “real” in our faith? (Look at verse 6. The person who claims to follow the right path but doesn’t is a fake. This looks like hypocrisy to the world and that’s probably the best word for it. It is impossible to willfully, habitually sin, and yet say the blood of Jesus will take care of it. It is a lie to be the person who does whatever he or she wants throughout the week, but then claims to follow Jesus for an hour on Sunday.) 2. What is our assertion of a “real Christian”? (verse 7) 3. What do you think it means to walk in the light? (Allow for discussion.) 4. What is the second test that John gives us to show if we are “real” in our faith? (Look at verse 8. Notice how this “fake” Christian seems to be delusional and confused. This claim is perhaps the most dangerous for you who have grown up in the church. John refers to someone who doesn’t drink, cuss, or publicly sin and therefore appears to be perfect. This is not true though because as Romans 3:23 tells us, all have sinned and fallen short.) 5. What is the third and final test that John gives to distinguish “real” Christians from “fake” Christians? (Look at verse 10. A person who claims never to have sinned makes God out to be a liar.) 6. What is the difference between the second claim and the third claim? (The third claim is the probably a person who does not recognize that they have sin at all. They are claiming to have never sinned.)

Just because you recycle, vote, have your dog spayed, go to church, and help the homeless does not make you good. The person who claims to have never sinned is a person who does not need a savior and therefore does not want anything to do with Jesus.

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

So according to John, a Christian is someone who walks in the light. However, in his next sentence he tells us that a Christian is someone who admits he or she has not always walked in the light. How is this possible?

Read 1 John 2:1-2

Jesus stands in our defense when we sin. He goes before God and reconciles us to the Father. Jesus was there for us when we first accepted Him and he is there for us now. We get to walk in the light now as He is in the light.


Have the students line up on one side of the room and against the wall. Take a bucket of miscellaneous items (toys, wrapped candy, etc.) and scatter them across the floor of the room. Tell the students that they must walk slowly across the room without stumbling onto any of the items. Just before, you tell them to go, turn off the lights. The students must then walk in darkness across the room.

General Discussion • How hard was it to walk across in the dark? • Would it have been easier if the lights were on? Why? • How is this like walking in spiritual darkness? • What happens when you stumble? (Briefly explain that walking in spiritual darkness causes us great pain and stumbling. An example of this is divorce, unplanned pregnancy, drug addiction.)

For this final discussion, break up into two groups that are gender specific. The guys will need to go in one room and the girls in another room. Have someone available in both rooms to ask the following discussion questions and close in prayer.

General Discussion: • What areas of your life are you walking in darkness? • As a woman/man, what areas tend to be the most difficult? Why? • Do you find yourself stumbling? John tells us that when we confess those areas that God will faithfully forgive us. By confessing our sin, Satan no longer has any power over us. Sin is like a fungus; it grows in dark, damp places. When you drag your sin into the light, it shrivels up and dies.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Encourage confession of sin within your group, and then take time to pray for one another.


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