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青少年教程 (约拿的故事*第1课) | 捉迷藏


Updated: Jul 18, 2024



  • 介绍旧约中的先知书:约拿书

  • 向学生解释约拿在第一章中如何逃避神

  • 激励学生做与约拿相反的事情,不逃避基督




诗篇 46:1






  • 你第一次听到约拿的故事时有什么想法?

  • 短剧中的哪些部分是真实的符合圣经的?

  • 哪些部分并没有出现在圣经中?




读 约拿书1:1-3



  1. 考虑到这些情况,你认为约拿对神交给他的任务有什么感受?(自由回答)

  2. 约拿的反应是什么?你认为他为什么这样做?(他逃跑了)

  3. 第3节说他从谁那里逃跑?(神)

  4. 约拿为什么不愿意做神要他做的事?(自由回答)


读 约拿书1:4-10


  1. 根据这些经文,神制造了什么?(一场威胁船只和船上所有人安全的大风暴)

  2. 约拿意识到发生的事源于他时,他有什么感受?(自由回答)

  3. 你认为船上的其他人为什么在第10节中那样回应?(自由回答)

读 约拿书1:11-17


  1. 约拿指示同伴们做什么?(把他扔到海里)

  2. 他们反而做了什么?(他们试图划回岸边)

  3. 约拿的船员们曾一度向神呼求。他们称呼约拿什么?(无辜的人)

  4. 约拿真的是他们所说的那样吗?(不是)

  5. 约拿一入水发生了什么?(海上风暴平息了)

  6. 你认为其他水手当时的想法是什么?(自由回答)

  7. 第1章是如何结束的?(约拿被一条大鱼吞到肚子里了)






  • 你们中有谁曾经逃避过自己知道应该做的事吗?那是什么?后来发生了什么?

  • 你曾试图“躲避“神吗?为什么?怎么做的?

  • 你认为你能躲避神吗?为什么/为什么不?



读 诗篇46:1













**** 英文版 *******

The Story of Jonah

Lesson 1: Hide and Seek


1. To introduce students to the OT prophetic book of Jonah

2. To expose students to the truth of Jonah’s first chapter when he runs away from God

3. To inspire students to do the opposite of what Jonah did and not run from Christ


Attitude, Availability, Disobedience, Foolishness, Grumbling, Hardened Heart, Pride

Scripture Memorization

Psalm 46:1

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)


Split students into groups of 5 or 6. Have them prepare a 1-2 minute skit of what they think Jonah's story illustrates. Don’t let them use their Bibles. This will be a way to see what they know about this book, and will probably be pretty funny.

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

Discussion Questions:

1. What do you remember thinking about Jonah the first time you heard his story?

2. What parts of the skits are true to the Bible?

3. Which ones do you think are not really in the Scripture?

We’re going to take a four week trip through the book of Jonah together. It’s going to be great - not just to get our stories straight - but to see how Jonah’s story can inspire our on-going story of our own walk with Christ.

DIGGING IN (25 minutes)

We’re going to take this book a chapter at a time. The subject matter focuses around Jonah 1. In this chapter, we see Jonah running away from God.

Read Jonah 1:1-3

Even in this short passage, there’s vital information.  Did you know “Jonah” is from the Hebrew word for “dove?” While Jonah’s time of ministry is not certain, the conservative view puts him during the reign of Jeroboam in 783-743, the 8th century BC.  Uzziah was the king of Judah during his ministry. Jonah was a prophet from the nation of Israel, the Northern Kingdom. II Kings 14:25 puts Jonah’s first year of ministry around 782 BC.  Nineveh was a city just west of modern day Baghdad on the Tigris River. Nineveh was the largest capital of the Assyrian Empire and was located on the east bank of the Tigris River.  Jonah’s hometown was Gath-hepher, located some 500 miles from Nineveh.

Discussion Questions:

1. With these things in mind, how do you think Jonah felt about his assignment from God? (Allow for answers.)

2. What was Jonah’s reaction? Why do you think he did this? (He ran.)

3. From whom does verse 3 claim he runs? (God.)

4. Why might Jonah have been reluctant to do what God wanted him to do? (Allow for answers.)

It is interesting to notice that Jonah is not running from his assignment: he’s running from God Himself.

Read Jonah 1:4-10

Discussion Questions:

1. According to these verses, what does God cause? (A great storm endangers the ship and everyone on board.)

2. How do you think Jonah felt when he realized what was happening because of him? (Allow for answers.)

3. Why do you think the other people on board responded like they did in verse 10? (Allow for answers.)

Read Jonah 1:11-17

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Jonah instruct his fellow travelers to do? (To throw him overboard.)

2. What do they do instead? (They try to paddle back to shore.)

3. At one point, Jonah's fellow shipmates cry out to God. What do they call Jonah? (An “innocent man.”)

4. Is Jonah, in fact, what they say he is? (No.)

5. What happens when Jonah hits the water? (The sea grows calm.)

6. What do you think the other sailors thought at that moment? (Allow for answers.)

7. How does chapter 1 conclude? (With Jonah getting swallowed by a great fish.)

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Some believe the book of Jonah to be a sort of parable or myth due to the nature of the miracles within (i.e., the fish, vine, worm).  But Jesus believed in Jonah and spoke of him in reference to his own death and resurrection (Matt 12:39-40). We can conclude that Jonah was a real human being with a mission from God and that the events of the book are true and should be interpreted literally.

If that is true, then it is also true that they have something to teach us. It’s not enough just to know Jonah’s story - we need to know how it informs our walk with Jesus.

We’ll do this throughout the study, but today I just want to ask you a few questions about what we have seen in this first chapter.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have any of you ever run away from anything you knew you should do? What was it? What happened?

2. Have you ever tried to “hide” from God? Why? In what way?

3. Do you think you can hide from God? Why/why not?

Sometimes something is so hard in our life, we simply try to flee. Other times, we know God is calling us to do something, and we run in the opposite direction.  This is foolish. Not only can we not escape God, but He isn’t someone we should run from in the first place. Instead, He is someone we should run to. Jonah will learn this later, but you shouldn’t wait two or three more chapters to get it.

Have students turn to Psalm 46:1. This would make a great verse to memorize together. Take a minute to do so.

Read Psalm 46:1

If God is ready to help us when we’re in trouble, then running from Him is the last thing we should do.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does Jonah end up doing in this story, after he realizes God is going to capsize the boat? (He gives in to God’s Will.)

2. What do the other people on board do? (They pray to God.)

3. Why do you think people always turn to God as a last resort? (Allow for answers.)

When trouble comes, people begin to turn to God. Look at tragedies all over the world - each of them seems to be followed by a bunch of people crying out to God. If we are willing to trust God when we’re in trouble, why don’t we think He can help us all along? Why can’t we trust Him from the beginning?

4. Can you think of a time when you called out to God and He helped you?

5. When you run from God, where is it that you go? Why is running to God a better option?

6. How does Psalm 46:1 relate to Jonah’s story? (Allow for answers.)

7. What is going on in your life right now where instead of running from God, you need to run to Him? 

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

I want you to partner up with a friend. God is calling us to Himself. There may be something you need to confess that you’ve run from God about. Maybe, like Jonah, this day needs to be a day where you surrender to God’s Will. Share that with your partner and then pray for one another for the strength to run to God, not away from Him.


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