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青少年教程 (人生不是一场游戏*第2课) | 争战


Updated: Jul 29, 2024



  • 帮助学生理解人生不是一场游戏,神赋予他们生命,是有目的的。

  • 教育学生了解旧约中的基甸故事。

  • 激励学生引导他人走向耶稣基督。




士师记 7:17





  • 你的生活是关于什么的?你认为你为什么被放在地上?

  • 在你的生活中,有哪些人你认为是好带领者?

  • 什么是好带领者?




读 士师记 7:1-3



  1. 基甸的军队开始有多少人?(32,000人)

  2. 神想让他的军队变得更小。祂说谁可以被遣返回家?(那些害怕的人)

  3. 神作出这个豁免后,基甸的军队还有多少人?(10,000人)

读 士师记 7:4-8


  1. 神对这支军队说了什么?(它还是太大了)

  2. 祂通过什么方式从军队中剔除更多战士?(通过他们喝水的方式)

  3. 最终,基甸带了多少人?(300人)

读 士师记 7:9-22



重读 士师记 7:17







  1. 老实说,如果可以选择,你们中有多少人在争战开始前就会离开这支军队?为什么是/否?

  2. 你认为基甸对神要求他做的事情为什么感到满意?如果你是基甸,你会这样吗?为什么是/否?

  3. 神召基甸带领祂的民。基甸接受了这个挑战吗?(如果他们没有回答,可以参考今天的背诵经文。)

  4. 基甸在士师记 7:17 中是通过哪些方式鼓励大家跟随他的?

  5. 这与我们今天引导他人有什么相似之处?

  6. 如果人们“做你所做的”,他们是在为神而活,还是在反对祂?这说明了你是如何生活的?

读 以弗所书 6:12


  1. 你认为人生是一场争战吗?你在哪些方面同意这一点?

  2. 这节经文说我们在与什么作战?

  3. 你个人与谁作战?

  4. 你认为你在这场争战中是赢了还是输了?

  5. 你有没有引导其他人和你一起进入争战?你期待赢吗?

我认为神在呼召我们所有人进入争战——而不是玩游戏。我们生命的一个目的是勇敢地跟随基督。这可能意味着一些争战,但我们应该像基甸一样站起来,说他在士师记 7:17 中说的话:“你们要看着我,要照我所行的而行”。




**** 英文版 *******

Life: It's Not A Game

Lesson 2: The Battle



1. To help students understand that life is not a game, but that God has given them this life for a purpose2. To educate students about the Old Testament story of Gideon3. To inspire students to lead others toward Jesus Christ


Behavior, Body of Christ, Boldness, Caring, Character, Courage, Dependability, Integrity, Reputation, Responsibility, Zealousness

Scripture Memorization

Judges 7:17

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (7 minutes)

The Eliminator (Game) Click here

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

General Discussion:

• What is your life about? Why do you think you were put on the earth?

• Who are some people in your life who you think are good leaders?

• What makes a good leader?A lot of people are floating through life, thinking of it kind of like a game.

Maybe that is true of some of you that are here. The whole idea behind this lesson (and series of lessons) is that life is NOT a game, but is instead a God-given life that exists for a reason.

Today, we’re going to talk about what it means to be a leader, even in the face of incredible odds. It’s my hope for you that you will be inspired to lead others, too.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read Judges 7:1-3

So Gideon is called into battle, but in an unusual way.

Discussion Questions:

1. How many men start in Gideon’s army? (22,000.)

2. God wants to make his army smaller. Who does He say can be dismissed to their homes? (Those who are scared.)

3. How many people are left in Gideon’s army after God makes this exception? (10,000.)

Read Judges 7:4-8

Discussion Questions:

1. What does God say about the army? (It’s still too large.)

2. In what way does He eliminate more warriors from the army? (By how they drink water.)

3. By the time it’s all said and done, how many men does Gideon have with him in battle? (300.)

Read Judges 7:9-22

So Gideon goes and scopes out the camp, and hears about a dream that one of the Midianites has. He splits his army into three groups of 100, and, just as the dream indicated, God delivers Midian into the hands of the army of Gideon.

What happens is a great miracle, but I want to re-visit one verse that you may have missed. 

Re-read Judges 7:17

In my opinion, this may be the most important verse of the text. Gideon says, “Follow my lead.”  It took a lot of courage to do that, courage that didn’t make any sense.  They were outnumbered. Gideon’s army had only 300 men. The Midianites likely numbered in the ten-thousands. They never should have won! But God delivered them.

But he did it through a great leader in Gideon.

Sometimes I think we look more like Midian than Gideon.  As the church, we turn on ourselves. We’re defeated, clueless, and terrified.  We don’t really trust God, we float from day to day, event to event, trusting in our own strength and minds. Sometimes we just float through life: getting dressed, turning on noise around us, putting on a show, trying to impress everyone we come into contact with.

Are you playing a game? Life’s not a game.

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

Discussion Questions:

1. Honestly, if given the choice, how many of you would’ve left that army before the battle ever began? Why or why not?

2. Why do you think Gideon was okay with what God asked him to do? Would you have been if you were Gideon? Why or why not?

3. God calls Gideon to lead His people. Does Gideon accept that challenge? (Refer to the memory verse for today if they miss it.)

4. What are some ways Gideon challenges the people to follow him in Judges 7:17?

5. How might that be similar to how we lead people today?6. If people “did what you did,” would they be living for God or against Him? What does that say about how you’re living?

Read Ephesians 6:12

Discussion Questions:

1. In what ways would you agree that life is a battle?

2. What does this verse say we battle against?

3. With whom do you personally battle?

4. Do you think you are winning or losing this battle?

5. Are you leading anyone else into battle with you? Do you expect to win?

I think God is calling all of us to a battle—not to the playing of a game. One of our purposes in life is to courageously follow Christ. This may mean some battles, but we should be able to stand up like Gideon and say what he said in Judges 7:17, “Follow my lead. Do what I do.”

If people did that with your life in mind, would they be walking with Jesus, or away from Him?

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Pray your group lives in a way that people admire. Pray that others want to follow the example that your students enact in their daily lives. Pray that by following your students’ examples, others will be introduced to Christ.


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