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青少年教程 (人生不是一场游戏*第1课) | 挑战

Updated: Jul 9, 2024



  • 帮助学生明白人生不是一场游戏,而是一种挑战

  • 教育学生了解旧约中以斯帖的故事

  • 激励学生接受神在人生中的挑战,抓住机会服事祂




以斯帖记 4:14





  • 去跳伞吗?

  • 去蹦极吗?

  • 坐在时速 200 英里的赛车副驾驶座位上吗?

  • 在大峡谷上方拉紧的钢丝上行走吗?

  • 这里有一个更深入的问题:如果你周围有 20 个不认识耶稣的朋友,你会(也能够)向他们讲述耶稣吗?



  • 你们中有多少人是冒险者?

  • 你曾经冒过的最大风险是什么?你害怕吗?为什么/为什么不?

  • 你们中有多少人喜欢稳妥行事?为什么?




(当有较多经文需要阅读时,我们通常会将这些段落分配给各小组。可以让小组、或个人阅读各部分。给大约十分钟时间。然后让他们汇总,让每个小组总结每段的内容。这项活动将花费 10 到 15 分钟。)

读 以斯帖记2-7章


  • 末底改是以斯帖的堂兄。

  • 他们是犹太人,被带到这里囚禁。

  • 以斯帖被波斯王选为王后。

  • 一个名叫哈曼的人正在密谋消灭犹太人。

  • 末底改得知此计划后,试图说服以斯帖采取行动。

  • 以斯帖接受了这个挑战,揭露了哈曼的阴谋。

  • 哈曼被处死;末底改受到尊崇;以斯帖成为英雄。


  1. 以斯帖在这些经文中面临的挑战是什么?(向王请求有关犹太人的问题。)

  2. 以斯帖决定冒险,她可能会遇到什么负面结果?(她可能会被流放或被杀。)

  3. 以斯帖接受拯救她族群的挑战。在她的情况下,你会怎么想?

  4. 你会怎么做?为什么?

让学生读以斯帖记 4:14-15。花一点时间尝试记住第 14 节。



当这些情况出现时,问问自己那个末底改在 4:14 节中对以斯帖的提问:“焉知你得了王后的位分,不是为现今这样的时机么?”


  1. 跟随耶稣怎么会成为一种挑战?我们为了跟随祂会失去什么?

  2. 任何风险都有失去的东西,但也有获得的东西。通过跟随基督,可以获得什么?

  3. 你被放在地上是为了什么?

  4. 面前有哪些挑战需要你为神冒一些风险?

  5. 当涉及冒险时,结果通常由一个人的优先事项决定。如果结果被认为“值得”,他们会愿意冒任何风险。跟随基督对你来说值得什么?

  6. 为了与基督建立关系,你愿意放弃什么?

  7. 为了与基督建立关系,你不愿意放弃什么?

读 马可福音 8:36






**** 英文版 *******

Life: It's Not A Game

Lesson 1: The Challenge



1. To help students understand that life is not a game, but a challenge

2. To educate students on the Old Testament story of Esther

3. To inspire students to accept God’s challenges in life and seize opportunities to serve Him


Abilities, Boldness, Endurance, Helping, Influence,  Obstacles, Perseverance

Scripture Memorization

Esther 4:14

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Just to break the ice, here are some “risk scenarios” for each student to respond to. Get each student to answer. Encourage them to be really honest.Would You:

•    Go skydiving?

•    Go bungee jumping?

•    Ride shotgun in a racecar traveling 200 mph?

•    Walk on a tight rope wire stretched over the Grand Canyon?

•    Here’s a deeper one: If you had 20 friends gathered around you who didn’t know Jesus, would you (and could you) tell them about Jesus?

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

General Discussion:

• How many of you are risk-takers?

• What’s the biggest risk you have ever taken? Were you scared? Why/why not?

• How many of you like to play it safe? Why is that?

As you’ve probably caught on by now, we’re going to be talking about taking a risk today. Today, we’re going to discuss how life is a great challenge, a challenge that God wants us to accept.Turn to the Old Testament book of Esther.

DIGGING IN (30 minutes) 

(As we often do when there’s quite a bit of scripture to read, split up these passages among your group. You could have groups, pairs, or individuals read each section. Give groups about ten minutes to read and comprehend. Then call them all back together to combine their recently acquired knowledge. Simply ask each group to summarize what happens in each chapter. This exercise will take up 10-15 minutes, but is well worth it.)

Read Esther 2-7

Let’s review what we’ve learned:•    Mordecai is Esther’s cousin.•    They are Jewish and were brought to this area to be put in captivity•    Esther is selected by the King of Persia to be queen•    A man named Haman is plotting to have the Jews wiped off the map•    Mordecai learns of this plot and tries to convince Esther to do something•    Esther accepts this challenge and exposes Haman’s plot•    Haman is killed; Mordecai is honored; Esther is a hero

Discussion Questions:

1. What was Esther’s challenge in these verses? (To make a request of the king concerning the Jews.)

2. Esther decided to take a risk, what negative outcome could she have encountered? (She could’ve been banished or killed.)

3. Esther was put on earth and given the challenge of saving her people. How would you have felt in her situation?

4. What do you think you would have done? Why do you say that?Have the students

read Esther 4:14-15. 

Take a minute to try to commit verse 14 to memory.

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

It is one thing to imagine being in Esther’s shoes.  The reality is, you face similar situations every day. You might not be in a situation where your actions could save or condemn an entire people-group, but God puts us in all kinds of situations where our willingness to take some risks for Him really matters.When those situations arise, ask yourself what Mordecai asks Esther in 4:14, “Who knows that you were not made for such a time as this?”

General Discussion:

1. How can following Jesus be a challenge? What do we have to lose by following Him?

2. With any risk there are things to be lost but also things to be gained. What do you have to gain by following Christ?

3. What have you been put on earth to do?

4. What challenges are before you that require taking some risks for God?

5. When it comes to taking a risk, the outcome is usually determined by someone’s priorities. If the outcome is considered “worth it,” they’re willing to risk about anything. What is following Christ worth to you?

6. What are you willing to give up in order to have a relationship with Christ?

7. What wouldn’t you give up in order to have a relationship with Christ?

Read Mark 8:36

Jesus says we should risk everything in order to know Him, because there is nothing else worth having if we don’t have Him in our lives. I want you to think about that today.Some of you are willing to risk your safety for an adrenaline rush. Some of you are willing to risk relationships for your own popularity or advantage.  But life’s not a game where we try to satisfy our own desires. It’s a challenge that God has given us.What are you willing to risk for Him?

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Pray for your group. Ask if any of your students would like to join you in your prayer that you all take risks for God in the week ahead.


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