哥林多前书 6:19-20
活动 | 我是
说明:拿出纸和笔,听好了。在纸的顶部写上“我是:”。下面,你要展示出你是谁。可以写一首诗或一首歌,可以画一幅画。你可以描述让你感到自豪的事,比如成就或财产,或者你可以简单地列举描述你的词语。你有大约10分钟的时间,所以不要匆忙,也不要说太多。试着深入自己的内心,看看自己是什么样的。也许你会写下 “我是:傻乎乎的、有趣的、外向的、糊涂的!”无论你想什么,都很好。现在花几分钟写下你是谁。
读 创世记2:7
请人读 罗马书8:35-39,以总结这一点。
4. “这是我的生活。我做我想做的事情”,这种态度可能会有什么坏处?
请人读 哥林多前书 6:19-20 来总结这一点。
• 有多少人喜欢被人管被人告知该做什么?为什么/为什么不?
• 为什么向他人屈服很难?
• 你对自己的生活有什么价值观?
活动 | 我是(继续)
• 你拥有的东西:钱、iPod、吉他、衣服等。
• 你拥有的个性特征:幽默、外向、疯狂等。
• 你参与的运动:足球、排球、棒球等。
• 你喜欢的东西:音乐、电视、电影、油管等。
• 身体特征:头发颜色、身高等。
• 你上学或居住的地方,你的去处,家庭状况等。
• 页面上描述你的任何其他事物...成绩、朋友等。
此时,他们纸上剩下的东西应该就是“I AM/我是“。确保他们划掉了其他的自我描述,然后说:
我希望你看看自己的纸,注意还剩下什么。一旦你意识到你不是由你的名字你的家庭定义的,一旦你意识到你的定义不是来自你在学校做什么或参与什么运动,一旦你知道你的个性不是给你价值的东西,你纸上剩下的东西就是“I AM/我是”。
**** 英文版 *******
Truth or Dare? (Part 1)
Lesson 5: The Truth About Me
1. To get students thinking about who they are
2. To reconstruct the idea of self-esteem
3. To inspire students not to live “me-centered”
Character, Contentment, Selfishness, Self-Worth, Truth, Worthiness
Scripture Memorization
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (15 minutes)
Most Popular (Game) Click here
GETTING STARTED (10-15 minutes)
I AM (Activity)
(Have some scrap paper available with some pens. Instruct students according to the instructions below. Encourage everyone to complete this activity as it will set the stage for the remainder of the study. You will refer back to this activity during the Making it Real segment.)
Instructions: Take out a piece of paper and a pen and listen up. At the top of the paper write the words “I AM:” Below that, I want you to show who you are. You can write a poem or a song. You can draw a picture. You can describe things you are proud of such as accomplishments or possessions, or you can simply list words that describe you. You will have about 10 minutes, so don't be in a rush, but also don't talk a bunch. Try to tap into your emotions and who you see yourself as. Maybe you write “I am: silly, fun, outgoing, confused!” Whatever you come up with, that’s cool. Take a few minutes now and write who you are.
DIGGING IN (30 minutes)
We live in a very "me-centered" world. People, by nature, are selfish. This is reinforced by our culture, which sends messages that we are the most important person on earth. As a generation, you’ve been trained to think that way, too. You’ve probably heard things like “You can do anything if you set your mind to it,” or “as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
In addition to our nature and cultural signals, you’re also at a very self-centered time of life. The teenage years are especially sensitive ones where you feel like everyone is watching you. But being so self-conscious is also a form of pride.
Being focused on yourself, positively or negatively, is not right.To get a grip on how we’re supposed to view ourselves, first lets talk about why we can be so selfish.
Discussion Questions:
1. Why do you think people are so self-centered?
2. Why do you think it’s particularly easy to be selfish as a teenager?
3. Do you think most people are arrogant or self-conscious? Explain.
4. Is having a low self-image just as prideful as being arrogant? Explain.
The Bible is our standard of right and wrong. Its contents can separate the Truth from lies. Fortunately, it has plenty to say about people. Let’s dig into some Scriptures and see what they say about self-esteem, self-image, and who you are.
POINT ONE: You Have Value Because God Created You.
Read Genesis 2:7
Discussion Questions:
1. What does it mean to you that you were created by God?
2. How might an alternate theory of our origins affect how we view ourselves? For example, how would evolution affect how we view our purpose in life and our value?
3. What did God say after He saw all the things He created (see Genesis 1:31)? How does that affect how you view yourself?
A lot of people have a hard time having a positive self-image. Often, we base our image on things we do, stuff we have, or other people’s view of us. But if you get your value from those things, what is going to happen? At some point, you are going to feel like you have no value because those things come and go. The fact that you were created by God means you matter, and that will never change.
Have someone read Romans 8:35-39 to wrap up this point.
POINT TWO: You Are Not Your Own.
Discussion Questions:
1. What do you want to be when you grow up? Why?
2. What college would you like to attend? Why?
3. What do you see your life being like when you’re 25 or 30?
I think one of the things that causes us to get really off-base is that we have believed a lie that our life is our own. This is easily illustrated by the questions we just asked. Granted, they were asked in such a way to get you to answer selfishly but are they not the same questions we ask ourselves.You have been raised in a society that gives you boundless choices. From malls with multiple shops to fast food restaurants that give you limitless options, you have had it your way your whole life. We tend to think of everything that way. "It’s my life. I’ll do what I want."
Discussion Questions (Continued):
4. How can the attitude “It's my life. I'll do what I want” be a bad thing?
5. If you live selfishly, how might that come back to haunt you later?
6. If you try to be the boss of your life, what difficulties might you encounter?
The reality is, if you were created by God, then you do not possess your life. The decisions you make should not be made by you—they should be influenced by Scripture and the wisdom from those who love Jesus.
God didn’t just make you. He bought you back from your sinful state through His Son. You do not belong to yourself and your life should be a tribute to God who owns you.
Have someone read 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 to wrap up this point.
MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)
• How many of you like being told what to do? Why/why not?
• Why is it hard to submit to others?
• What value do you place on running your own life?
Some of us are just control freaks. We need to know what’s going on, when it’s happening, and why. Others of us are just totally selfish and need to get over ourselves and realize that we are not our own. We need to know that we were created by God, that His creation is very good, and that your value comes form that fact and not who likes you, what grades you make, or what sports you play.
I AM (Activity) - continued
Look back at your "I AM" papers. I’m going to list some things, and if they are things that you wrote, drew, or described, I want you to cross them out.
Cross Out:
• Possession you own: money, iPods, guitars, clothes, etc.
• Personality traits you have: funny, outgoing, crazy, etc.
• Sports you play: soccer, volleyball, baseball, etc.
• Things you like: music, television, movies, YouTube, etc.
• Physical Characteristics: color of hair, height, etc.
• Where you go to school or live, your hangouts, family situation, etc.
• Anything else that describes you still left on the page...grades, friends, etc.
At this point the only thing left on their page should be “I AM.” Make sure they’ve crossed out the rest of their self-descriptions, and then say the following:
I want you to look at your page and notice what is left. Once you realize that you are not defined by your name or your family, once you realize your definition is not from what you do at school or what sports you play, once you know that your personality is not what gives you purpose, the only thing left on your page is “I Am.”
This is the name God gives Himself when asked by Moses who He is (See Exodus 3), and He is the reason we have value and purpose and identity. You are loved by the God of the universe, and nothing can take that away.
Romans 1:6 says that “you also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ.” You’re not called to be a soccer star, a comedian, a beauty, a genius, or a celebrity. You are called to belong to Jesus.
That is the Truth about you.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Today we will all pray silently on our own. Thank God for loving you. Thank Him for giving you purpose. Thank Him for giving you value. Ask forgiveness for placing value on yourself from some other thing. Finally, ask God to help you see yourself the way He does, and to be content in knowing that you belong to Him.
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Used by permission:www.kidssundayschool.com
中文 © 2019-2024 羊之门
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