2. 揭示道成肉身的宇宙性意义。
3. 以一种更全面、更完整的方式体验圣诞节。
基督的诞生, 圣诞节, 认识耶稣
2. 快乐、一路、乘行、潇洒、一个(铃儿响叮当)
4. 这个, 安息, 天使, 颂歌, 看守 (这个孩子是谁)
- 你最喜欢的圣诞颂歌是什么?(让学生自由分享)
- 你最喜欢的和圣诞有关的是什么? (礼物、家庭、食物、颂歌,等等)
- 你家有什么传统是你喜欢的?(一起去教堂,去祖父母家,吃圣诞大餐,早起,等等)
- 你家有什么传统是你不喜欢的?(照相,旅行,等等)
读 约翰福音1:1-14
1. 你认为这段经文是典型的圣诞经文吗?为什么是/不是? (没有多少人会这样认为,而是会想到马太福音/路加福音,那里有对诞生更写真的描述)
2. 你如何总结这段经文?(允许学生分享,但希望他们能在 "神成为人"上找到答案)
读 约翰福音1:1-5
1. 约翰用了 "道 "这个词,但他指的是谁?(耶稣)
2. 我们有什么证据证明这个 "道 "是神圣的?(与神同在,是神,是创造者,拥有生命,带来光,等等)
3. 什么永远战胜不了这个道和祂带来的光?(黑暗)
4. 想到神有如此大能,竟会以孩子的样式来到我们身边,你有什么感觉? (允许学生分享)
读 约翰福音1:6-8
1. 约翰在本节中提到了谁?(施洗者约翰)
2. 施洗约翰的角色是什么?(他宣告了基督的到来,使所有人都可以相信)
读 约翰福音1:9-14
1. 根据第9节,谁要来到这个世界,祂做了什么? (是真光,给众人以光明)
2. 虽然祂创造了世界,但为什么世界没有认出祂?为什么他们没有像第11节所说的那样 "接受祂"?(上帝来到我们身边的方式是出乎意料的,令人惊讶的,不同寻常的)
3. 那些接受祂的人得到了什么奖赏?(他们被称为神的儿女)
4. 当约翰说,"道成了肉身,住在我们中间",你会想到耶稣诞生的场景吗?你会想到天上的场景吗?你会想到其他什么东西吗?(允许学生分享他们的想象)
5. 第14节说:"我们看见祂的荣光,就是从父那里来的独生子的荣光,充满了恩典和真理"。在这句话之后,还有人会怀疑约翰指的就是耶稣的诞生吗?(不会,这是约翰版本的耶稣诞生故事)
读 歌罗西书1:15-19
1. 根据这段经文,圣子在什么方面负有责任?( 所有的创造--所造的都是祂造的)
2. 除了创造之外,圣子在创造中还扮演什么积极的角色?(万有也在祂里面得以维系)
3. 根据这段经文,圣子-也就是耶稣--只是部分的神吗?( 不,神所有的丰满都居住在祂里面)
耶稣来到我们身边,从那一刻起改变了社区。通过进入一个充满不公正、种族主义、阶级斗争、罗马占领的世界,"我们中间的神 "改变了世界。
1. 这个故事的背景是什么?(一个婚礼)
2. 在场的都是些什么人?(婚礼派对,家人和朋友)
3. 耶稣在他们中间做了什么?(行神迹)
4. 借着这一事件,耶稣想说明什么?(新酒将来到。)
5. 耶稣是如何改变你的社区的?(人们以祂的名义帮助穷人,人们制定旨在实现正义的法律,等等)
1. 这个故事的背景是什么?(圣殿)
2. 在场的都是些什么人?(宗教团体的人)
3. 耶稣在他们中间做了什么?(愤怒地赶走了践踏宗教的人)
4. 借着这一事件,耶稣想说明什么?(有一些旧的传统必须被抛弃)
鉴于基督的诞生在整体上产生了巨大的影响,说个人影响是 "最重要的 "可能并不公平。然而,这肯定是我们经历的最深的影响。
重读 约翰福音1:14
"住在我们中间 "有着深刻的含义,指向旧约。
读 出埃及记40:34-35
1. 这段经文中的云彩代表什么?(神的显现)
2. 云彩充满了什么?(帐幕)
3. 这个帐幕在哪里?(在以色列人的中间)
神在祂的子民中间,这一点总是使祂与其他神灵不同。祂是一位个人的神。但最有趣的是约翰使用了 "居住 "这个词。它可以直译为 "道成了肉身,作我们中间的帐幕"。神使人类成为祂的居所。祂不只是来到地上,祂是来到了人类中间。祂不只是驾云而来,而且还充满帐幕。祂以肉身显现,用祂的同在充满人类。
- 当你知道神决定以如此个人化的方式与我们联系并居住在我们中间时,你有什么感觉?(允许学生自由分享)
**** 英文版 *******
Christmas Lessons
Lesson 3: The Incarnation
1.To expose students to an often-overlooked account of the nativity story 2. To reveal the cosmic significance of the incarnation 3. To experience Christmas in a fuller, more complete way
Birth of Christ, Christmas, Knowing Jesus
Scripture Memorization
John 1:14
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
Can you name the popular Christmas carol? List five key words and invite students to guess which carol it is. Each right answer earns a candy cane!
1. night, calm, infant, ‘round, peace (Silent Night) 2. fun, way, ride, dashing, one (Jingle Bells) 3. comes, lane, reindeer, children, right (Here Comes Santa Clause) 4. this, rest, angels, anthem, keeping (What Child is This) 5. stars, birth, sin, hear, knees (O Holy Night) GETTING STARTED (5 minutes)
General Discussion: • What is your favorite Christmas carol? (Let students share.) • What is your favorite part of Christmas? (Presents, family, food, carols, etc.) • What is one tradition your family has that you love? (Going to church together, going to your grandparent’s, Christmas dinner, waking up early, etc.) • What is one tradition that your family has that you don’t love? (Pictures, travel, etc.)
While Christmas brings a lot of great memories, sometimes there are parts of Christmas that we miss. Even when we turn our hearts and minds to spiritual things, we often overlook some passages of Scripture in favor of the more popular ones. Today we’re going to consider the Christmas story, but from a source you don’t often look to at Christmas time — John’s Gospel.
DIGGING IN (25 minutes)
Often, our celebration of Christmas causes us to think about a single night, a small family, and an individual baby. But the events that transpired in Bethlehem have cosmic significance with far-reaching consequences. That’s what we’re going to consider today.
Read John 1:1-14
Discussion Questions: 1. Do you think of this passage as a typical Christmas passage? Why or why not? (Not many do, but rather think of the Gospel of Matthew and Gospel of Luke where the actual birth narratives take place.) 2. How would you summarize this passage? (Allow students to share, but hopefully they land somewhere in the vicinity of “God became a human.”)
Christmas isn’t simply a celebration of a silent night and a little baby — John 1 outlines the cosmic significance of Christmas. It’s about God becoming a human. The big word for this is “incarnation.” Let’s review this passage more closely and consider the vast effect of this event.
Read John 1:1-5
Discussion Questions: 1. John uses the title “Word,” but who is he referencing? (Jesus.) 2. What evidence do we have that this “Word” is divine? (was with God, was God, He was creator, He possessed life, brought light, etc.) 3. What will never overcome this Word and the light He brings? (The darkness.) 4. How does it make you feel to think that God, being this powerful, would come to us in the form of a child? (Allow students to share.)
The prologue of John’s Gospel is one of the most beautiful passages of all the Bible. By painting a very clear picture that the Word is eternal, he sets the stage for all that follows.
Read John 1:6-8
Discussion Questions: 1. Who is John referencing in this section? (John the Baptist.) 2. What is John the Baptist’s role? (He announces the coming of Christ so that all might believe.)
Whereas Matthew and Luke feature angels, shepherds and wise man paying homage and to this miraculous baby, John points to John the Baptist as a key witness before coming out and making it clear who this baby is.
Read John 1:9-14
Discussion Questions: 1. According to verse 9, who was coming into the world and what did He do? (It’s the true light that gives light to all.) 2. Though He made the world, why don’t you think the world recognized Him? Why didn’t they “receive Him,” as verse 11 says? (The way God came to us was unexpected, surprising, and unusual.) 3. What was rewarded to those who did receive Him? (They were named children of God.) 4. When John says, “the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us,” do you think of the nativity scene? Do you think of a heavenly scene? Do you think of something else? (Allow students to share their impressions.) 5. Verse 14 says that “We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” Is there any doubt after that statement that John is referring to the birth of Jesus? (Not at all…this is John’s version of the nativity story.)
John’s cosmic, universal, eternal emphasis here is a reminder to us that Jesus’ birth changes everything. MAKING IT REAL (20 minutes)
To consider the vast impact the incarnation has had, let’s look at three central themes.
The Incarnation Has Universal Impact
John 1 is often used in conjunction with Colossians 1 as it provides us with insight to Jesus eternal nature.
Read Colossians 1:15-19
Discussion Questions: 1. According to this passage, what does the Son share a responsibility in? (All of creation — what was made was made by Him) 2. In addition to creating, what active role does the Son hold in creation? (He “holds everything together”) 3. Was the Son — that is, Jesus — only partly God, according to this passage? (No, all God’s fullness dwells in Him)
The active participation in all of creation, even in holding creation together presently, means that God the Son — Jesus Christ, in the flesh — has universal impact. But that’s not all. The Incarnation Has Community Impact
Jesus coming to us also changed communities from that point forward. By entering a world full of injustice, racism, class warfare, Roman occupation, and more, God Among Us came to make a difference.
In the chapter after John 1, which we just read, John 2 talks about two communities that Jesus changes.
(Have students read John 2. Split your group into two. Have one group read John 2:1-12. Have the other group read John 2:13-25. Have each group answer the questions.)
John 2:1-12
Discussion Questions: 1. Where is this story set? (A wedding.) 2. What type of people are present? (Wedding party, family and friends.) 3. What does Jesus do among them? (Performs a miracle.) 4. What point is He making in this instance? (There is new wine coming.) 5. How do you think Jesus has changed your community? (People help the poor in His name, people make laws intended to bring justice, etc.)
John 2:13-25
Discussion Questions: 1. Where is this story set? (The temple.) 2. What type of people are present? (A religious community.) 3. What does Jesus do among them? (Angrily drives out religious abusers.) 4. What point is He making in this instance? (There are old traditions that must be cast aside.) 5. How do you think Jesus has changed your community? (People help the poor in His name, people make laws intended to bring justice, etc.)
The Incarnation Has Personal Impact
It may not be fair given the vast impact the birth of Christ has overall to say that the personal impact is the “most important.” However, it certainly is the impact we experience at the greatest depth.
The depth of this personal impact is felt in the language of John 1.
Re-read John 1:14
“To dwell among us” has profound implications, and the language points back to the Old Testament.
Read Exodus 40:34-35
Discussion Questions: 1. What does the cloud in this passage represent? (It is the presence of God.) 2. What does the cloud fill? (The tabernacle.) 3. Where was this tabernacle? (In the presence of the Israelites.)
The presence of God among His people has always set Him apart from other deities. He is a personal God. But what makes this most interesting is John’s use of the word “dwell.” It can literally be translated “the Word became flesh, and tabernacle among us.” God made humanity His dwelling place. He didn’t just come to earth; He came to humanity. He didn’t just come in a cloud, filling a tent. He came in a body, filling humanity with His presence.
General Discussion: • How does it make you feel to know that God determined to relate to us in such a personal way and dwell among us? (Allow students to share.)
While Christmas can evoke a lot of focus on the manger, the shepherds, and the traditional nativity scene, the incarnation of God has literally impacted every corner of the galaxy. It’s my prayer this Christmas that He also effects every corner of your heart. CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray for your students to experience the Word made flesh in a new and deeper way this Christmas.
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