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青少年教程 (圣诞故事中的女性*第2课) | 马利亚






2.介绍圣诞故事中较少为人所知的人物— 女性



基督的诞生, 圣诞节, 认识耶稣, 预言





我们将举行一个圣诞知识竞赛。举手如果你知道答案。回答正确将赢得奖品 —(为获胜者准备一些糖果或巧克力)









• 你最喜欢的圣诞传统是什么?(允许学生分享自己最喜欢的传统。)

• 你的家人每年庆祝圣诞节做的事是什么?(让每个学生都分享。)

• 你在这个圣诞节一定要做的事是什么?(唱圣诞颂歌,滑雪,看一部特别的电影等等。)



读 路加福音1:26-29






读 路加福音2:30-34





读 路加福音1:35-38








读 路加福音2:1-20












读 以赛亚书53:2-6


读 歌罗西书1:15-20


读 希伯来书4:14-16


再次读 路加福音2:1-19




• 这些经文中,有什么是你珍赏的?(允许学生分享。)

• 这些经文告诉我们主耶稣是什么样的?(祂是一个受苦的仆人,伟大的大祭司,掌管一切的神,应许的弥赛亚等等。)

• 在那些安静的时间里,你感觉如何?不舒服?很有帮助?令人愉快?(允许学生分享,无论他们的感受如何都予以认可。)

• 你觉得自己是一个花时间思考珍赏的人吗?为什么是/不是?(通常我们太忙,生活太嘈杂,我们太懒等等。)

• 如果在这个圣诞节,你每天花五分钟静坐思想耶稣,会是什么样子?你能做到吗?(允许学生分享。)






**** 英文版 *******

Women of Christmas

Lesson 2: Mary


This Christmas lesson teaches students about Mary and her role in the Christmas story.


1. To prepare students’ hearts for the celebration of Christmas

2. To introduce students to the lesser known heroes of the Christmas story — the women

3. To inspire students to meditate on and consider the meaning of Jesus’ arrival


Birth of Christ, Christmas, Knowing Jesus, Prophecy

Scripture Memorization

Luke 2:19

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

We’re going to have a Christmas trivia contest. Raise your hand if you know the answer. A right answer wins a prize — (have some candy canes or chocolate ready for winners)

1. In the Christmas song “Frosty the Snowman,” what makes Frosty come to life? (A hat.)

2. Which of Santa’s reindeer shares a name with a famous symbol of a February holiday? (Cupid)

3. What Bing Crosby song is the best-selling single ever? (White Christmas)

4. What well-known Christmas carol became the first song ever broadcast from space in 1965? (Jingle Bells)

5. In what modern-day country was the real Saint Nicholas born? (Turkey)

I hope those questions got you more excited for Christmas!



General Discussion:

• What is a favorite Christmas tradition of yours? (Allow students to share their favorites.)

• What is something your family does every year to celebrate? (Allow each student to share.)

• For you as an individual, what is one thing you will definitely do this Christmas season to celebrate? (Go caroling, Sledding, Watch a particular movie, etc.)

My guess is regardless of the traditions you are used to doing or things you’ll definitely do this Christmas season, thinking, pondering, and treasuring in silence are not things you named. Today we’re going to talk about how being still can help us celebrate Christmas in a more substantial way.

DIGGING DEEP (35 minutes)

Read Luke 1:26-29

Discussion Questions:

1. How is Mary identified in this passage? (As a descendant of David, as a woman pledged to be married to Joseph, as a virgin.)

2. Who visits Mary and what does the individual say? (An angel visits her and tells her that the Lord is with her.)

3. What is Mary’s response in verse 29? (She is troubled, curious as to what is going on.)

It is interesting that with only a salutation troubles Mary. She hasn’t even been given any news yet, and she’s already troubled. Just wait until she hears what the angel has to say.

Read Luke 2:30-34

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the angel reassure Mary…what does he say? (That she has found favor with God.)

2. What news does the angel give Mary next? (That she will become pregnant and give birth to a son.)

3. What further instructions and insight does the angel offer? (That she is to name Him Jesus, that He will be great, and that He will rule over the descendants of Israel forever, His kingdom will last forever.)

4. What confuses Mary in verse 34? (Because she knew she’d never been with a man.)

Read Luke 1:35-38

Discussion Questions:

1. How does the angel explain her pregnancy will happen? (That the Holy Spirit would make her pregnant and her son will be not only human, but also divine.)

2. What proof does the angel offer that this is true? (That Elizabeth was also pregnant.)

3. What assurance does the angel offer in verse 37? (That “no word from God will ever fail”)

4. What is Mary’s response? (That she’s God’s servant and that she desired for the angel’s words to be fulfilled.)

5. What is it that you think causes Mary to go from “troubled” at the beginning of the passage to being so willing to be used of God in this way? (She hears from the angel, the angel comforts her, the angel offers proof and assurance that what he is saying is the truth, etc.)

6. What is it that can cause you to go from doubtful to assured when it comes to God’s words to you in your life? (Allow students to share.)

Read Luke 2:1-20

Discussion Questions:

1. You’ve likely heard this passage before, but does anything stick out in a new way? What is your response to this news? (Allow students to share.)

2. What was the response of the shepherds in this passage? (They went and found the baby, then went and spread the news concerning him, then returned.)

3. What is the response of the angels in this passage? (They praise God, singing out glory.)

4. How does Joseph seem in this passage? (We don’t know much, but he is present, supportive, seemingly sacrificial and dutiful, etc.)

5. Lastly, what is Mary’s response? (She “treasured up” and “pondered” all these things in her heart.)

6. What kinds of things do you think Mary thought about? (The angel’s news from Luke 1, the trip to Bethlehem, the fear and confusion, her visit with Elizabeth, what the angel said about who Jesus would be, the shepherds coming to visit, the angel’s song, etc.)

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Mary “treasured up” and “pondered” these things in her heart. That’s what we want to do today. For the Christmas story to be real to us, it can’t remain a story that we read about. It needs to be one we experience. So, we’re going to create some space to treasure and ponder Jesus together now.

To that end, I’d like to set the stage for some quiet. Let’s begin by being still for 30 seconds, after which I’m going to read some Scripture to you. After each Scripture, I’m going to give you 30 more seconds of stillness to “treasure up” what you hear and ponder it as well.

(Give students 30 silence of silence)

Read Isaiah 53:2-6

(Give students 30 seconds of silence)

Read Colossians 1:15-20

(Give students 30 seconds of silence)

Read Hebrews 4:14-16

(Give students 30 seconds of silence)

Read Luke 2:1-19 (once again)

(Give students 30 seconds of silence)

We’ve just spent 5-10 minutes, other than my reading, in quiet reflection. Now, let’s reflect a little bit together.

General Discussion:

• What is something that you treasured from one of those verses? (Allow students to share.)

• What do those verses tell us about who Jesus is? (He’s a suffering servant, a great high priest, a God who holds things together, a promised Messiah, etc.)

• How did you feel during that time of quiet? Was it uncomfortable? Helpful? Enjoyable? (Allow students to share, validating those feelings whatever they are.)

• Do you feel like you are a person who takes time to ponder or treasure thoughts like these? Why or why not? (Often, we’re too busy, our lives too noisy, we’re too lazy, etc.)

• What would it look like this Christmas season if you took five minutes every day to be still and ponder Jesus? Could you do it? (Allow students to share.)

In our study of the women of Christmas, each can teach us something. I believe Mary teaches us here the importance of slowing down, treasuring up, and pondering that which is most important during this season — Jesus.

So, here’s the challenge. For the next week, take five minutes. Be still. Read a passage of Scripture (Luke 2, Colossians 1, Isaiah 53, or something else), and ponder who Jesus is. It may be uncomfortable at first but try every single day for just a few minutes.

Think of Jesus. Ponder him. Treasure it all up as Christmas approaches. 

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Pray that students can slow down and treasure up the truth about Jesus.


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