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青少年教程 (传道书*第7课) | 这不公平!




1. 进一步提高学生对旧约传道书的认识。

2. 帮助学生明白,在这一生,事情并不总是公平的。

3. 鼓励学生讨神喜悦,等待来生的公正。














- 这个游戏公平吗?为什么是/不?

- 怎样才能使游戏公平?

- 生活是公平的吗?为什么是/不?



读 传道书8:1-8


1. 一个人对王的态度应该是什么?(服从的态度)

2. 服从王的人将会有什么结果?(他们不会受到伤害)

3. 这个建议,以及上下的经文,都是关于智慧的。邪恶和缺乏智慧是如何并存的? (智慧的人寻求神并遵循祂的命令;邪恶的人走自己的路)








读 传道书8:9-17


1. 你是否曾看着一个不敬重神的人,想知道为什么他/她看起来那么好?

2. 所罗门说:"恶人得到义人应得的,义人得到恶人应得的"。你见过这种情况吗?谁能举个例子?(一个作弊者在考试中得了满分,而一个努力学习的人却只得了C,等等)

3. 今天有一种态度很盛行:"如果我能够逃脱后果,我就能去做。" 你认识有这种想法的人吗?这种态度有什么不好?(仅仅因为你可以逃脱责任,并不意味着事情本身是正确的)



4. 所罗门提到了长寿。长寿是你在这世上如何生活的结果吗?(不是)解释一下。

在所罗门时代,神对未来的事启示甚少。 长寿不一定是在这个世界上活得更久。 正如所知,我们只是这个世界的访客(彼得前书2:11)。 通过基督,我们知道在未来会有一个比整个地球大得多的奖赏。恶人的日子不会比他们在地上的时间长。


即使知道这一点,许多人对这个世界仍有异议。 例如,许多人对邪恶有意见。神怎么能让事情以这样的方式发生?我们有时很难理解神的方式。所罗门的解释是,神故意让生活变得不可预测,以防我们试图接管控制它(第16-17节)。我们被提醒,一切都在神的手中,而不是在我们的手中。第九章就是这样开始的。

读 传道书9:1-4


1. 等待义人和恶人的"必然之事 "是什么? (死亡和审判)

2. 根据这些经文,为什么"活狗胜过死狮"?(当我们还活着的时候,就还有希望。一旦死了,我们的命运和前途就完结了)

3. 当你想到来生,会有什么不同感受?(有很多不同,但有一个很大的不同是,这个世界的不公正将消失)



拿出一些报纸、杂志,或让学生用手机查找新闻网站。让他们寻找那些 "不公平 "的故事。例如,一个在龙卷风中失去房子的老妇人,一个被错误定罪的人,或者一个囤积钱财又赢得奖金的富人,而慷慨的人却被无视。允许用几分钟的时间找到 "不公平"的事情。然后提出以下问题。


- 这样的故事让你有什么感觉?

- 你认为它们让神感觉如何?

- 为什么神不选择在今生审判这些人?(神很有耐心,不希望有人灭亡,而是希望每个人都能悔改)

- 当我们都被审判的时候,你认为有些人将会如何地惊讶?




**** 英文版 *******


Lesson 7: It's Not Fair!


1. To further the students' knowledge of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To help students understand that things in this life will not always seem fair 3. To motivate students to please God and await the justice of the next life


Fairness, Judgment of God, Justice

Scripture Memorization

Ecclesiastes 9:4

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (5 minutes)

Chug (Game) Ask for two volunteers (one boy and one girl) to compete for a designated prize. The goal is to see who can chug down a coke or other soft drink the fastest. The boy tries first. The trick is, you give the boy a 20-ounce bottle and tell him to go to town as you time how long it takes. Then, after finishing and recording the time, you give the girl a smaller version of the soft drink (8 or 12-ounce can) and timed. Even if the girl still loses the contest, you make the point. It was not FAIR to give them different responsibilities for the same ultimate reward.


General Discussion: • Was the game fair? Why or why not? • What would have made the game fair? • Is life fair? Why or why not? Today we are going to discuss "fairness" and what Ecclesiastes has to say about how we should approach life. Is everyone ready?

DIGGING IN (20 minutes)

Read Ecclesiastes 8:1-8

Discussion Questions: 1. What is someone’s attitude toward the king supposed to be? (One of obedience.) 2. Whoever obeys the king will come to what end? (They will be done no harm.) 3. This advice, and the verses around it, all speak about wisdom. How do wickedness and a lack of wisdom go hand-in-hand? (The wise seek God and follow His commands; the wicked go their own way.)

Often, we do not understand what God’s Will means for our future. We like to question it. However, when we know His Will, we should follow even if we do not understand the full purpose.

If we give up during the battle, that does not take us out of danger. We do not escape danger by joining the enemy, either. We must remember that we are in battle. Our duty as Christians is to follow what our Commander tells us. He sits on a high hill and sees the whole picture. He wants what is best for us.

Object Talk: (Optional: Shine a flashlight right in front of you. It will be obvious to the group that it lights your way. Now shine it off in the distance. Chances are it will be much fainter.)

God often does not show what He is doing with us a long way down the path. He knows we could not handle it all. Instead, He shows us what we NEED to know and can handle. His goal for us is to be obedient in following what He calls us to do right NOW. Like a flashlight, we can only see the path in front of us, not down the way. However, if we do not step where the flashlight is shining, we increase our chances of getting hurt.

Read Ecclesiastes 8:9-17

Discussion Questions: 1. Have you ever looked at someone who wasn’t honoring God and wondered why he or she seemed to have it so well? 2. Solomon says, “The wicked get what the righteous deserve and the righteous get what the wicked deserve.” Have you ever seen this happen? Can anyone give an example? (A cheater makes 100% on a test and someone who studies makes a C, etc.) 3. There is an attitude that is prevalent today. It goes, “If I can get away with it, I can do it.” Do you know anyone who thinks this way? How is this attitude a bad one? (Just because you can get away with it doesn’t mean it is right.)

Solomon’s point here is that we all live in a fallen, unfair world. Sometimes the wicked do seem to prosper. Nevertheless, this should not cause us to falter in our faith. Instead, the servant of God should look for the enduring approval of the Lord.

It’s just like the king mentioned in the early verses. If we live to please the King, no harm will ultimately come to us. 4. Solomon mentions long life. Is long life a result of how you live on this earth? (No.) Explain. In Solomon’s day, God revealed very little about the life to come. Long life is not necessarily living longer on this world. As we know, we are simply visitors to this world (I Peter 2:11). Through Christ, we know that in the future we will have a reward that is much bigger than earth. The day of the wicked does not last longer than their time on earth.

MAKING IT REAL (25 minutes)

Even knowing this, many people have a problem with the way things work in our world. For example, many people have a problem with evil. How can God let things happen the way he does? It is difficult for us to understand sometimes how God works. Solomon’s explanation is that God has made life unpredictable on purpose to keep us from trying to take it over and control it (verses 16-17). We are reminded that everything is in God’s hands, not ours. This is how chapter 9 begins.

Read Ecclesiastes 9:1-4

Discussion Questions: 1. What is the “certain thing” that awaits the righteous and the wicked? (Death and judgment.) 2. Why is a “live dog better than a dead lion,” based on these verses? (While we are still living, we have hope. Once dead, our destiny and fate are sealed.) 3. When you think about the life after this one, how different will it be? (Lots of differences, but one big difference is that the injustice of this world will disappear.)

Activity (15 minutes)

I Find it Unfair! Bring out some newspapers, magazines, or have students look up news websites on their phones. Have them look for stories that are “unfair.” For example, an elderly woman who loses her house in a tornado, a man wrongly convicted of a crime, or a rich person who hoards their wealth and wins a prize while the generous are ignored. Allow a few minutes to find something that is "unfair." Then ask the following questions:

General Discussion: • How do stories like this make you feel? • How do you think they make God feel? • Why doesn’t God choose to judge these people in this life? (God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish, and instead would like everyone to repent of their sins.) • When we are all judged, how do you think some people will be surprised?

We live in a sinful and fallen world. Often, things that happen seem difficult to us. However, God is good. He often blesses us through our surrounding tragedies. Our goal is to please the Master and keep up hope through the tragedies that surround us.

This life is unfair, but what happens after this life is final--and it is just.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)


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