1. 进一步提高学生对旧约传道书的认识。
2. 帮助学生思考,物质的东西对他们有多重要。
3. 鼓励学生在基督里找到喜乐,而不是钱财。
知足, 嫉妒, 贪婪, 幸福, 偶像, 快乐
- 金钱对你来说有多重要?
- 想要更多的钱财是错的吗?
- 金钱是一个很好的激励因素吗?
事实是,我们确信拥有更多的钱总是更好的。 今天,我们要讨论金钱,我们对金钱的看法可能使我们远离神。
读 传道书5:1-7
1. 当所罗门说 "神的殿"时,他在说什么?(圣殿--旧约中犹太人敬拜的中心)
2. 他对去做敬拜的人有什么建议?(要听不要说,不要急躁,等等)
3. 为什么你认为 "少说话 "是对我们所有人的好建议?
读 传道书5:10-17
1. 所罗门对财富的看法是什么?(它们毫无意义)
2. 地球上最富有的人怎么会得出这样的结论?(他拥有一切,但仍未得到满足)
3. 重读第10节。你认识这样的人吗?
4. 为什么财富永远不会带来完全的满足?(因为它不能保存,它来了又走,等等)。
5. 在第10-15节中,所罗门列举了一些爱钱会使人陷入的 "陷阱"。这些陷阱有哪些?
- 上瘾/不满足(第10节)
- 吸引贪婪的人(第11节)
- 变成地位的象征/虚荣(第11节)
- 导致忧虑(12节)
- 导致睡眠不足(第12节)
- 要为自己囤积/储存(13节)
- 很容易丢失(14节)
- 死亡时肯定会失去(第15节)
读 马太福音19:16-26
1. 你认为富人进入天国有多难? (根据耶稣的说法,非常难)
2. 有什么方法可以确保钱永远不会成为人的主人?(通过慷慨解囊,不要认为它是 "你的",等等)
读 传道书5:18-20和6:1
1. 所罗门认为什么是好的?(努力工作,享受生活)
2. 第5章第19节有一个来自神的恩赐。它是什么?(拥有财富并能够享受它,而不是为了积累更多的财富而忧心忡忡)
3. 第六章的开头揭示了所罗门的一个巨大的痛苦点。它是什么?(拥有财富却不满足,无法享受它)
列出小组成员最喜欢的财产或他们希望拥有的东西。 把它们一一写在黑板上或一张大纸上,让大家都能看到。
1. 拥有财富或财产有什么本质上的问题吗?(没有)请解释一下。
2. 那么,是什么让财富和财物成为罪呢? (爱它们,信靠它们,等等)
3. 如果你拥有某样东西,但在这个世界结束后它将不再是你的,那么这东西有多重要?(不太重要)
读 路加福音16:13
想一想你对幸福的追求。 你是否想通过屈服于世界的欲望来寻找它? 你是否活得好像对金钱的追求会给你带来真正的幸福? 今天把你的注意力集中在圣灵和圣灵所希望的事情上。
**** 英文版 *******
Lesson 5: You Can't Take it With You
1. To further the students' knowledge of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To challenge students to think about how important their stuff is to them 3. To challenge students to find joy in Christ, not wealth
Contentment, Envy, Greed, Happiness, Idols, Joy
Scripture Memorization
Luke 16:13
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)
Money Hungry (Game) Click here
General Discussion: • How important is money to you? • Is it wrong to want more money? • Do you think money is a good motivator? The truth is, we are convinced that having more money is always better. Today, we are going to talk about money, and how our view of money might be pulling us away from God.
Now, everyone turn to Ecclesiastes 5 and let's dig in.
DIGGING IN (20 minutes)
Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-7
Discussion Questions: 1. What is Solomon talking about when he says “the house of God”? (The temple—the center of Jewish worship in the Old Testament.) 2. What is his advice for those going to worship? (To listen rather than speak, do not be hasty, etc.) 3. Why do you think “let your words be few” is good advice for us all?
Read Ecclesiastes 5:10-17
Discussion Questions: 1. What is Solomon’s view of riches? (They are meaningless.) 2. How is it that the richest man on earth could come to this conclusion? (He had everything, but was still unfulfilled.) 3. Re-read verse 10. Do you know anyone like this? 4. Why does wealth never bring complete satisfaction? (Because it cannot save, it comes and goes, etc.) 5. In verses 10-15, Solomon names some of the “traps” that loving money can cause you to fall into. What are some of those traps? • addiction/dissatisfaction (verse 10) • attracts the greedy (verse 11) • becomes a status symbol/trophy (verse 11) • promotes worry (verse 12) • causes lack of sleep (verse 12) • results in hoarding/stockpiling for self (verse 13) • can be lost easily (verse 14) • sure to disappear at death (verse 15)
Read Matthew 19:16-26
Discussion Questions: 1. How hard do you think it is for a rich man to enter Heaven? (According to Jesus, it is very hard.) 2. What are some ways that you can ensure that your money never becomes your master? (By being generous, don’t think of it as “yours”, etc.) Read Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 & 6:1-2
Discussion Questions:
1. What does Solomon observe to be a good thing? (Working hard and enjoying life.)
2. Verse 5:19 includes a gift from God. What is it? (Having wealth and being able to enjoy it, not worrying and fussing to accumulate more and more.)
3. The beginning of chapter 6 reveals a point of great misery to Solomon. What is it? (Having wealth but being unsatisfied and unable to enjoy it.)
MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)
Favorite Possessions (Activity) Make a list of the group’s favorite possessions or things they would LIKE to have. Write each of them on the board or a large sheet of paper where everyone can see. Then, go through the list one by one. Circle the ones that can make it to Heaven.
Discussion Questions: 1. Is there something inherently wrong with having wealth or possessions? (No.) Explain. 2. Then, what makes wealth and stuff sinful? (Loving them, trusting them, etc.) 3. If you own something but it will cease to be yours after this world ends, how important is that something? (Not very.)
Read Luke 16:13
If it’s true, you can’t serve God and things at the same time, then the question we’re left with today is this: Who or what are you serving?
Think about your search for happiness. Do you try to find it by giving in to the desires of the world? Do you live as if the pursuit of money will bring you true happiness? Focus your attention today to the Spirit and what the Spirit desires.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Close by praying that your students will find joy in Christ and not run after the desires of the world.
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