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青少年教程 (传道书*第4课) | 独自站立




1. 进一步提高学生对旧约传道书的认识。

2. 帮助学生看到,与好朋友一起生活,生活才更有意义。

3. 鼓励学生,努力使自己的友谊更有意义。


团契/交通, 友谊, 关系







- 有朋友的好处是什么?

- 在友谊方面有什么困难?

- 如果没有朋友或可以依靠的人,生活会是什么样子?




让我们都想象一下,我们在一个荒岛上--单独搁浅了。岛上有淡水,而且 - 幸运的是 - 还有一部电话可以直达救援直升机。不幸的是,世界上还有很多人被困在各处荒岛上,直升机要七天后才能来救你。现在,假设在此事件之前,你能带三样东西。除了你的衣服,只能有三样东西。你选择这三样东西,因为它们对保命最有帮助。大家想一想这个问题。好了,现在我们来回答几个问题。


1. 你会带哪三样东西,为什么?

2. 2.你认为第一天之后你会有什么感觉? 第二天?第三天?第七天?

3. 孤单很久,最困难的是什么?




读 传道书4:1-3


1. 所罗门在这段经文中提到了哪一群人? (受欺压的人)

2. 所罗门说死了的人比活着的人更快乐。你认为这意味着什么? (世界是一个悲哀的地方

3. 根据第3节,谁是最幸运的群体?(那些没有出生的人)

4. 所罗门为什么对他所看到的压迫如此不满?


读 传道书4:4-8


1. 根据所罗门的说法,一把或两把哪个更好?(一把)

2. 人们为什么要追求更多、更大、更好?

3. 即使在所罗门的时代,这也是事实,这让人感到惊讶吗?

4. 你认为物质能使你快乐吗?为什么/为什么不?


读 传道书4:9-12


1. 第9节,为什么人们一起工作会更好?(因为他们的劳动有了更好的回报)

2. 为什么跌倒的人不孤单比较好?(因为有人会把他/她扶起来)

3. 为什么和别人一起躺下比较好?(你可以得温暖)

4. 所罗门通过谈论我们是多么需要彼此,将欺压和财富联系起来。它们之间有什么关系?(不管你是富人还是穷人,独自生活是没有意义的。我们需要彼此!)







- 那个人在自己的地盘上站住了,这很难吗?为什么?

- 那三人一组的人很难站住吗?为什么?

- "真正的朋友 "的定义是什么?(愿意倾听,一起玩,聊天,共享东西,值得信赖,等等。)


所罗门也提到了其中的一些东西,不是吗?你们一起有收益(不仅仅是钱财,想想朋友使生活更有益的各种方式),当一个人感到沮丧时,你们互相帮助,在生活的艰难时,你们互相 "取暖 ",互保安全。


读 箴言17:17和箴言18:24


1. 朋友在任何时候都要做的是什么?(爱)

2. 这是否意味着他们总是和睦相处,很轻松,从不对抗?(不,有时爱是严厉的)

3. 所罗门说,朋友是为什么样的时候准备的?(困难时期)

4. 那些有不可靠的朋友的人会怎样? (会被毁掉)

5. 相比之下,我们应该努力拥有什么样的朋友?(那些比兄弟更亲密的人)













**** 英文版 *******


Lesson 4: Standing Alone


1. To further the students' knowledge of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To help students understand that life is more meaningful when it is lived with good friends 3. To challenge students to commit to making their friendships more meaningful


Fellowship, Friendship, Relationships

Scripture Memorization

Ecclesiastes 4:12

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (15 minutes)

The New Friend Game (Game) Click here

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

General Discussion: • What is great about having friends? • What can be hard about friendship? • What do you think life would be like if you had no friends or anyone to count on?

We’re going to be talking about the benefit of friendship and the difficulty of trying to live alone, but first, we want to do a little imagining.

Stranded for Seven Let’s all imagine we are on a deserted island—stranded all alone. There is fresh water on the island and--fortunately--a phone with a direct line to a rescue helicopter. Unfortunately, there are so many other people stranded on deserted islands all over the world, it is going to take seven days for the helicopter to come and get you. Now, suppose beforehand, you were able to grab three things to take with you. Only three things besides the clothes on your back. You selected these three things because they would help the most in keeping you alive. Everyone think about this for a while. Okay, now let's answer a few questions.

General Discussion Questions: 1. What three things would you bring, and why? 2. How do you think you would feel after day one? Day two? Day three? Day Seven? 3. What would be the hardest part about being alone for that long?

Now, everyone turn to Ecclesiastes 4 and let's start digging in.

DIGGING IN (15 minutes)

Read Ecclesiastes 4:1-3 Discussion Questions: 1. What group of people does Solomon mention in this passage? (The oppressed.) 2. Solomon says those who are dead are happier than those who are alive. What do you think that means? (That the world is a sad place to live.) 3. According to verse 3, who is the most fortunate group? (Those who have not been born.) 4. Why do you think Solomon is so upset by the oppression he saw?

Solomon now shifts gears and talks about the opposite of the oppressed--the wealthy.

Read Ecclesiastes 4:4-8

Discussion Questions: 1. What is better according to Solomon, one handful or two? (One) 2. Why do you think people chase more, bigger, and better? 3. Does it surprise you that this was true even back in Solomon’s day? 4. Do you believe that stuff can make you happy? Why/why not?

After talking about those who are oppressed and those who are wealthy, Solomon seemingly changes the subject.

Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Discussion Questions: 1. In verse 9, why is it better for people to work together? (Because they have a good return for their labor.) 2. Why is it better for one who falls not to be alone? (They will have someone to pick him or her up.) 3. Why is better to lie down with another? (You keep warm.) 4. Solomon ties together sections on oppression and wealth by talking about how much we need each other. How do they relate? (It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, living alone is meaningless. We need each other!)

MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)

Strong Together (Object Talk) Get four volunteers to come forward. Three of the volunteers will be together, one will stand-alone. Have the lone person claim a piece of the room and stand strong. The other three will then try to move that one person off balance. Then, reverse the activity. Have the three stand strong on claimed territory. Ask the one to try to move the group of three. It will obviously be more difficult. Discussion Questions: • Was it hard for the one to stand strong on their own? Why? • Was it hard for the group of three to stand strong? Why? • What is the definition of a “true friend?” (Someone who listens, hangs out with, talks to, has stuff in common with, is trustworthy, etc.)

Solomon mentions some of those same things, doesn’t he? You gain a profit together (not just money. Think of all the ways friends make life more profitable), you help each other out when one is feeling down, you keep each other “warm” and safe during life’s tough times.

Let’s read something else Solomon said about friends.

Read Proverbs 17:17 and Proverbs 18:24

Discussion Questions: 1. What does a friend do at all times? (Loves) 2. Does this mean that they always get along, never confront, or give you the easy way out? (No, sometimes love is tough love.) 3. Solomon says friends are for what kind of time? (Hard times.) 4. What happens to those with unreliable friends? (They come to ruin.) 5. By contrast, what kind of friend should we strive to have? (Those who stick closer than a brother.)

So having friends isn’t just about having stuff in common or hanging out, is it? It’s much deeper than that.

If you are wondering how to be a good friend, think about the things we’ve just talked about:

Friends are there in difficult times. Friends think about what they can do for others. Friends are those who keep you accountable to commitments Friends keep you strong Friends warn you of danger Friends are loyal Friends make you better, not worse. Solomon sees the importance of having true friends that we can count on. I challenge you to BE a true friend to someone and to SEEK OUT true friends for yourself.

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Have students pray for a friend they have hurt, been hurt by, or to find a friend they can trust.


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