1. 进一步提高学生对旧约传道书的认识。
2. 帮助学生感受到他们的时间不是无限的这一紧迫性。
3. 鼓励学生承诺智慧地使用他们在世上的时间
可用性, 选择, 有果效, 懒惰, 优先权
传道书 3:1
- 你会用这些钱做什么?
- 你认为你会把它花光吗?记住,这些钱不会结转到下一周。
- 怎样使用这些钱才是最聪明的?
- 最愚拙的用法是什么?
读 传道书 3:1-8
1. 所罗门在这里说的是什么?(一切都是有时间的。)
2. 圣经中提到的 "有时"是否都是不好的?(死亡、拆毁、哭泣等)
3. 什么态度可以使这些情况都好起来?(无论如何都要信靠神,等等。)
4. 所罗门对这些事情做对错的判断,还是他观察到在我们的世界里有好的和坏的时候?
5. 你认为神为什么允许死亡和战争这样的 "坏 "事发生?
读 传道书3:11
1. "各按其时成为美好"是什么意思?
2. 当事情发生在神所安排的时间之外时,会发生什么?(挫折、失望、紧张的关系,等等)。
4. 当事情发生时,不在它们的时间,又是在你的控制之外,那该怎么办?
在这一章中,所罗门说了一些我们需要在此细读的东西。为了说明问题,我们将用这个计时器来标记我们所花费的每一分钟。记住,你拥有的每一分钟都是你应该智慧使用的。这 "叮 "声将巩固今天的课程。
读 传道书3:12
1. 这节经文说人应该用他们的时间做哪两件事?(喜乐行善)
2. 这对你是什么意思?
3. "行善 "在我们今天的世界中意味着什么?
4. 想一想你的时间(每天有1440分钟,每小时只有60分钟),你花在行善上的时间占多少?
5. 每过一分钟,你不是在兑现这个时间,就是在浪费它。如果你是诚实的,你浪费的时间是否比你智慧使用的时间多?
- 目前在你的生活中是否遵循神的时间安排?
- 你是否明智地使用了你每天的时间?
- 分享一件你认为需要有所改变的事。
**** 英文版 *******
Lesson 3: There is No Time
1. To further the students' knowledge of the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes 2. To help students feel the urgency that their time is not unlimited 3. To challenge students to commit to using their time on earth wisely
Availability, Choices, Fruitfulness, Laziness, Priorities
Scripture Memorization
Ecclesiastes 3:1
OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)
GROUP BUILDING (12 minutes)
How Much Time? (Game) Click here
Imagine you received $10,080 at the beginning of every week deposited for you into your bank account from a rich relative’s trust fund. Every Sunday morning it goes in, and every Saturday night at 11:59:59, the account is emptied to $0, whether you’ve spent it all or not.
General Discussion: • What would you do with the money? • Do you think you would spend it all? Remember, it doesn’t carry over to the next week. • What would be the smartest use of that money? • The most foolish use?
Well guess what? You do get 10,080 of something every week, and it doesn’t carry over. However, it is not dollars--it is minutes. And you choose how to use them every time the big hand takes a lap around the clock. The question for today is whether or not you are spending those moments wisely or foolishly
DIGGING IN (20 minutes)
Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Discussion Questions: 1. What do you think Solomon is saying here? (That there is a time for everything.) 2. Do any of the “times” the Bible talks about seem wrong all of the time? (Dying, tearing down, weeping, etc.) 3. What attitude could make these situations all right? (Trusting in God no matter what, etc.) 4. Do you think Solomon makes a judgment about the right or wrong of these things, or does he observe that in our world there are times for the good and the bad? 5. Why do you think God allows “bad” things like death and war?
There is obviously a time for everything. In our lives, there is a time for us to do or experience all sorts of things. For instance, many of you will experience what it is like to support a family financially. But it’s not time for that right now. There’s a time where many of you will experience the birth of your own child. But it’s not time for you to experience that right now. Here is an important truth I don’t want you to miss: when we follow God’s timing, things turn out beautifully.
Read Ecclesiastes 3:11
Discussion Questions: 1. What do you think it means for something to be beautiful “in its time”? 2. What happens when things happen outside of the time God might have intended for them? (Frustration, disappointment, strained relationships, etc.) 3. How do you know when it is time for a certain thing in your life? 4. What about when things happen not in their time, but when they are outside of your control?
MAKING IT REAL (15 minutes)
(Use a kitchen timer to indicate each minute that passes by during the reading and discussion period in this section. Set the timer for one minute, and, after each minute is up, reset the timer for another minute. You can also use a timer on a cell phone if you don’t have an old kitchen timer available.)
In this chapter, Solomon says something we need to hone in on here. To make a point, we will use this timer to mark off each minute of time we spend. Remember that every minute you have is one that you should use wisely. The audible "ding" will be an experiential tool to reinforce today's lesson. Read Ecclesiastes 3:12
Discussion Questions: 1. What does the verse say are the two things humans should do with their time? (Be happy and do good.) 2. What does this mean to you? 3. What do you think “doing good” means in our world today? 4. Think of the time you have (it’s 1,440 minutes a day, just 60 minutes an hour). What percentage of that do you think you spend doing good? 5. Every time a minute goes by, you are either cashing in on that time or wasting it. If you’re honest, are you wasting more than you are using wisely?
Optional Activity (10 minutes)
(Split the students into groups of two or three and have them share their answers to the following questions with the group. These questions are also in the workbooks. After about five minutes, suggest they take about two more minutes to pray for each other.)
Discussion Questions: • Are you currently following God’s timing in your life? • Are you using the minutes of your day wisely? • Share one thing with your partner(s) that you think you need to change.
CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)
Pray that your students will use their time wisely for the Lord.
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中文 © 2019-2022 羊之门 All rights reserved.