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青少年教程 (人生不是一场游戏*第3课) | 机会




  • 帮助学生看到人生不是游戏,而是一个机会

  • 教育学生关于耶稣的死和复活

  • 激励学生抓住每一个机会分享基督复活的好消息




马太福音 28:10







  • 在报纸上所有的事件中,你为什么选中这些故事?

  • 为什么你选择这些作为“最重大”的?是什么吸引了你的注意?




读 马太福音 27



  1. 在这段经文中,有什么是你不记得听过的吗?是什么?

  2. 如果你是其中一个门徒,并且你多年来一直与基督同行,当祂被钉死在十字架上时,你会有什么感受?

  3. 耶稣死时发生了一些不可思议的事情,请列举一些(参见50-53节)。


读 马太福音 28:1-10



  1. 如果你是门徒之一,并且你见证了耶稣从死里复活,你会有什么感受?

  2. 看到耶稣从死里复活如何改变了他们的生活?

我们刚刚读的就是福音——神通过基督的死和复活拯救了我们的好消息。我想再看一段经文,它讲述了这一事件的重要性。大家翻到哥林多前书 15 章。

读 哥林多前书 15:1-4


  1. 保罗在第2节中说我们靠着什么得救?(靠着福音)

  2. 保罗在第3节中说这个福音有多重要?(首先要紧的)

  3. 概括一下福音。(耶稣死了;祂被埋葬了;然后,祂从死里复活了)

  4. 你认为今天的人们认为这个福音有多重要?你为什么认为我们这样看待它?




  1. 如果你相信耶稣从死里复活了,这应该如何改变你的生活?

  2. 它改变了你的生活吗?解释一下。

  3. “人生不是游戏,而是一个机会”这句话对你意味着什么?

  4. 你认为有多少人不知道耶稣复活的意义?这如何解释了某些人的生活方式?

读 罗马书 10:14-15


  1. 关于传福音,这些经文说了什么?

  2. 如果我们不告诉他人,他们就不会听到。神呼召我们开口。你需要与谁分享耶稣的好消息?




  • 你下一次见到这个人是什么时候?

  • 你如何在谈话中提起这个话题?

  • 分享好消息可能会有哪些障碍?

  • 有哪些人可以为你祷告,祈求你有机会分享并实施这个计划?





**** 英文版 *******

Life: It's Not A Game

Lesson 3: The Opportunity



1. To help students understand that life is not a game, but an opportunity

2. To educate students about the death and resurrection of Jesus

3. To inspire students to take every opportunity to share the Good News of Christ’s resurrection from the dead


Born Again, Caring, Eternal Life, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Friendship, Gospel, Repentance, Salvation, Witnessing

Scripture Memorization

Matthew 28:10

OPENING PRAYER (5 to 10 minutes)

GROUP BUILDING (10 minutes)

Bring some newspapers to your group with you. Split your larger group into partners or trios, and supply each group with a newspaper. Encourage them to flip through their papers and pick out what they think are two or three of the biggest stories. Have them read through these stories and be ready to tell the rest of the group about them. Give them 5-10 minutes to complete this activity.

(Have groups share before moving on to “Getting Started.”)

GETTING STARTED (10 minutes)

General Discussion:

• Of all the things that happened on the day your paper was published, why do you think the stories you read were chosen?

• Why did you pick the ones you did as “most important"? What caught your eye?

It’s funny how we treat news today. The tiniest detail in the life of a celebrity often trumps a tragedy in the life of an ordinary person. Even the most basic events are told and re-told in newspapers, online, in magazines, and on television. News travels fast!

Today, I want us to re-visit the greatest event in the history of the world, and talk about how we have a great opportunity to spread the Word. You may be challenged by how much you actually contribute to the re-telling of this great story. Hopefully, by the time we’re done, you’ll be inspired to tell someone about this Good News.  

DIGGING IN (30 minutes)

Read Matthew 27

You’ve probably all heard this story before, but maybe you’ve never thought about what it would’ve been like to be there the day Jesus died.

Discussion Questions:

1. Is there anything in this passage that you don’t remember hearing before? What?

2. If you were one of the disciples, and you walked with Christ all those years, how would you have felt when He was killed on the cross?

3. Name some incredible things that happened when Jesus died (see verses 50-53).

The death of Jesus was a remarkable historical event. But if the story ends there, if that event were the last words in the Bible, then Christianity wouldn’t exist! It’s only part of the story, and Matthew continues this Good News in the very next chapter.

Read Matthew 28:1-10

Again, you’ve read this story before. You know Jesus rose from the dead. But what would it have been like to experience it first-hand?

Discussion Questions:

1. If you were one of the disciples and you witnessed Jesus, risen from the dead, how would you have felt then?

2. How do you think seeing Jesus risen from the dead changed their lives from that point forward?

What we’ve just read is the Gospel—the Good News that God saved us through Christ’s death and resurrection. I want to look at one more passage that speaks to the importance of this event. Everyone turn to 1 Corinthians 15.

Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

Discussion Questions:

1. Paul says in verse 2 that it is by this Gospel that we are what? (Saved.)

2. How important does Paul say this Gospel is in verse 3? (Of the first importance.)

3. Summarize the Gospel. (Jesus died. He was then buried. Finally, He rose from the dead.)

4. How important do you think people consider this Gospel today? Why do you think we view it that way?

MAKING IT REAL (10 minutes)

What I want to do now is challenge you personally. It’s one thing to know the story, it’s another thing for it to mean something to you as you continue to live. Remember, life is not a game! And as we’re beginning to see, it’s a great opportunity. An opportunity to share the Good News about Jesus.

General Discussion:

1. If you believe that Jesus rose from the dead, how should that change your life?

2. Has it changed your life yet? Explain.

3. What does the saying, “Life is not a game, but an opportunity” mean to you?

4. How many people do you think go through life absent of the knowledge that Jesus is alive? How does that explain the way some people live? 

Read Romans 10:14-15

Discussion Questions:

1. What do those verses say about telling people the Good News about Jesus?

2. People won’t hear unless we tell them. God is calling us to open our mouths. Who is someone you need to share the Good News of Jesus with?

Sharing the Gospel

Take time to go around your group. Get a name from each person. Don’t let any body take a pass, get the first name of someone who needs to hear the Good News from each student. Then challenge students to make a plan to share the Good News. Ask them the following questions to assist in this plan.•    When will you see the person next?•    How can you bring it up in conversation?•    What obstacles might exist in sharing the Good News?•    Who are some people who can pray for you to have the opportunity to share and go through with it?The news we have to share is more life-changing than anything we found in these papers. I think it’s time we take it seriously, and take the opportunities we have to pass on the News about Jesus. Don’t you?

CLOSING PRAYER (2 minutes)

Pray for your students, their opportunities to share with the people they mentioned, and that they have the courage to be bold in sharing.


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