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(每日读经5/9) 彼得前书 1 Peter 2.1-12 /附音频


Updated: May 9, 2024

彼得前书 2.1-12

2:1 所以要脱去一切的恶毒、和一切的诡诈、并伪善、嫉妒、以及一切毁谤的话,

Therefore putting away all malice and all guile and hypocrisies and envyings and all evil speakings,

2:2 像才生的婴孩一样,切慕那纯净的话奶,叫你们靠此长大,以致得救;

As newborn babes, long for the guileless milk of the word in order that by it you may grow unto salvation,

2:3 你们若尝过主是美善的,就必如此;

If you have tasted that the Lord is good.

2:4 你们来到祂这为人所弃绝,却为神所拣选所宝贵的活石跟前,

Coming to Him, a living stone, rejected by men but with God chosen and precious,

2:5 也就像活石,被建造成为属灵的殿,成为圣别的祭司体系,藉着耶稣基督献上神所悦纳的属灵祭物。

You yourselves also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house into a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

2:6 因为经上记着说,“看哪,我把所拣选所宝贵的房角石,安放在锡安,信靠祂的人,必不至于羞愧。”

For it is contained in Scripture: "Behold, I lay in Zion a cornerstone, chosen and precious; and he who believes on Him shall by no means be put to shame.''

2:7 所以祂在你们信的人是宝贵的,在那不信的人却是“匠人所弃的石头,已成了房角的头块石头,”

To you therefore who believe is the preciousness; but to the unbelieving, "The stone which the builders rejected, this has become the head of the corner,''

2:8 又是“绊脚的石头,并跌人的磐石。”他们既不信从,就在这话上绊跌,他们这样绊跌也是预定的。

And, "A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense''; who stumble at the word, being disobedient, to which also they were appointed.

2:9 惟有你们是蒙拣选的族类,是君尊的祭司体系,是圣别的国度,是买来作产业的子民,要叫你们宣扬那召你们出黑暗、入祂奇妙之光者的美德;

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people acquired for a possession, so that you may tell out the virtues of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

2:10 你们从前不是子民,现在却是神的子民;从前未曾蒙怜悯,现在却蒙了怜悯。

Who once were not a people but now are the people of God; who had not previously been shown mercy but have now been shown mercy.

2:11 亲爱的,我劝你们作客旅和寄居的,要禁戒属肉体的私欲,这私欲是与魂战斗的;

Beloved, I entreat you as strangers and sojourners to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul,

2:12 你们在外邦人中,要有佳美的品行,好叫他们在何事上毁谤你们是作恶者,就在何事上,由于亲眼看见你们的好行为,便在眷顾的日子荣耀神。

Having your manner of life excellent among the Gentiles, so that in the matter concerning which they speak against you as evildoers they may, by your good works, as they see them with their own eyes, glorify God in the day of His visitation.






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