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(每日读经5/4) 使徒行传 Acts 2.37-47 /附音频


Updated: May 3, 2024

使徒行传 2.37-47

2:37 众人听了,觉得扎心,就对彼得和其余的使徒说,诸位,弟兄们,我们当怎样行?

And when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and they said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, What should we do, brothers?

2:38 彼得对他们说,你们要悔改,各人要靠耶稣基督的名受浸,叫你们的罪得赦,就必领受所赐的圣灵。

And Peter said to them, Repent and each one of you be baptized upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

2:39 因为这应许是给你们和你们的儿女,并一切在远方,凡是主我们的神所召来的人。

For to you is the promise and to your children, and to all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God calls to Himself.

2:40 彼得还用许多别的话郑重的作见证,劝勉他们说,你们要得救,脱离这弯曲的世代。

And with many other words he solemnly testified and exhorted them, saying, Be saved from this crooked generation.

2:41 于是领受他话的人,就受了浸,那一天约添了三千人。

Those then who received his word were baptized, and there were added on that day about three thousand souls.

2:42 他们都坚定持续在使徒的教训和交通里,持续擘饼和祷告。

And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.

2:43 众人都起了敬畏,又有许多奇事神迹,藉着使徒行出来。

And fear was upon every soul; and many wonders and signs took place through the apostles.

2:44 信的人都在一处,凡物公用,

And all those who believed were together and had all things common;

2:45 并且卖了田产家业,照各人所需用的分给各人。

And they sold their properties and possessions and divided them to all, as anyone had need.

2:46 他们天天同心合意,坚定持续的在殿里,并且挨家挨户擘饼,存着欢跃单纯的心用饭,

And day by day, continuing steadfastly with one accord in the temple and breaking bread from house to house, they partook of their food with exultation and simplicity of heart,

2:47 赞美神,在众民面前有恩典。主将得救的人,天天和他们加在一起。

Praising God and having grace with all the people. And the Lord added together day by day those who were being saved.






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