27:57 到了黄昏,有一个从亚利马太来的财主,名叫约瑟,他也是耶稣的门徒。
And when evening fell, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Jesus.
27:58 这人到彼拉多跟前来,求耶稣的身体,彼拉多就吩咐给他。
This man came to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded that it be given to him.
27:59 约瑟取了身体,用洁净的细麻布裹好,
And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean, fine linen cloth.
27:60 安放在自己的新坟墓里,就是他凿在磐石里的。他又把大石头辊到坟墓门口,就去了。
And he laid it in his own new tomb, which he had hewn in the rock. And having rolled a great stone in front of the door of the tomb, he went away.
27:61 抹大拉的马利亚,和另一个马利亚,却在那里对着坟墓坐着。
And Mary the Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the grave.
27:62 次日,就是预备日的第二天,祭司长和法利赛人聚集到彼拉多那里,说,
On the next day, which is the day after the preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered unto Pilate,
27:63 大人,我们记得那迷惑人的还活着的时候曾说,三日后我要复活。
Saying, Sir, we have remembered that while He was still living, that deceiver said, After three days I will arise.
27:64 所以请吩咐人将坟墓把守妥当,直到第三日,免得祂的门徒来把祂偷去,就告诉百姓说,祂从死人中复活了。这样,那后来的迷惑,比先前的就更厉害了。
Therefore, give orders for the grave to be secured until the third day, lest His disciples come and steal Him away and say to the people, He has been raised from the dead. And the last deception will be worse than the first.
27:65 彼拉多对他们说,你们带着卫兵去吧,尽你们所能的把守妥当。
Pilate said to them, Take a guard. Go and make the tomb as secure as you know how.
27:66 他们就去,同着卫兵用印封了石头,将坟墓把守妥当。
And they went and secured the grave, sealing the stone, with the guard being there.