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(每日读经11/20) 士师记 Judges 5.19-31 /附音频


Updated: Nov 20, 2024

士师记 5.19-31

5:19 君王都来争战。那时迦南诸王在米吉多水旁的他纳争战,却未得掳掠银钱。

The kings came; they fought. At that time the kings of Canaan fought In Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; They took no gain of silver.

5:20 星宿从天上争战,从其轨道攻击西西拉。

From heaven the stars fought; From their courses they fought with Sisera.

5:21 基顺河,就是那基顺古河,把敌人冲没;我的魂哪,应当努力前行。

The river Kishon swept them away, The ancient river, the river Kishon. March on, O my soul, with strength!

5:22 那时马蹄顿跺,壮马腾跃。

At that time the horse hooves stamped With the prancing, the prancing of their mighty steeds.

5:23 耶和华的使者说,应当咒诅米罗斯,大大咒诅其中的居民;因为他们不来帮助耶和华,不来帮助耶和华攻击勇士。

Curse Meroz, says the Angel of Jehovah; Bitterly curse its inhabitants. For they did not come to the aid of Jehovah, To the aid of Jehovah against the mighty.

5:24 愿基尼人希百的妻子雅亿比众妇人多得福分,比住帐棚的众妇人更蒙福祉。

Blessed among women shall Jael be, The wife of Heber the Kenite; Blessed among the women in the tent shall she be.

5:25 西西拉求水,雅亿给他奶,用款待贵胄的盘子呈上奶酪。

He asked for water; she gave him milk. In a bowl for nobles she presented him with cream.

5:26 雅亿伸手拿着帐棚的橛子,伸右手拿着匠人的锤子,击打西西拉,打伤他的头,把他的鬓角打破穿通。

She put her hand to the tent peg, And her right hand to the workman's hammer; Then she struck Sisera; she smashed his head; Indeed she shattered and pierced his temples.

5:27 西西拉在她脚前曲身倒卧,在她脚前曲身仆倒;在那里曲身,就在那里仆倒灭亡。

At her feet he bowed; he fell; he lay down. At her feet he bowed; he fell. Where he bowed, there he fell, destroyed.

5:28 西西拉的母亲从窗户里往外观看,从窗棂中尖声呼叫说,他的战车为何耽延不来呢?他的车轮为何行得慢呢?

Through the window one looks forth and cries shrilly; The mother of Sisera, through the lattice: Why is his chariot so long in coming? Why do the tracks of his chariots delay?

5:29 她最聪明的宫女回答她,她也自言自语的说,

The wisest of her ladies answer her, And she herself returns an answer to herself:

5:30 他们莫非得掠物而分?每个壮士得了一两个女子?西西拉得了彩衣为掳物,得了绣花的彩衣为掠物;这一两件绣花的彩衣,乃是披在掳掠者颈项上的。

Have they not found and divided the spoil? A girl, two girls, to each mighty man. The spoil of dyed garments to Sisera, The spoil of embroidered, dyed garments; A dyed embroidery, two embroideries, For the neck of the spoiler.

5:31 耶和华阿,愿你的仇敌都这样灭亡。愿爱你的人如日头出现,光辉烈烈。这样,那地太平四十年。

May all Your enemies so perish, O Jehovah. But may those who love Him be like the sun When it rises in its might. And the land had rest forty years.






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