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(每日读经10/20) 约伯记 - Job 38.22-41

38:22 你曾进入雪库,或见过雹仓么?

Have you entered into the storehouses of the snow, Or have you seen the storehouses of the hail,

38:23 这雪雹乃是我为降灾的时候,为打仗和争战的日子所贮存的。

Which I have reserved for the day of calamity, For the day of battle and of war?

38:24 往光分开之处的路在那里?往东风在地上分散之处的路在那里?

Where is the way to the place where the light is divided, To the place where the east wind scatters upon the earth?

38:25 谁为大雨分水道,谁为雷电开道路,

Who cut a channel for the rain torrent, Or a way for the thunderbolt,

38:26 使雨降在无人之地,无人居住的旷野;

To make it rain on a land where no man is, On a wilderness in which there is no man;

38:27 使荒废凄凉之地得着灌溉,青草的嫩苗得以生长?

To satisfy the waste and desolate land And to cause the shoots of grass to sprout?

38:28 雨有父么?露水珠是谁生的?

Does the rain have a father? Or who begot the drops of dew?

38:29 冰出于谁的胎?天上的霜是谁生的?

From whose womb does the ice come forth? And the frost of heaven, who gave birth to it?

38:30 诸水隐藏,冻结如石头,深渊表面凝结成冰。

The waters hide themselves and become like stone, And the surface of the deep is frozen.

38:31 你能系住昴星的结,解开参星的带么?

Can you fasten the bands of the Pleiades, Or loosen the cords of Orion?

38:32 你能按时领出十二宫么?能引导北斗和随它的众星么?

Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season? Or can you guide the Bear with its cubs?

38:33 你知道天的定例么?能在地上建立天的管治么?

Do you know the laws of the heavens? Do you establish their rule on the earth?

38:34 你能向云彩扬起声来,使充沛的雨水遮盖你么?

Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, So that a flood of water would cover you?

38:35 你能打发闪电,叫闪电行去,并且对你说,我们在这里么?

Can you send forth lightnings, so that they would go And say to you, Here we are?

38:36 谁将智慧放在人的怀中,将聪明赐于人的心思?

Who has put wisdom in the inward parts, Or given understanding to the mind?

38:37 尘、土聚集成团,土块紧紧结连时,谁能用智慧数算云彩?谁能倾倒天上的水瓶?

Who can number the clouds by wisdom, Or who can tip over the water jars of heaven,


When the dust runs into a mass And the clods stick together?

38:39 狮、子在洞中蹲伏,在丛林里埋伏时,你能为母狮猎取食物,满足少壮狮子的食欲么?

Can you hunt prey for the lioness, Or satisfy the appetite of the young lions,


When they crouch in their dens, When they lie in wait in the thicket?

38:41 乌鸦之雏,因无食物飞来飞去,向神呼救时,谁为乌鸦预备食物?

Who provides for the raven its prey When its young ones cry out to God And wander about for lack of food?



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