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(每日读经 9/6) 以斯拉记 Ezra 6.1-22 /附音频


以斯拉记 6.1-22

6:1 于是大利乌王降旨,人就在巴比伦存放宝物的典籍库内寻查;

Then Darius the king made a decree, and search was made in the house of the archives, where the treasures were stored in Babylon.

6:2 在亚马他,在玛代省的宫内寻得一卷,其中有记录这样写着:

And a scroll was found at Achmetha, in the palace that is in the province of Media, and on it this was written as a record:

6:3 古列王元年,古列王降旨论到在耶路撒冷神的殿,要建造这殿为献祭之处,建立殿的根基;殿高六十肘,宽六十肘,

In the first year of King Cyrus, King Cyrus made a decree concerning the house of God at Jerusalem: Let the house be built, the place where they offer sacrifices; and let its foundations be raised, its height being sixty cubits, and its width sixty cubits,

6:4 用三层大石头,一层木头,经费由王库支付;

With three layers of large stones, and one layer of timber; and let the expenses be given out of the king's house.

6:5 并且神殿的金银器皿,就是尼布甲尼撒从耶路撒冷的殿中取出,带到巴比伦的,要归还带到耶路撒冷的殿中,各按原处放在神的殿里。

And also let the gold and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple which is in Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be returned and brought again to the temple which is in Jerusalem, to its place; and you shall put them in the house of God.

6:6 现在河西的总督达乃和示他波斯乃,并你们的同僚,就是在河西的官员,你们当远离那里。

Now therefore, Tattenai the governor beyond the River, Shethar-bozenai, and your companions the officials, in the province beyond the River, keep far away from there.

6:7 不要拦阻神这殿的工作,任凭犹大人的省长和犹大人的长老在原处建造神的这殿。

Leave the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God on its site.

6:8 我又降旨,论到你们向犹大人的这些长老,为建造神的这殿当怎样行,就是从王的资产,从河西的贡物中,给他们拨出充足的经费,免得工程停顿。

Moreover I make a decree concerning what you are to do for these elders of the Jews for the building of this house of God: From the property of the king, even the tribute of the province beyond the River, expenses are to be given in full to these men that the work not cease.

6:9 他们向天上的神献燔祭所需用的公牛犊、公绵羊、绵羊羔,并所用的麦子、盐、酒、油,都要照耶路撒冷祭司的话,每日供给他们,不得有误;

And whatever is needed, young bulls and rams and lambs, for burnt offerings to the God of heaven; also wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the word of the priests who are in Jerusalem, let it be given to them day by day without fail,

6:10 好叫他们献馨香的祭给天上的神,又为王和王众子的性命祷告。

That they may offer incense to the God of heaven and pray for the life of the king and his sons.

6:11 我再降旨,无论谁更改这命令,必从他房屋中拆出一根梁木,把他举起,钉在其上,并且因这缘故,使他的房屋成为粪堆。

Also I have made a decree that whoever alters this word, timber shall be pulled out from his house, and he shall be lifted up and impaled on it, and his house shall be made a dunghill on account of this.

6:12 若有任何王和民伸手更改这命令,拆毁在耶路撒冷神的这殿,愿那使自己的名居住在那里的神将他们灭绝。我大利乌降旨,当彻底迅速的遵行。

And may the God who has caused His name to dwell there overthrow any king or people who put forth their hand to alter this or to destroy this house of God, which is in Jerusalem. I, Darius, have made a decree; let it be carried out with all diligence.

6:13 于是,河西总督达乃和示他波斯乃,并他们的同僚,就照着大利乌王所降的谕旨,彻底迅速的遵行。

Then Tattenai the governor beyond the River, Shethar-bozenai, and their companions, carried out everything with all diligence according to what Darius the king had sent order to do.

6:14 犹大长老因申言者哈该、和易多的孙子撒迦利亚的申言,就建造这殿,凡事亨通。他们照着以色列神的命令和波斯王古列、大利乌、亚达薛西的旨意,建造完毕。

And the elders of the Jews built, and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they finished building according to the command of the God of Israel and according to the decree of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes the king of Persia.

6:15 大利乌王在位第六年,亚达月初三日,这殿完成了。

And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king.

6:16 以色列人、祭司、利未人、并其余被掳归回的人都欢欢喜喜的行奉献神这殿的礼。

And the children of Israel, the priests, and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity, celebrated the dedication of this house of God with joy.

6:17 他们行奉献神这殿的礼,献公牛一百只、公绵羊二百只、绵羊羔四百只,又照以色列支派的数目献公山羊十二只,为以色列众人作赎罪祭;

And they offered for the dedication of this house of God one hundred bulls, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and for a sin offering for all Israel, twelve male goats according to the number of the tribes of Israel.

6:18 且派立祭司按着组别,利未人按着班次,在耶路撒冷事奉神,是照摩西书上所写的。

And they set the priests in their courses and the Levites in their divisions for the service of God, which is in Jerusalem, as it is written in the book of Moses.

6:19 正月十四日,被掳归回的人守逾越节。

And the children of the captivity held the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month.

6:20 原来,祭司和利未人一同自洁,全都洁净了。利未人为被掳归回的众人和他们的弟兄众祭司,并为自己宰逾越节的羊羔。

For the priests and the Levites had purified themselves together; all of them were pure. Then they slaughtered the passover for all the children of the captivity and for their brothers the priests and for themselves.

6:21 被掳归回的以色列人,和一切从那地外邦人的污秽中把自己分别出来,归附他们,要寻求耶和华以色列神的人,都吃这羊羔,

And the children of Israel who returned from the captivity and all who had separated themselves from the defilement of the nations of the land to join them, to seek Jehovah the God of Israel, ate the passover,

6:22 欢欢喜喜的守除酵节七日;因为耶和华使他们欢喜,又使亚述王的心转向他们,坚固他们的手,作以色列神殿的工程。

And held the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with joy; for Jehovah had made them joyful and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.






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