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(每日读经 9/30) 以赛亚书 Isaiah 5.1-7 /附音频


Updated: Sep 29, 2024

以赛亚书 5.1-7

5:1 我要歌唱我所亲爱的,唱我所爱者的歌,论到祂的葡萄园。我所亲爱的有葡萄园,在肥美的山冈上。

Let me sing of my Beloved, A song of my Beloved concerning His vineyard. My Beloved had a vineyard On a fertile hill.

5:2 祂刨挖园子,清除石头,栽种上等的葡萄树,又在园中盖了一座楼,凿出压酒池;指望结好葡萄,反倒结了野葡萄。

And He dug it up and cleared away its stones, And He planted it with the choicest vine. Then He built a tower in the middle of it, And hewed out a wine vat in it. And He looked for it to produce grapes, But it produced only wild grapes.

5:3 耶路撒冷的居民和犹大人哪,请你们现今在我与我的葡萄园之间,作个评断。

So then, you inhabitants of Jerusalem And you men of Judah, Judge between Me And My vineyard.

5:4 我为我的葡萄园,还可以作什么,是我没有作过的呢?我指望结好葡萄,怎么倒结了野葡萄呢?

What more could I have done for My vineyard That I have not already done for it? Why then, when I looked for it to produce grapes, Did it produce only wild grapes?

5:5 现在我告诉你们,我要向我的葡萄园怎样行:我必撤去它的篱笆,使它被吞灭;拆毁它的墙垣,使它被践踏。

And now I will make known to you What I will now do to My vineyard: I will remove its hedge, and it will be consumed; I will break down its wall, and it will become a trampled place.

5:6 我必使它荒废,不再修理,不再锄刨;荆棘蒺藜倒要生长。我也必命云不降雨在其上。

And I will make it a waste; It will not be pruned, nor will it be hoed; But thorns and thistles will come on it. And I will command the clouds Not to rain upon it.

5:7 原来万军之耶和华的葡萄园就是以色列家,祂所喜悦的树就是犹大人;祂指望的是公平,谁知倒有流血!指望的是公义,谁知倒有哀声!

For the vineyard of Jehovah of hosts is the house of Israel, And the men of Judah, the plant of His good pleasure; And He expected justice, but instead, bloodshed! He expected righteousness, but instead, an outcry of distress!






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