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(每日读经 9/11) 马太福音 Matthew 18.21-35 /附音频


马太福音 18.21-35

18:21 那时,彼得进前来,对耶稣说,主啊,我的弟兄得罪我,我当赦免他几次?到七次么?

Then Peter came and said to Him, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?

18:22 耶稣对他说,我不是对你说到七次,乃是到七十个七次。

Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, Up to seven times, but, Up to seventy times seven.

18:23 因此,诸天的国好比一个作君王的人,要和他的奴仆算账。

For this reason the kingdom of the heavens has become like a king who desired to settle accounts with his slaves.

18:24 才算的时候,有人带了一个欠一万他连得银子的来。

And when he began to settle them, one who owed him ten thousand talents was brought to him.

18:25 因为他没有什么可偿还的,主人吩咐把他和他的妻子儿女,并一切所有的都卖了来偿还。

But since he did not have the means to repay, the master commanded him to be sold, as well as his wife and children and all that he had, and repayment to be made.

18:26 那奴仆就俯伏拜他,说,宽容我,将来我都要还清。

Then the slave fell down and worshipped him, saying, Be patient with me and I will repay you all.

18:27 那奴仆的主人就动了慈心,把他释放,并且免了他的债。

And the master of that slave was moved with compassion and released him and forgave him the loan.

18:28 但那奴仆出来,遇见一个和他同作奴仆的,欠他一百银币,便揪住他,掐住他的喉咙,说,你所欠的,都要偿还。

But that slave went out and found one of his fellow slaves who owed him a hundred denarii, and he took hold of him and began to choke him, saying, Repay me what you owe.

18:29 那和他同作奴仆的,俯伏央求他说,宽容我,将来我必还你。

Then his fellow slave fell down and begged him, saying, Be patient with me and I will repay you.

18:30 他却不肯,竟去把他下在监里,等他还清所欠的债。

But he would not; instead, he went away and threw him into prison until he would repay what was owed.

18:31 那些和他同作奴仆的,看见所发生的事,就甚忧愁,去把一切所发生的事,都完全告诉他们的主人。

Then his fellow slaves, seeing what had taken place, were greatly grieved and came and explained fully to their master all that had taken place.

18:32 于是主人把他叫来,对他说,你这恶仆,因你央求我,我就把你一切所欠的都免了;

Then his master called him to him and said to him, Evil slave, all that debt I forgave you, because you begged me.

18:33 你岂不应当怜悯和你同作奴仆的,像我怜悯你么?

Should you not also have had mercy on your fellow slave even as I had mercy on you?

18:34 主人就大怒,把他交给掌刑的,直到他还清了一切所欠的债。

And his master became angry and delivered him to the torturers until he would repay all that was owed.

18:35 你们各人若不从心里赦免你的弟兄,我天父也要这样待你们了。

So also will My heavenly Father do to you if each of you does not forgive his brother from your hearts.






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