9:19 这样,你必对我说,祂为什么还指责人?有谁抗拒祂的旨意?
You will say to me then, Why does He still find fault? For who withstands His will?
9:20 人哪,你是谁,竟向神顶嘴?被塑造者岂能对塑造他者说,你为什么这样造我?
But rather, O man, who are you who answer back to God? Shall the thing molded say to him who molded it, Why did you make me thus?
9:21 窑匠难道没有权柄,从同一团泥里,拿一块作成贵重的器皿,又拿一块作成卑贱的器皿么?
Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?
9:22 若是神愿意显示祂的忿怒,彰显祂的能力,就多用恒忍宽容那些可怒、预备遭毁灭的器皿,
And what if God, wishing to demonstrate His wrath and make His power known, endured with much long-suffering vessels of wrath fitted for destruction,
9:23 且要在那些蒙怜悯、早预备得荣耀的器皿上,彰显祂荣耀的丰富;
In order that He might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He had before prepared unto glory,
9:24 这器皿就是我们这蒙祂所召的,不但从犹太人中,也从外邦人中,这有什么不可?
Even us, whom He has also called, not only from among the Jews but also from among the Gentiles?
9:25 就如神在何西阿书上也说,“那本来不是我子民的,我要称为我的子民;本来不是蒙爱的,我要称为蒙爱的;
As He also says in Hosea, "I will call those who were not My people My people, and her who was not beloved beloved;
9:26 从前在什么地方对他们说,你们不是我的子民,将来就在那里称他们为活神的儿子。”
And it shall be that in the place where it was said to them, You are not My people, there shall they be called sons of the living God.''
9:27 以赛亚指着以色列人喊着:“以色列子孙的数目虽如海沙,得救的不过是剩下的余数;
And Isaiah cries concerning Israel, "Though the number of the sons of Israel be like the sand of the sea, it is the remnant that shall be saved;
9:28 因为主要在地上实行祂的话,要将祂的话完成且截短。”
For the Lord will execute His word upon the earth, accomplishing it and cutting it short.''
9:29 又如以赛亚先前说过,“若不是万军之主给我们存留余种,我们早已成了所多玛,并像蛾摩拉的样子了。”
And as Isaiah has previously said, "Unless the Lord of hosts had left us a seed, we would have become like Sodom and been made like Gomorrah.''
9:30 这样,我们可说什么?那未曾追求义的外邦人,反得着了义,就是本于信的义。
What then shall we say? That the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have laid hold of righteousness, but a righteousness which is out of faith;
9:31 但那追求律法之义的以色列人,并未达到那律法。
But Israel, pursuing a law of righteousness, did not attain to that law.
9:32 这是为什么?因为不是本于信,而是本于行。他们正碰跌在那绊脚石上,
Why? Because they pursued it not out of faith, but as it were out of works. They stumbled at the stone of stumbling,
9:33 就如经上所记:“看哪,我在锡安放一块绊脚的石头,并跌人的磐石,信靠祂的,必不至于羞愧。”
As it is written, "Behold, I lay in Zion a stone of stumbling, a rock of offense, and he who believes on Him shall not be put to shame.''