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(每日读经 7/15) 以赛亚书 Isaiah 44.1-20 /附音频


Updated: Jul 14, 2024

以赛亚书 44.1-20

44:1 我的仆人雅各,我所拣选的以色列阿,现在你当听。

But now hear, O Jacob, My servant, And Israel, whom I have chosen.

44:2 造作你,又从母腹里就塑造你,并要帮助你的耶和华如此说,我的仆人雅各,我所拣选的耶书仑哪,不要害怕;

Thus says Jehovah your Maker And the One who formed you from the womb, who will help you, Do not fear, O Jacob, My servant, And Jeshurun whom I have chosen,

44:3 因为我要将水浇灌干渴之处,将河浇灌干旱之地;我要将我的灵浇灌你的后裔,将我的福浇灌你的子孙。

For I will pour water upon the thirsty land, And streams upon the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit upon your seed, And My blessing upon your offspring.

44:4 他们要在草中长起,像溪水旁的柳树。

They will spring up among the grass, Like poplars beside the flowing streams of water.

44:5 这个要说,我是属耶和华的;那个要以雅各的名自称;又一个要亲手写,我是属耶和华的,并要以以色列这名自称。

One will say, I am Jehovah's; Another will call himself by the name of Jacob; Another will write with his hand, I am Jehovah's; He will name himself with the name Israel.

44:6 耶和华以色列的王,以色列的救赎主万军之耶和华如此说,我是首先的,我是末后的,除我以外再没有神。

Thus says Jehovah the King of Israel, And his Redeemer, Jehovah of hosts, I am the First and I am the Last, And apart from Me there is no God.

44:7 自从我设立古时的民,谁能像我这样宣告?让他表明,并依次向我陈说。让他们将要来的事和必成的事说明。

And who can proclaim as I can? Then let him declare it and recount it in order for Me, Since I set forth the people of ancient times. Let them declare to them both the coming things And the things which will take place.

44:8 你们不要恐惧,也不要害怕。我岂不是从上古就说给你们听,指示了你们么?并且你们是我的见证人。除我以外,岂有神么?岂有别的磐石么?我不知道有那一个。

Do not tremble and do not be afraid. Have I not related to you from that time and declared it? And you are My witnesses. Is there a God besides Me? Or is there any other Rock? I do not know of any.

44:9 雕制偶像的,尽都虚空;他们所喜悦的,都无益处;他们的见证人无所看见,无所知晓,他们便觉羞愧。

All those who make idols are a waste. And the things they delight in will not profit them. And those who are witnesses for them do not see, And they do not know, that they may be put to shame.

44:10 谁制造神像,铸造无益的偶像?

Who has formed a god or cast an idol That is of no profit?

44:11 看哪,偶像的同伙都必羞愧,因为工匠不过是人。任他们众人聚会,任他们站立,任他们惧怕,一同羞愧。

Indeed, all those joined to him will be put to shame, For the craftsmen are only men. Let all of them be gathered together, let them stand up; Let them be afraid and be put to shame together.

44:12 铁匠磨利切割的工具,在火炭中操作,用锤打造偶像,用他有力的膀臂制作;但他也会饥饿无力,不喝水就发倦。

The ironsmith sharpens a cutting tool, And works over the coals, And forms the idol with hammers, And he works it with the strength of his arm. Yet he becomes hungry and has no strength; If he does not drink water, he faints.

44:13 木匠拉线,用笔画出样子;用刨子刨成形状,用圆尺画了模样;他仿照人的样式、人的俊美,将偶像造作而成,好住在房屋中。

The carpenter stretches out a line; He marks it out with a marking tool; He works it with planes, And marks it with a compass. He makes it according to the likeness of a man, Like the beautiful appearance of man, to dwell in a house.

44:14 有人预备为自己砍伐香柏树,或取柏树和橡树;他让树在树林中长得茁壮;他栽种白杨树,得雨水滋养。

Someone prepares to cut down cedars for himself, Or he takes a cypress or an oak; He lets it grow strong among the trees of the forest; He plants an ash, and the rain nourishes it.

44:15 这树,人可用以烧火;他自己取些烤火,又烧着烤饼;而且作神像跪拜,作雕制的偶像向它叩拜。

It is also something for a man to burn; He takes one of them and warms himself; He even kindles a fire and bakes bread. With the same he also makes a god and worships it; He makes it into a graven image and bows down before it.

44:16 他把一半烧在火中,用这一半烤肉吃,烤了肉,也吃饱了;又自己烤火,说,阿哈,我暖和了,我见火了。

Half of it he burns in a fire; Over this half he eats flesh, And he roasts a roast and is satisfied. He also warms himself and says, Ha! I am warm, I have seen fire.

44:17 他用剩下的作了一个神像,就是雕制的偶像;他向这偶像俯伏叩拜,祷告它说,求你拯救我,因你是我的神。

The rest of it he makes into a god, into his idol; He bows down to it and worships it And prays to it and says, Deliver me, for you are my god.

44:18 他们不知道,也不明白,因为耶和华遮住他们的眼,叫他们不能看见,塞住他们的心,叫他们不能明白。

They do not know, and they do not understand, For He has covered their eyes so that they cannot see, And their minds so that they cannot understand.

44:19 没有人心里醒悟,也没有人有知识或聪明,说,我曾把一半在火中烧了,在炭火上烤过饼;我也烤过肉吃。这剩下的,我岂要作成可憎的物么?我岂可向木块叩拜呢?

And no one considers in his heart, And there is no knowledge or understanding to say, I have burned half of it in the fire, And I have even baked bread over its coals; I have roasted flesh and eaten it. Then shall I make the rest of it into an abomination? Shall I fall down before a block of wood?

44:20 他以灰为食;他的心被迷惑,使他偏离正路;他不能救自己的魂;也不能说,我右手中岂不是有虚谎么?

He feeds on ashes; A deceived heart has led him astray; And he cannot deliver his soul; Nor does he say, Is this not a lie in my right hand?






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