4:1 有一个申言者门徒的妻子哀求以利沙说,你仆人我丈夫死了,他敬畏耶和华是你知道的。现在有债主来,要取我两个儿子作他的奴仆。
Now a certain woman from among the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared Jehovah. And the creditor has come to take my two children to himself as servants.
4:2 以利沙问她说,我可以为你作什么呢?你告诉我,你家里有什么?
And Elisha said to her, What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in your house? And she said, Your servant has nothing at all in the house, except a jar of oil.
4:3 她说,婢女家中除了一瓶油之外,没有什么。以利沙说,你去,到外面向你众邻舍借空器皿,不要少借;
And he said, Go and borrow vessels outside, from all your neighbors, empty vessels, and not just a few.
4:4 然后进屋里去,把自己和儿子关在门内,你要将油倒在所有的器皿里,倒满了的放在一边。
Then go in and shut the door behind you and your sons, and pour out into all those vessels; and each one you fill set aside.
4:5 于是妇人离开以利沙去了,把自己和儿子关在门内;儿子把器皿拿给她,她就倒油。
So she went away from him and shut the door behind herself and her sons; and they brought the vessels to her, and she poured out into them.
4:6 器皿都满了,她对儿子说,再给我拿器皿来。儿子说,再没有器皿了。油就止住了。
And when she had filled the vessels, she said to her son, Bring me another vessel. But he said to her, There is no other vessel. And the oil stopped.
4:7 妇人去告诉神人,神人说,你去卖油还债,所剩的,你和你儿子可以靠着度日。
And she went and told the man of God. And he said, Go and sell the oil, and pay your debt; and you and your sons can live off the rest.
4:8 一日,以利沙经过书念,在那里有一个大户的妇人,强留他吃饭。
And one day Elisha was passing through Shunem; and there was a wealthy woman there, who compelled him to have a meal. So whenever he passed through, he would turn aside and have a meal there.
4:9 此后,以利沙每从那里经过,就转进去吃饭。妇人对丈夫说,我看出那常从我们这里经过的是圣别的神人。
And she said to her husband, Now I know that this man who continually passes through unto us is a holy man of God.
4:10 我们可以为他盖一间小楼房,在其中安放床榻、桌子、椅子和灯,他来到我们这里,就可以进去歇息。
Let us make a little walled upper room and put a bed and a table and a chair and a lamp for him; and when he comes to us, he can turn aside there.
4:11 一日,以利沙来到那里,就进那楼躺卧。
Then one day he came there, and he turned aside into the upper room and lay down there.
4:12 以利沙对仆人基哈西说,你叫这书念妇人来。他就把妇人叫了来,妇人站在以利沙面前。
And he said to Gehazi his attendant, Call this Shunammite. And he called her, and she stood before him.
4:13 以利沙告诉仆人,你对她说,你既为我们费了许多心思,有什么可以为你作的呢?有什么要替你向王或元帅说的么?她回答说,我在我本民中安居无事。
And he said to him, Say to her, You have gone to all this trouble for us; what can be done for you? Should you be spoken of to the king or to the captain of the army? And she said, I dwell in the midst of my people.
4:14 以利沙对仆人说,究竟当为她作什么呢?基哈西说,她没有儿子,她丈夫也老了。
And he said, What then can be done for her? And Gehazi said, Indeed she has no son, and her husband is old.
4:15 以利沙说,再叫她来。于是基哈西叫了她来,她就站在门口。
Then he said, Call her. And he called her, and she stood at the door.
4:16 以利沙说,到明年这时候,你必抱一个儿子。她说,不会的,神人,我主阿,不要欺哄你的婢女。
And he said, At this time next year you shall embrace a son. And she said, No, my lord, O man of God, do not deceive your servant.
4:17 妇人果然怀孕,到了次年那时候,生了一个儿子,正如以利沙对她所说的。
And the woman conceived and bore a son at that time the next year, as Elisha had told her.