26:1 你进去得了耶和华你神所赐你为业之地,住在那里,
And when you enter the land which Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance, and you possess it and dwell in it,
26:2 就要将地里各种初熟的出产,就是从耶和华你神赐你的地上所收的,取些来盛在筐子里,往耶和华你神所选择给祂名居住的地方去,
You shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground which you shall bring from your land, which Jehovah your God is giving you, and you shall put it in a basket and go to the place where Jehovah your God will choose to cause His name to dwell.
26:3 见当时作祭司的,对他说,我今日向耶和华你的神表明,我已进入耶和华向我们列祖起誓要赐给我们的地。
And you shall go to the priest who is serving in those days and say to him, I declare to Jehovah your God today that I have entered the land which Jehovah swore to our fathers to give us.
26:4 祭司就要从你手里取过筐子来,放在耶和华你神的坛前。
And the priest shall take the basket from your hand and place it before the altar of Jehovah your God.
26:5 你要在耶和华你神面前回应说,我的祖先原是一个将亡的亚兰人,下到埃及寄居;他人口稀少,在那里却成了又大又强、人数众多的国。
And you shall respond and say before Jehovah your God, A perishing Aramaean was my father; and he went down to Egypt and sojourned there, few in number; and he became there a great and mighty and numerous nation.
26:6 埃及人恶待我们,苦害我们,将苦工加在我们身上。
And the Egyptians ill-treated us and afflicted us and put hard work upon us;
26:7 我们哀求耶和华我们列祖的神,耶和华听见了我们的声音,看见了我们所受的困苦、劳碌、欺压,
But we cried out to Jehovah, the God of our fathers, and Jehovah heard our voice, and saw our affliction and our labor and our oppression.
26:8 祂就用大能的手和伸出来的膀臂,并大而可畏的事与神迹奇事,领我们出了埃及,
And Jehovah brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and by great terror and by signs and wonders.
26:9 将我们领进这地方,把这流奶与蜜之地赐给我们。
And He has brought us to this place and has given us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.
26:10 耶和华阿,你看,现在我把你所赐给我地里初熟的出产奉了来。随后你要把筐子放在耶和华你神面前,在耶和华你的神面前下拜。
And now I have just brought the first of the fruit of the ground, which You, O Jehovah, have given me. And you shall place it before Jehovah your God and bow down before Jehovah your God.
26:11 你和利未人,并在你们中间寄居的,要因耶和华你神所赐你和你家的一切好处而欢乐。
And you and the Levite and the sojourner in your midst shall rejoice in all the good which Jehovah your God has given to you and to your household.