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(每日读经 10/5) 诗篇 Psalm 106.24-48 /附音频


Updated: Oct 4, 2024

诗篇 106.24-48

106:24 他们又藐视那可喜爱之地,不信祂的话;

Then they despised the pleasant land; They did not believe in His word;

106:25 反倒在自己帐棚内发怨言,不听耶和华的声音。

Rather they murmured in their tents; They did not listen to the voice of Jehovah.

106:26 所以祂对他们举手起誓,必叫他们倒在旷野,

Therefore He lifted up His hand and swore to them That He would make them fall in the wilderness,

106:27 叫他们的后裔倒在列国之中,分散在各地。

And that He would make their seed fall among the nations, And that He would disperse them among the lands.

106:28 他们又与巴力毗珥连合,且吃了祭死神的物。

Then they joined themselves to Baal-peor, And ate sacrifices offered to the dead.

106:29 这样,他们以所行的惹耶和华发怒,便有瘟疫爆发在他们中间。

Thus they provoked Him to anger by their actions, And the plague broke out among them.

106:30 那时非尼哈站起来干预,瘟疫才止息。

Then Phinehas stood up and intervened, And the plague was stayed;

106:31 那就算为他的义,世世代代直到永远。

And it has been accounted to him as righteousness From generation to generation unto eternity.

106:32 他们在米利巴水又叫耶和华发怒,甚至摩西也因他们受了亏损;

Then they angered Him at the waters of Meribah, So that it went ill with Moses on account of them;

106:33 是因他们违背祂的灵;摩西用嘴说了急躁的话。

For they rebelled against His Spirit, And he spoke rashly with his lips.

106:34 他们不照耶和华所吩咐的,灭绝外邦民,

They did not destroy the peoples, As Jehovah had commanded them;

106:35 反与他们混杂相合,学习他们的行为,

But they mingled themselves with the nations And learned their practices.

106:36 事奉他们的偶像;这就成了自己的网罗。

And they served their idols, Which became a snare to them.

106:37 他们又把自己的儿女献给鬼魔为祭物,

They also sacrificed their sons And their daughters to demons,

106:38 流无辜人的血,就是自己儿女的血,把他们献给迦南的偶像为祭物;那地就被血污秽了。

And poured out innocent blood, The blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; And the land was polluted with bloodshed.

106:39 这样,他们被自己所作的污秽了,在行为上犯了邪淫。

Thus they were defiled by their practices, And went about as harlots by their actions.

106:40 耶和华向祂的百姓发怒,憎恶祂的产业。

And the anger of Jehovah was kindled against His people, And He abhorred His inheritance.

106:41 祂将他们交在外邦人的手里:恨他们的人就辖制他们,

And He gave them over into the hand of the nations: And those who hated them ruled over them,

106:42 他们的仇敌也欺压他们,他们就伏在那些人手下。

And their enemies oppressed them, And they were subdued under their hand.

106:43 祂屡次搭救他们,他们却设谋悖逆,就因自己的罪孽降为卑下。

Many times He delivered them, But they were rebellious in their counsel, And they were brought low in their iniquity.

106:44 然而祂听见他们呼求的时候,就看顾他们的急难;

Yet He regarded their distress When He heard their cry,

106:45 为他们的缘故记念祂的约,照祂丰盛的慈爱后悔;

And for their sake He remembered His covenant, And repented according to the multitude of His acts of lovingkindness;

106:46 祂也使他们在一切掳掠他们的人面前蒙怜恤。

And He caused them to find compassion With all their captors.

106:47 耶和华我们的神阿,求你拯救我们,从外邦中招聚我们,我们好称谢你的圣名,以赞美你为夸耀。

Save us, O Jehovah our God; And gather us out of the nations, That we may give thanks to Your holy name, That we may glory in Your praise.

106:48 耶和华以色列的神,从亘古直到永远,是当受颂赞的。愿众民都说,阿们。阿利路亚。

Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, From eternity to eternity. And let all the people say, Amen. Hallelujah.






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