80:1 领约瑟如领羊群之以色列的牧者阿,求你侧耳听;坐在二基路伯之间的阿,求你发出光来。
O Shepherd of Israel, give ear, You who lead Joseph like a flock; You who sit between the cherubim, shine forth.
80:2 求你在以法莲、便雅悯、玛拿西前面施展你的大能,来救我们。
Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh Stir up Your might, And come to save us.
80:3 神阿,求你恢复我们,使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。
O God, restore us; And cause Your face to shine, and we will be saved.
80:4 耶和华万军之神阿,你向你百姓的祷告发怒,要到几时呢?
O Jehovah God of hosts, How long will You fume Against the prayer of Your people?
80:5 你以眼泪当食物给他们吃,又多量出眼泪给他们喝。
You have fed them with the bread of tears And have made them drink tears in large measure.
80:6 你使邻国因我们纷争;我们的仇敌在他们中间戏笑我们。
You have made us a cause of strife to our neighbors, And our enemies deride us among themselves.
80:7 万军之神阿,求你恢复我们,使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。
O God of hosts, restore us; And cause Your face to shine, and we will be saved.
80:8 你从埃及挪出一棵葡萄树,赶出外邦人,把这树栽上。
You brought a vine out of Egypt; You drove out nations and planted it;
80:9 你在这树前预备了地方,它就深深扎根,爬满了地。
You cleared the ground before it, And it took deep root and filled the land.
80:10 它的影子遮满了山,枝子好像神的香柏树。
The mountains were covered with its shadow, And its boughs were like the cedars of God.
80:11 它发出枝子,直到大海,发出嫩枝,直到大河。
It put forth its branches unto the sea, And its shoots unto the River.
80:12 你为何拆毁这树的篱笆,任凭一切过路的人摘取?
Why have You broken down its hedges, So that all who pass by on the way pluck it?
80:13 林中出来的野猪把它蹧蹋,野地的走兽拿它当食物。
The boar from the forest ravages it, And that which moves through the field feeds on it.
80:14 万军之神阿,求你回转,从天上垂看鉴察,眷顾这葡萄树,
O God of hosts, turn, we beseech You; Look down from heaven and see, And visit this vine,
80:15 就是你右手所栽的枝干,和你为自己所坚固的枝子。
Even the stock which Your right hand has planted And the son whom You have strengthened for Yourself.
80:16 这树已经被火焚烧,被刀砍伐;他们因你脸上所显的斥责灭亡了。
It is burned with fire; it is cut down; They perish at the rebuke of Your countenance.
80:17 愿你的手护庇你右边的人,就是你为自己所坚固的人子。
Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand, Upon the son of man whom You have strengthened for Yourself;
80:18 这样,我们便不退后离开你;求你救活我们,我们就要呼求你的名。
Then we will not turn back from You. Revive us, and we will call upon Your name.
80:19 耶和华万军之神阿,求你恢复我们,使你的脸发光,我们便要得救。
O Jehovah God of hosts, restore us; Cause Your face to shine, and we will be saved.