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*更多内容,请关注 thedoorofsheep.com/儿童晚祷
Naming the Stars
Jack and Parker are putting stars on the bedroom ceiling.If you could name a star, what would you name it? God made all stars that you see in the sky. He made more stars that are so far away you can't see them! He tells the stars to come out every night. And he has given each star its very own name. If God cares that much about stars, just think how much he cares about you!
My Bible Verse
The Lord causes the stars to come out at night one by one. He gives each one of them a name. -Isaiah 40:26
你们向高处举目,看谁创造了这万象,按数目将它们领出;祂一一称其名。因祂的权能,又因祂的大能大力,它们连一个都不缺。-以赛亚书 40:26
My Prayer
Oh, Lord, you put the stars up high to shine so bright in the nighttime sky.
