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儿童晚祷 | 神创造了一切 God Made Everything/附音频


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God Made Everything

Jack is thinking about how great and mighty God is. God created the giant mountains and the oceans that are very deep and very wide. He put the sun and clouds in the sky. He put the birds in the air and the fish in the sea. Everything God made shows us how great he is. Everything God made is wonderful. But the most wonderful thing God made is you! And you can praise God for being so great.



My Bible Verse
Praise the Lord, everything he has created, everywhere in his kingdom. As for me, I, too, will praise the Lord. Psalm 103:22
你们一切被祂造的,在祂所治理的各处,都要颂赞耶和华。我的魂哪,你要颂赞耶和华。-诗篇 103:22
My Prayer
Lord, I want to give you praise for all your great and might ways.



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