英文环境 1) 听英文 2)长辈读中文 3)一起祷告
中文环境 1) 长辈读中文 2)听英文 3)一起祷告时间 大约五分钟。
*更多内容,请关注 thedoorofsheep.com/儿童晚祷
Great Things
How can you tell that the children in this picture are happy? How do you show that you are happy? God does wonderful things for us that give us a special kind of happiness called joy. He gives you a place to live and people to love you. He gives you food and water. He gives you toys and helps you talk and sing and laugh. So be happy and be filled with joy! What other great things has God given you?
你怎么能看出这幅画中的孩子是快乐的?你怎么知道你自己是快乐的?神为我们做了一些奇妙的事,给了我们一种特别的快乐,叫喜乐。祂给你一个可居住的地方和一些爱你的人。祂给你食物和水。祂给你玩具,帮你说唱笑。所以要快乐,要充满喜乐! 神还给了你哪些好东西?
My Bible Verse
Te Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. -Psalm 126:3
My Prayer
Dear God, you give me everything - like food to eat and songs to sing.
