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儿童晚祷 | 大能的话 Powerful Words /附音频


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中文环境 1) 长辈读中文 2)听英文 3)一起祷告时间 大约五分钟。

Powerful Words

Do you like to make things? When you build something, you use your hands, don't you? But look at the world God made. All he had to do to make it was talk! God is so powerful that whatever he says just happens. When God said,"Let there be light!" there was light. God created the whole world that way. He made the trees. He made the mountains. He made the oceans. And he made all the animals. He did it just by saying the words.


你喜欢做东西吗?你建造东西时,你要用你的手,不是吗?但看看神创造的世界。祂所要做的就是说话! 神是如此大有能力,以至于祂说什么就发生什么。神说,"要有光!" 就有了光。神以这种方式创造了整个世界。祂造了树木,祂造了群山,祂造了海洋,祂还造了所有的动物。仅仅通过说,祂就做到了这些。

My Bible Verse
The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created. He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. -Psalm 33:6 
诸天藉耶和华的命而造,万象藉他口中的气而成。-诗篇 33:6

My Prayer
Dear God, you're great! You said the words to make the mountains and the birds.
亲爱的神,你真伟大! 你说话就造了山造了鸟。



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