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*更多内容,请关注 thedoorofsheep.com/儿童晚祷
Bow Down and Worship
Kaitlyn is talking to Jesus, God's Son, who came to earth as baby. When he grew up, he did many miracles. Those were special things that only God's Son could do, like making sick people better. Then Jesus died on the cross for our sins so all who believe in him can go to heaven. He came back to life. Now he lives in heaven. Jesus is greater than any king. He is so special that all who hear his name must bow down and worship him, just like Kaitlyn.
My Bible Verse
At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth. -Philippians 2:10
叫天上的、地上的和地底下的,在耶稣的名里,万膝都要跪拜,-腓立比书 2:10
My Prayer
Jesus, it was for me that you came. I want to worship your holy name.
